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please ELI5 please ELI5

11-10-2016 , 11:23 AM
Please ELI5 the following:
1) How can Hillary supporters be so quick to throw stones at Trump for many of the same charges (mistreatment of women, sexual harassment) as Bill, but ignore the fact that she is married to him? Are they saying that Bill has apologized and she has forgiven him? Or do they just not care?

2) Do Hillary supporters totally ignore the fact that she lied to the feds? Or do they think that she didn’t lie or it’s just part of politics?

3) Do Hillary supporters think it’s wrong that there was clear corruption in the DNC against Bernie Sanders? (Specifically related to leaking debate questions and the conspiracy against him with the DNC). Maybe I’m viewing it from my rose colored republican glasses, but it seems that has been totally ignored from her camp and the media.

4) How did Clinton’s aids get an immunity deal AND the laptops destroyed? What information did they provide? I thought that usually immunity deals were given out for providing information, but this seems like they got immunity for nothing.

To be completely transparent (if it wasn’t already obvious), I voted for Trump. With that being said, voted for him as the lesser of two evils. I don’t think he will be in office for the entire 4 years, but I also believe his ego is so big that he will have the best advisors, the best staff, and best cabinet possible. Best case really for me (and I’m a card carrying Republican), is for him to be sworn in, throw his middle finger up at America, and give the Presidency to Pence.

I’m not looking to get into a debate about who’s better, how crappy either candidate is, just looking for someone to play devils advocate to the above.

Last edited by Spota; 11-10-2016 at 11:24 AM. Reason: formatting
11-10-2016 , 11:31 AM
1) Actually saying you just grap woman by the pussy is a lot worse than being married to someone who allegedly did bad things to woman

2) The FBI cleared her after an investigation

3) I know nothing about corruption in the DNC

4) I have no idea how someone might get immunity
11-10-2016 , 11:43 AM
1) Actually saying you just grap woman by the pussy is a lot worse than being married to someone who allegedly did bad things to woman

So words are worse than actions? Really? And its not alleged when he admitted to it.

2) The FBI cleared her after an investigation
Fair enough.

3) I know nothing about corruption in the DNC
WikiLeaks were misinterpreted/inadmissible and Schultz resigned (at Obamas request) then was appointed by Clinton on her campaign? Quid pro quo is awesome.

4) I have no idea how someone might get immunity
11-10-2016 , 11:45 AM
responding to mr mmkey,

1)its okay for a married man who is the boss to engage in sexual acts with a subordinate in the office? i thought that was frowned upon these days?

2)fbi ran a sham investigation. they did not subpoena key data. they did not interview key witnesses. for example, they did not even review the server logs. hillary had her maid printing out top secret data and the fbi did not interview her maid. these are but a couple examples of many. the fbi completely discredited itself.
11-10-2016 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by Spota
1) Actually saying you just grap woman by the pussy is a lot worse than being married to someone who allegedly did bad things to woman

So words are worse than actions? Really? And its not alleged when he admitted to it.

2) The FBI cleared her after an investigation
Fair enough.

3) I know nothing about corruption in the DNC
WikiLeaks were misinterpreted/inadmissible and Schultz resigned (at Obamas request) then was appointed by Clinton on her campaign? Quid pro quo is awesome.

4) I have no idea how someone might get immunity
Source on Bill admitting rape?

on the Wikileaks things, it's still not clear how this is corruption.
11-10-2016 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by tomatoe
responding to mr mmkey,

1)its okay for a married man who is the boss to engage in sexual acts with a subordinate in the office? i thought that was frowned upon these days?

2)fbi ran a sham investigation. they did not subpoena key data. they did not interview key witnesses. for example, they did not even review the server logs. hillary had her maid printing out top secret data and the fbi did not interview her maid. these are but a couple examples of many. the fbi completely discredited itself.
1) Whether it's ok for someone to have consensual sex outside of a marriage is entirely up to the married couple to decide.

