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Parkland Kids: Is this time really different? March For Our Lives Parkland Kids: Is this time really different? March For Our Lives

04-27-2018 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
So you'd be happy with a knife and a large lump of metal at home to protect yourself against intruders with, and there's no need for a gun? Good, you agree with everyone else here.
Those were examples from periods in time...

Whether its cave paintings, a tablet, a quill, a printing press, a type writer, or a computer....

Do you get it now?
04-27-2018 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
I didn't say it was in the bill of rights and thus its a civil liberty. You get that, right? I said there are civil liberties in there that shouldn't be taken away. Do you see the difference?

Gun ownership is not an essential civil liberty.

Originally Posted by General Tsao
To gun owners, NRA members, etc, gun ownership is about self defense.
Not really. To some it might be but those people are deluded anyway. Also, who cares what they think?

Originally Posted by General Tsao
Self defense is the basic human right.
I already told you, we're talking about guns. Stay on topic.

Originally Posted by General Tsao
Those were examples from periods in time...

Whether its cave paintings, a tablet, a quill, a printing press, a type writer, or a computer....

Do you get it now?
What if I want to express my free speech by making bullet holes in you in the pattern of words?

Seems like it's protected by both the 1st AND 2nd Amendments so I should be good right?
04-27-2018 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by TiltedDonkey

Gun ownership is not an essential civil liberty.

Not really. To some it might be but those people are deluded anyway. Also, who cares what they think?

I already told you, we're talking about guns. Stay on topic.
Sorry, self defense and gun ownership is on topic, simply for the fact that as a gun owner, I say it is. But also, there's really no delusion given that guns are used in self defense way more than they are used to murder people.
04-27-2018 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by TiltedDonkey

Gun ownership is not an essential civil liberty.

Not really. To some it might be but those people are deluded anyway. Also, who cares what they think?

I already told you, we're talking about guns. Stay on topic.

What if I want to express my free speech by making bullet holes in you in the pattern of words?

Seems like it's protected by both the 1st AND 2nd Amendments so I should be good right?
Yeah, you're real good. Charming, again! Boy, you gun grabbers are a violent group huh?
04-27-2018 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
Sorry, self defense and gun ownership is on topic, simply for the fact that as a gun owner, I say it is.
No it isn't.

Originally Posted by General Tsao
But also, there's really no delusion given that guns are used in self defense way more than they are used to murder people.
04-27-2018 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
It's (legitimately) fascinating that to me the reason why someone would join the NRA after Parkland is crystal clear, but seemingly unfathomable to you. Guess we all (my self included) live in our bubbles still.

Reason for joining is the same reason anyone joins the NRA - to give them financial support and membership numbers support so they can continue to try and defend what I and other members view as civil liberties, which are and continue to be under attack since Parkland.

Wait, what? You think the NRA cares about civil liberties? Oh lordy they got you.

I know it doesn't matter to you but the NRA cares about one thing and one thing only. Money. It's that simple. And they suckered you into giving your money to them.

There are numerous 2nd Amendment organizations out there that care about your civil liberties. You obviously couldn't give 2 ****s to research this but got a hard on sending the NRA money. Congrats bro. You've been played.
04-27-2018 , 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
Yeah, you're real good. Charming, again! Boy, you gun grabbers are a violent group huh?
But by your logic it should be fine...
04-27-2018 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
Sorry, self defense and gun ownership is on topic, simply for the fact that as a gun owner, I say it is. But also, there's really no delusion given that guns are used in self defense way more than they are used to murder people.
Originally Posted by TiltedDonkey
No it isn't.

not sure I follow. How is self defense not on topic when guns are used for self defense?

Originally Posted by Matty Lice
Wait, what? You think the NRA cares about civil liberties? Oh lordy they got you.

I know it doesn't matter to you but the NRA cares about one thing and one thing only. Money. It's that simple. And they suckered you into giving your money to them.

There are numerous 2nd Amendment organizations out there that care about your civil liberties. You obviously couldn't give 2 ****s to research this but got a hard on sending the NRA money. Congrats bro. You've been played.

So...the NRA gets involved in legal battles for people whose civil liberties have been violated all as part of the ruse?! Damn them, clever. There are numerous other 2nd amendment orgs....none of them are good - do your research "bro".
04-27-2018 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
2nd amendment orgs....none of them are good - do your research "bro".
Fighting for bad things makes you bad.
04-27-2018 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
But also, there's really no delusion given that guns are used in self defense way more than they are used to murder people.
Uh, you pretty much have to count scenarios where a gun was used but not the least bit necessary, or where just feeling happy that you have a gun is a counted as a use.
04-27-2018 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
Those were examples from periods in time...

Whether its cave paintings, a tablet, a quill, a printing press, a type writer, or a computer....

Do you get it now?
I get that the examples of defensive weapons I gave aren't capable of killing large numbers of people in a short space of time, yes (in fact most civilised countries have banned all gun ownership for most of their people, but then again most civilised countries see the myth of the cowboy as an entertaining caricature, not as something that should be aspired to).

