Originally Posted by GMontag
The normal kind of obligation? You know, the kind of obligation that exists in the real world and not only in ridiculous counterarguments by ACists.
Can you give me an example? What is something that you are obliged to do that you dont have to do? What is a moral obligation you have that, if you dont do it, its ok?
Seriously, you have to realize that the word OBLIGATION implies that you actually have to do it, right? Stop saying you are morally obliged to help people, and just say it would be nice if you did, if thats what you meant.
1. something by which a person is bound or obliged to do certain things, and which arises out of a sense of duty or results from custom, law, etc.
2. something that is done or is to be done for such reasons: to fulfill one's obligations.
3. a binding promise, contract, sense of duty, etc.
1. required as a matter of obligation; mandatory: A reply is desirable but not obligatory.
2. incumbent or compulsory (usually fol. by on or upon): duties obligatory on all.
3. imposing moral or legal obligation; binding: an obligatory promise.
I'm not seeing "but hey if you dont feel like it or are currently busy" in there anywhere.