But there's something you're missing; The self interest of the workers. The workers are working under management because it is in their self interest to do so.
This is a poor argument. Just because it's in their interest to do so doesn't mean the totalitarian nature of the typical business is justified. It was also in the self interest of chattel slaves to keep slaving away because of the dire consequences of rebelling. Self-interest doesn't get us anywhere.
They are not there out of force, out of coercion, they are there by their own choice and volition.
This is also a poor argument.
Voluntarism not enough. The fact that most people would rather work for a boss than starve to death/face dire poverty if there's some kind of a welfare state does not justify the authoritarian boss/wage laborer relationship.
Thus, they benefit from the arrangement, just as the employing managers do, as their role is driven by their own self interest.
Another poor argument. The fact that both sides benefit tells us nothing. The fact that a 12 year old may be extremely excited to work in a sweatshop for 15 cents an hour because now he may not starve to death does not justify the existence of sweatshops. It's true that the capitalist benefits because he gets to severely exploit the 12 year old and thus make lots of profits, and the 12 year old benefits because he gets to live, but so what. Only a psychopath or someone who is extremely indoctrinated would support that setup.