Do you see the difference and do you get why your hallowed constitution has needed a serious overhaul for decades?
04-27-2018 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Uh, you pretty much have to count scenarios where a gun was used but not the least bit necessary, or where just feeling happy that you have a gun is a counted as a use.
uh, where do you get that nonsense from?
04-27-2018 , 11:55 AM
If you're going to argue in favor of self defense rights you should probably have some evidence that gun ownership increases personal safety. Last I checked, statistics pretty strongly say otherwise.
04-27-2018 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
I get that the examples of defensive weapons I gave aren't capable of killing large numbers of people in a short space of time, yes. In fact most civilised countries have banned all gun ownership for most of their people.

Do you see the difference and do you get why your hallowed constitution has needed a serious overhaul for decades?
I don't care about the constitution, it's not the constitution that is important. We're talking past each other, I think because you are trying to be clever and it isn't working :/
04-27-2018 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
So...the NRA gets involved in legal battles for people whose civil liberties have been violated all as part of the ruse?! Damn them, clever. There are numerous other 2nd amendment orgs....none of them are good - do your research "bro".
Lol like I said, you don't give 2 ****s. You've being played. But go on, tell us more about how scary kids are trying to take your guns away. They coming to get them and only you giving money to the NRA will stop it!

Meanwhile....crazy Wayne chuckles as he cashes your check.
04-27-2018 , 11:59 AM
Why the **** did you post all your "pro gun" views in this thread?

There is another thread on gun control issues on the front page.

I think it is really vile that you chose to defile this thread with a long series of pro gun posts. If I were a mod of this forum I would excise those posts and give you an infraction.
04-27-2018 , 12:01 PM
General Tsao is a tough good guy with a gun.

04-27-2018 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by Matty Lice
Lol like I said, you don't give 2 ****s. You've being played. But go on, tell us more about how scary kids are trying to take your guns away. They coming to get them and only you giving money to the NRA will stop it!

Meanwhile....crazy Wayne chuckles as he cashes your check.
First of all - 100% there's an effort to take our guns away. Not by "scary kids" who are pretty much irrelevant to this political issue despite the thread title, but by the likes of Wookie and others who aren't even hiding their end goal anymore (they once were).

Secondly, again, guess the NRA supporting civil liberty cases is all just part of the ruse. Man, they really got me good.
04-27-2018 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
Sorry, self defense and gun ownership is on topic, simply for the fact that as a gun owner, I say it is. But also, there's really no delusion given that guns are used in self defense way more than they are used to murder people.
Where in the 2A does it mention self defense?
04-27-2018 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by whosnext
Why the **** did you post all your "pro gun" views in this thread?

There is another thread on gun control issues on the front page.

I think it is really vile that you chose to defile this thread with a long series of pro gun posts. If I were a mod of this forum I would excise those posts and give you an infraction.
what's this thread for?

why are there so many threads for the same ****? and no thread for north korea.

Does anyone even mod this forum?

Calm down, dude.
04-27-2018 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Where in the 2A does it mention self defense?
who gives a **** what the 2a says??? who are you talking to?

If you want to argue about the meaning of the constitution, go find a lawyer to chat with.
04-27-2018 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
First of all - 100% there's an effort to take our guns away. Not by "scary kids" who are pretty much irrelevant to this political issue despite the thread title, but by the likes of Wookie and others who aren't even hiding their end goal anymore (they once were).

Secondly, again, guess the NRA supporting civil liberty cases is all just part of the ruse. Man, they really got me good.
The NRA is Breitbart with money. They are a right wing activist group who happened to start as a hunting club. The only reason their is mention of taking away guns is because right wing gun nuts have been using that as the boogey man against modest, common sense gun control laws for so long they've radicalized the opposition who are now starting to agree with them that the only thing that makes sense is limiting what types of firearms are available to civilians.

I'm in favor of getting rid of all semi-automatic weapons and all magazine sizes greater than 8. That would allow hunters to continue their cultural hobby and protect society from the rash of mass slayings facilitated by military grade semi-automatic weapons in the hands of civilians.
04-27-2018 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by whosnext
Why the **** did you post all your "pro gun" views in this thread?

There is another thread on gun control issues on the front page.

I think it is really vile that you chose to defile this thread with a long series of pro gun posts. If I were a mod of this forum I would excise those posts and give you an infraction.
Wait what? It's functionally a gun thread.
04-27-2018 , 12:09 PM
Lol gun nuts now and forever. Just a constant stream of pure, unabated lunacy.
04-27-2018 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
who gives a **** what the 2a says??? who are you talking to?

If you want to argue about the meaning of the constitution, go find a lawyer to chat with.
So why bring up self defense in a conversation about 2A and gun control? Self defense is about the worst reason to have a gun, it would probably be THE worst reason if the NRA had allowed data about gun crimes to be recorded and studied.
