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Politics in Sweden is a mess, the world should know Politics in Sweden is a mess, the world should know

09-05-2010 , 06:55 AM
Any country that has average income tax rates of 50% has messed up politics for sure.
09-06-2010 , 12:26 AM
Just want to let anyone reading this thread know that DanteA isn't really telling the truth.

Ballot papers have been removed but this is obviously an act of individuals and not any serious organisation behind it.
SD are getting a lot of negative media and are even discriminated by some news organisations because of their policies, Danish officials have asked EU to send observers to oversee the election.

Of the 100,000 immigrants 18% is returning Swedes, if you add the other Scandinavian countries + European countries like Germany, Poland etc. we are up to 40% with the majority of those people moving because they got a job in Sweden.
So it's not like we receive 100,000 useless immigrants with no ambition to work at all even though SD and their supporters like to say so(not saying the remaining 60% are useless most of them come here looking for a better life and to work).

Also the Swedish population is declining if you take away the immigration which obviously isn't very good for a country and it's economy.

SD and their supporters are mostly uneducated, racists morons. With that said Sweden has failed to integrate immigrants from other cultures during the last 15-20 years and that have lead to that we now have ghettos and a much higher criminality.

Also we don't demand enough of immigrants and some of them abuse the system and just collect welfare + work of the books or turn to criminality (obv. some native Swedes does this as well).

Voting SD isn't the answer though...
09-06-2010 , 12:55 AM
Originally Posted by roblin
it's called SVT here and is the government's channel for communist propaganda.
"SVT, Sveriges Television (Swedish Television) is Sweden’s
public television broadcasting service

One of the intentions of a public broadcasting service is to give all citizens in a democratic country access to unbiased and comprehensive information in a variety of fields. That is why SVT broadcasts several genres of programme: entertainment, sports, news, drama, feature films, children’s
programmes, non-fiction, arts, current affairs, and documentaries."

"SVT is not state-owned; it is owned by an administrative foundation: Förvaltningsstiftelsen för Sveriges Radio AB, Sveriges Television AB and Sveriges Utbildningsradio AB."

Not having Fox news in Sweden should be considered a good thing.

lol@ppl actually saying that a declining population isn't a problem.
09-06-2010 , 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by DanteA
Well, thats the job they're getting. There's also a rumour that every guy from the middle east is a dentist, doctor or physician. I don't know the number but the ones coming here are far less educated then domestic swedes.
Im starting to think the "messed up politics" in Sweden that you refer to involves a lot of rational dialogue devoid of extreme xenophobia.
09-06-2010 , 02:41 AM
Originally Posted by TeeHeeICall
Any country that has average income tax rates of 50% has messed up politics for sure.
Income taxes are the sign that the country is strong and fair. The countries with the highest upper bracket taxes are the ones people move to - it is so obvious a child would know it.

Other than an abortion, the greenist thing you can do is to stop immigration. Swedes should breed and move to counties like Iraq, Iran, China, and Syria and show them how to run things. If you can't move to the countries that are allowing immigrants in who is being conquered?

Social Democrats of Sweden seem like the only ones not racist and not cowards. I am 1/2 Swedish living in the USA so I can tell you the facts. What kind of lazy person really cares if immigrants work or are good at school.
09-06-2010 , 01:50 PM
BTW I'm not Swedish. I'm from the UK. But immigration is an issue all over Europe which is why I entered the thread and I happen to think mass immigration means more for countries with low populations like Sweden than UK or France.
Originally Posted by Subterranean
why do you want swedish born brain surgeons instead of better immigrant brain surgeons?
Why would they be better? The swedes are more likely to keep their state sponsored skills in the country, though.
Originally Posted by jactobes
If however you are correct that there's only a fixed amount of work for unskilled labour then if there were a large number of immigrants then their unemployment would be high. This reduces the incentive for others to immigrate and provides an incentive for some to move elsewhere in search of work. Of course, if there's a huge incentive to be in Sweden and be unemployed, then your problem is not with immigration, it's with the benefit system, and this would also apply to the native born as well.
But while those benefits exist, countries that have them are going to be freeloader magnets. Scandanavians seem to have a huge parental responsibility complex like they have to shoudler the burden of all the woes associated with immigrants as this poster writes here:
Originally Posted by ICheckAndCall
SD and their supporters are mostly uneducated, racists morons. With that said Sweden has failed to integrate immigrants from other cultures during the last 15-20 years and that have lead to that we now have ghettos and a much higher criminality.
How is this the fault of the host nation? They don't want to integrate. You are always going to have Little Chinas and Little Mogadishus when you let in huge numbers in one go. The "it's all our fault" mentality of the swedes means they don't know how to deal with high ghetto crime. Also there aren't enough people in Sweden to deal with high crime levels. Not enough Swedes to police it considering the numbers are continuing to swell as will the crime. So they have to control immigration or crimes will have to go unpunished and hence worsen like in the countries the people are moving from.
Also we don't demand enough of immigrants and some of them abuse the system and just collect welfare + work of the books or turn to criminality (obv. some native Swedes does this as well).

Voting SD isn't the answer though...
Being selective is the answer. Apply those restrictions you would on an Australian or American to everybody.

I wouldn't expect high crime and freeloading from the Chinese, but if Little Mogadishu grows and grows, that's a different story.

For anyone who thinks that racist. is high crime and freeloading not expected from that area? Maybe the numbers should be increased because immigration is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.

And if it turns bad, it's the fault of the swedes for not doing enough, anyway.
09-06-2010 , 01:57 PM
Try to expand your views beyond "them" and "they".
09-06-2010 , 03:09 PM
Originally Posted by random hater
Why would they be better?
You said that some swedes wouldnt become brain surgeons, because they wouldnt be able to compete with the imigrants. It seemed like you thought this was a bad thing, i dont understand why
09-06-2010 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Subterranean
You said that some swedes wouldnt become brain surgeons, because they wouldnt be able to compete with the imigrants. It seemed like you thought this was a bad thing, i dont understand why
It's bad for the swedish children who don't get into the better schools and universities and wind up with lesser skilled and lower paid careers. It's probably close to neutral for the country, yet worse for a swede that has a family as their children have less prospects in the future. If you double the population and have twice as many brilliant people, you have twice the demand for brian surgery as well, so it's not like it adds to the quality of life for the average swede so it is neutral at best.
