Originally Posted by David Sklansky
If this is true than Democrats are idiots for not hammering on this rarely made point almost to the exclusion of all others
Meh. This fact isn't motivating to actual liberals because taking their payroll taxes for nothing isn't a good thing. It's injustice. And for conservatives, they don't actually care about the social security payments or the costs or whatever. That's just bull**** they make up to say instead of the fact that they don't want those people here because they aren't white. We've been through this for years with them. They absolutely don't care about the fact that most illegal immigrants pay payroll taxes and get nothing for them. The list of people who think that robbing the payroll taxes of undocumented immigrants is a convincing argument in favor of undocumented immigration is, like, apparently just you, because before tonight I thought it was no one.