2) source?
11-10-2016 , 12:11 PM
2) ive followed the story closely for months now. there are many factual points in my comment. which specifically do you want a source on.
11-10-2016 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by Spota
3) Do Hillary supporters think it’s wrong that there was clear corruption in the DNC against Bernie Sanders? (Specifically related to leaking debate questions and the conspiracy against him with the DNC). Maybe I’m viewing it from my rose colored republican glasses, but it seems that has been totally ignored from her camp and the media.
parties should rig their primaries to exclude the wingnuts tbh. it's to the republicans lasting shame that they didnt stop trump from winning he nomination.

they should probably try to end up with someone more appealing than clinton tho.
11-10-2016 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by daca
parties should rig their primaries to exclude the wingnuts tbh. it's to the republicans lasting shame that they didnt stop trump from winning he nomination.

they should probably try to end up with someone more appealing than clinton tho.
so Sanders is a wingnut and they did the right thing to cheat him during the primaries... interesting take
11-10-2016 , 12:57 PM
Oh ****, a standalone JAQing off thread.
11-10-2016 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by hornbug
so Sanders is a wingnut and they did the right thing to cheat him during the primaries... interesting take
i dont think he was really cheated. they hardly did anything. but yes, the party establishments should have much more control. it's insane and dangerous that all you need is the votes of the country's most fanatic 5-10% on the right/left and then automatically have about a 50% shot at the presidency. it's a recipe for disaster.
11-10-2016 , 01:03 PM
1) Logic need not apply to politics.

2) Yes.

3) Nobody cares. The DNC can do whatever it wants. (Not even Bernie cared.)

4) The Justice System is not just.
11-10-2016 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by daca
parties should rig their primaries to exclude the wingnuts tbh. it's to the republicans lasting shame that they didnt stop trump from winning he nomination.

they should probably try to end up with someone more appealing than clinton tho.
yup its becoming an open secret that dems are the party of no-tolerance facists.
11-10-2016 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by Spota
1) Actually saying you just grap woman by the pussy is a lot worse than being married to someone who allegedly did bad things to woman

So words are worse than actions? Really? And its not alleged when he admitted to it.

2) The FBI cleared her after an investigation
Fair enough.

3) I know nothing about corruption in the DNC
WikiLeaks were misinterpreted/inadmissible and Schultz resigned (at Obamas request) then was appointed by Clinton on her campaign? Quid pro quo is awesome.

4) I have no idea how someone might get immunity
Safe to assume Trump wasn't lying to Billy Bush and grabbing women by the pussy without their consent is something he actually does (or did). All the women coming forward are a testament to that (unless you think they're all lying.)
11-10-2016 , 01:18 PM
Man I really though that Trump winning the election, at the very mother****ing least, would mean this stuff would end. It's one of the incredibly small handful of potentially positive things about the outcome.
11-10-2016 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by Lapidator

3) Nobody cares. The DNC can do whatever it wants. (Not even Bernie cared.)
considering the time he's spent in the house and senate to get things he cares about passed, he realizes throwing the party under the bus would not help.

that does not mean that in private he is not pissed at being cheated, don't assume he doesn't care
11-10-2016 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Spota
I don’t think he will be in office for the entire 4 years, but I also believe his ego is so big that he will have the best advisors, the best staff, and best cabinet possible.
Totally missed this lolworthy bit earlier, what leads you to think this is true? Did he do this with his campaign, or did he surround himself with sycophantic morons like Rudy Giuliani?

He had to be ****ing tricked out of picking Chris Christie as his VP FFS.
11-10-2016 , 02:03 PM
giuliani is sweet. he is pretty smart too. cant wait to have a real attorney in there not a corrupt stooge like lynch. after lynch is gone she will have more time to relax and visit bill to talk about their grandkids.
11-10-2016 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
Safe to assume Trump wasn't lying to Billy Bush and grabbing women by the pussy without their consent is something he actually does (or did). All the women coming forward are a testament to that (unless you think they're all lying.)
The hypocrisy of the left is mind blowing. If Trump did assault those women (and taking your Trump assumption and applying to Bill that all of his accusers were not all lying either), then Hillary still had him campaign for him? Pot meet kettle.

Originally Posted by otatop
Totally missed this lolworthy bit earlier, what leads you to think this is true? Did he do this with his campaign, or did he surround himself with sycophantic morons like Rudy Giuliani?

