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Politics low content thread Politics low content thread

11-28-2007 , 03:07 PM
Maybe someone else will click on it and let me know what it contains.
pvn family home videos ldo

Seriously, it's not a rickroll
That is exactly how I pictured you pvn
11-28-2007 , 03:19 PM
Maybe someone else will click on it and let me know what it contains.
pvn family home videos ldo

Seriously, it's not a rickroll
That is exactly how I pictured you pvn


I figured you would try to lead me astray, just as you do with your political arguments. I googled that link and found what I suspected. I guess you can't trust anyone around here. Heck, even vulture's four lovely daughters probably are already sending rickrolls to their pre-school friends via email.
11-28-2007 , 03:34 PM

Here is my guitar, I wish I used the time I spent playing this game to actually practice real guitar because I could probably be decent by now.
11-28-2007 , 07:07 PM
This thread is ably serving its stated purpose because this dog [censored] is as low content as it gets. Why don't you all just start posting youtube links to your home movies.


I want to click on that, I really do. I trust you more than most anyone here. But my heart has been broken before by so many rickrolls that my mouse finger freezes when the cursor hovers over that link. Maybe someone else will click on it and let me know what it contains.
I haven't seen a rickroll on this site in months. Of course, me saying this means someone's gonna do one now.
11-28-2007 , 09:04 PM
Wow, that is one awesome family. And I feel ashamed of myself for resenting four weeks worth of business trips in a row away from mine given that you were freakin deployed away from yours.
11-28-2007 , 09:13 PM
"If you choose by majority vote, of course the majority wins!"

I hope we get signatures back so that can be mine.
11-28-2007 , 09:14 PM
"If you choose by majority vote, of course the majority wins!"
That's like John Madden on politics.
11-28-2007 , 09:30 PM
This thread is ably serving its stated purpose because this dog [censored] is as low content as it gets. Why don't you all just start posting youtube links to your home movies.
I love the posture he assumes right off the bat.
11-28-2007 , 09:44 PM
"If you choose by majority vote, BOOM! of course the majority wins!"
That's like John Madden on politics.
11-29-2007 , 01:09 AM
Could that guy become the new poster boy for anarchism? You guys should stop idolizing that filthy statist Ron Paul and get on the Toyama Koichi train.
11-29-2007 , 02:02 AM
"If you choose by majority vote, BOOM! of course the majority wins!"
That's like John Madden on politics.
Best FYP evar.
11-29-2007 , 02:59 AM
Wow, that is one awesome family. And I feel ashamed of myself for resenting four weeks worth of business trips in a row away from mine given that you were freakin deployed away from yours.

Thanks. And you shouldnt be ashamed. I wouldnt think much of you if you didnt feel that way to be honest. A father who doesnt feel bad about being away from his family for an extended period of time doesnt strike as the greatest of father. Being away definitely sucks, but they deal well with it. I got to be at 3 of the 4 births, which is pretty good for a Navy guy.
11-29-2007 , 04:13 AM
This thread is ably serving its stated purpose because this dog [censored] is as low content as it gets. Why don't you all just start posting youtube links to your home movies.
I love the posture he assumes right off the bat.
lol, I laughed right when he did it.
11-29-2007 , 07:51 AM
Your daughters need a brother . Nice, thanks for posting.
11-29-2007 , 01:55 PM
11-30-2007 , 03:31 PM

I will be flying down to Vegas on Sunday and will be there until the 13th. PM if youd like to get together for a drink or dinner or some time at the tables. I will also be there for roughly the first two weeks of February as well.
12-04-2007 , 11:39 PM

Anticipate this will be the newest member of the adios household.
12-04-2007 , 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by adios

Anticipate this will be the newest member of the adios household.
I asked this a while back and might have missed the answer, but did you send dog spooge to france?
12-07-2007 , 02:29 AM
When quoting a post, PLEASE USE THE QUOTE BUTTON, do not just copy and paste into a blank reply box, and PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THE REFERENCE TO THE QUOTED POST NUMBER.

If you do this it's impossible to figure out who you're replying to.
12-07-2007 , 12:09 PM
lol yeah PVN, saw your post in ATF and I thought, "wow, I do that all the time." Sometimes it's a pain when you only want to qoute one line.
12-07-2007 , 12:20 PM
I'm walking through the dayroom several days ago, and I'm approached by an inmate who tells me that another inmate, whom we'll call "Johnson" has injured himself shaving.

Well, I approach Johnson, ask him if he's ok, he tells me he's fine. I asked him if he's injured, and he blushes for a second, then confirms he is injured. I ask what happened, he informs me that he was sitting on the toilet, shaving his balls, when someone startled him.

Johnson at this point has a gash across his balls that is bleeding rather slowly. I visually confirm (against my wishes) then escort him to the infirmary.

Once there, Johnson discovers that a female is working today, and no men are on call, so he refuses medical treatment and asks for a band-aid.

I provide Johnson with a band-aid, and some Hydrogen Peroxide, and hear him screaming several moments later.

I visually inspect the wound, decide no further care is needed, and go about my business.

This afternoon, as I begin my tour of duty, I notice "Johnson" is on the med-call list. I go to get him, and realize he is incapable of walking on his own, so I call a medic to bring a stretcher up.

Johnson is then transported to our state medical prison for further care.

That's the story of how Inmate Johnson cut his balls and had to get stitches.

Thats LC, OT, and just plain horrible posting.

Ship it.
12-07-2007 , 12:32 PM

You are not being paid enough.
12-07-2007 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by ElliotR

You are not being paid enough.
LOL, the fact that you have no idea what I make and still feel confident enough to say that means alot to me.
12-09-2007 , 01:28 PM
A Eulogy for a Great Ride.....

Today is a sad, somber day. Today, at approximately 1100hrs, I lost a dear friend. She was a great partner, a wonderful friend, and a great ride.

She was my 1987 IROC-Z Camaro. When she became mine, the year was 2001. She was a cougar, a CILF, in the prime of her years.

She had 98,000 miles back then. I've given her some plastic surgery, we've been through some hard times, but today came so unexpectedly.

201,816 miles. 2 Transmissions. 2 Engines... Countless tires. You were a great friend, you will be missed.


Goodbye old friend. You will be missed.