He had to be ****ing tricked out of picking Chris Christie as his VP FFS.
Again, not trying to debate who is better (or ****tier) but he was tricked by whom? An advisor? IDK honestly, but that makes my point that he puts himself in a position to succeed by surrounding himself with people who know what they are doing (because he clearly does not). Yes, obviously his ego is HUGE, and that is why I think he will not fail. At least I hope.

Admittedly, I don't know what Giuliani's shortcomings are, so I cannot comment on those.
11-10-2016 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by LFS
Man I really though that Trump winning the election, at the very mother****ing least, would mean this stuff would end. It's one of the incredibly small handful of potentially positive things about the outcome.
My mistake for starting this thread. Lock it up if you want. Was hoping to have an open, intelligent conversation. Apparently I came to the wrong forum.

(still would like an explanation to #4, cause I have not seen one on any medium)
11-10-2016 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by Spota
The hypocrisy of the left is mind blowing. If Trump did assault those women (and taking your Trump assumption and applying to Bill that all of his accusers were not all lying either), then Hillary still had him campaign for him? Pot meet kettle.

Again, not trying to debate who is better (or ****tier) but he was tricked by whom? An advisor? IDK honestly, but that makes my point that he puts himself in a position to succeed by surrounding himself with people who know what they are doing (because he clearly does not). Yes, obviously his ego is HUGE, and that is why I think he will not fail. At least I hope.

Admittedly, I don't know what Giuliani's shortcomings are, so I cannot comment on those.
Bill wasn't running for prez. It sounds like you're saying Hillary had to divorce and distance herself from her husband to have credibility.
11-10-2016 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by Spota
My mistake for starting this thread. Lock it up if you want. Was hoping to have an open, intelligent conversation. Apparently I came to the wrong forum.

(still would like an explanation to #4, cause I have not seen one on any medium)
Your op was just a collection of shots fired at Hillary supporters. Surprising you thought you'd get fulfilling answers to (arguably) loaded questions.
11-10-2016 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by Spota
Again, not trying to debate who is better (or ****tier) but he was tricked by whom? An advisor? IDK honestly, but that makes my point that he puts himself in a position to succeed by surrounding himself with people who know what they are doing (because he clearly does not). Yes, obviously his ego is HUGE, and that is why I think he will not fail. At least I hope.
The point is he didn't listen to their great advice, they had to force it on him. The people he's choosing now for roles in his administration most likely won't be able to force him to listen to them, so even if they're super awesome and give great advice we have to hope he decides to take their input on something instead of just rolling with whatever he feels like doing. That's pretty scary, especially considering Trump has zero foreign policy experience and a seemingly small understanding of foreign policy in general. He said he'd attack other country's boats during the second (I think?) debate and insisted that there was no way that attack would lead to war for example.

tl;dr A President shouldn't have to rely on the people he surrounds himself with to make competent decisions.
11-10-2016 , 02:56 PM
I am not going to address most of your points because I think Hilary was very flawed even though I voted her.

I will address your last point with regards to a Trump presidency. When have you ever met someone with a huge ego give up power?
11-10-2016 , 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by hornbug
considering the time he's spent in the house and senate to get things he cares about passed, he realizes throwing the party under the bus would not help.

that does not mean that in private he is not pissed at being cheated, don't assume he doesn't care
It appears to me that Bernie was perfectly happy with how things turned out.

I hear he's building a commune for Syrian refugees on the shores of Lake Champlain. There will also be a school dedicated to the teachings of Leon Trotsky.

I'm sure his campaign committee had nothing to do with the purchase.

Bernie Sanders does not like fancy-schmancy things. He isn’t a huge fan of gazillionaires, tuxedos or any of the highfalutin trappings of society’s economic ills. This, of course, made him a hero among the country’s growing socialist movement. So when news came that the former presidential candidate bought a $575,000 vacation home for his family, the hypocrisy police were ready to pounce in all caps.

The Sanders family’s “new waterfront crib has four bedrooms and 500 feet of Lake Champlain beachfront,” according to the Vermont newspaper Seven Days, which broke the news on Monday. Sanders’s spokesman, Michael Briggs, told us the home is 1,800 square feet (hardly a mansion). Jane O’Meara Sanders, the senator’s wife, said she had “always hoped” to buy a home in the area, which has more of a country village vibe than Hamptons feel.
