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***Official Ron Paul News/Media/Polls 2012 Thread--NOT FOR DEBATE*** ***Official Ron Paul News/Media/Polls 2012 Thread--NOT FOR DEBATE***

05-31-2012 , 12:25 PM
I hope moms is proud I really want a Hello Kitty camo backpack for my birfday.
05-31-2012 , 12:36 PM
Originally Posted by General Tsao

Also, big lol @ the guy who doesn't understand how markets work/value works/hasn't read anything written after 1800 calling me ignorant.
I wonder who that guy is? All I can see is that he is right, and you are quite foolish and simple minded. But again, OMG it's the 21st century! We know so much more now! Internet!

Funny the Constitution was founded upon writings that dated back over 2000 years prior. How dumb were those founding fools who went back 2000 years??! Those guys were 2000 years dumber! I would only have listened to input from whoever was chirping new theory in the late 1700s or else it'd be dated drivel!
05-31-2012 , 12:39 PM
Ummm we're using "valueless paper money" now regardless of what the Constitution says...So clearly it wasn't very effective?

BTW, those guys built on theory from 2000 years ago and improved it. Much as modern libertarians have improved the stuff written by Founding Fathers et al.
05-31-2012 , 04:41 PM
Not sure how I missed this article that details RP's candidacy as told by those that leave comments on the Time's website. Good fun for the haters.
05-31-2012 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by insidemanpoker
Sorry, but last I checked appearing on news channels like Rachel Maddow (who begged for him to come back on the show in recent months with no luck) was free. Try again...
Yeah, why are Romney and Obama spending a combined $2 billion dollars? Rachel Maddow is free imo.
06-03-2012 , 01:15 AM
louisiana state convention
06-03-2012 , 04:08 AM
RP campaign statement....cheated in Louisiana...please just run 3rd party as a big FU to the repubs

Ron Paul campaign statement about what just happened in Louisiana

Ron Paul Campaign Statement on Louisiana GOP Convention

National Campaign Manager John Tate condemns Shreveport event’s “unnecessary conflict” and applauds its “positive conclusion”

LAKE JACKSON, Texas – The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign released the following statement concerning the outcome of the Louisiana State Republican Convention. Below please find comments from National Campaign Manager John Tate:
“The Ron Paul campaign condemns the unfortunate activities that took place at the Louisiana Republican State Convention in Shreveport.
“However, we also wish to highlight and applaud the fact that the convention ended on a high note reflective of the cooperation all Republicans wish to see toward the mutual aim of defeating President Obama in the November general election.
“The unnecessary conflict, and positive conclusion as we understand it, transpired as follows.
“LAGOP officials ignored the vast majority of duly elected delegates and attempted to use illegally adopted rules to deny Ron Paul supporters an opportunity to attend the Republican National Convention in Tampa. Louisiana has 46 delegates. Five were pledged to Mitt Romney based on the March 23rd primary result and Rick Santorum received 10, meaning most delegates were contestable at the state convention.
“Delegates to the state convention were chosen at caucus meetings on April 28th. Ron Paul slates won four of six congressional district contests. Of the approximately 180 delegates attending the state convention, 113 voted to remove the LAGOP chairman when he failed to respond to requests for information and other motions from delegates. Nearly two-thirds of the delegates began physically moving their chairs, literally turning their back on the GOP chair appointed by the party hierarchy.
“In another instance, State Central Committeeman and Ron Paul supporter Henry Herford Jr. of Franklin Parrish was attacked by some security officials who didn’t realize that the body had voted out the previous chairman. Mr. Herford has a prosthetic hip and according to a doctor at the scene it appears as though the prosthetic was dislocated and may require replacement. The injury occurred as he was beginning to call to order the newly re-formed convention.
“In yet another instance, Ron Paul supporter Alex Helwig, Chairman of the Rules Committee who made the motion to remove the chair, was arrested by Shreveport police and released. During his brief detainment, some of his fingers were broken and when he returned to the event he was walking with aid of a cane.
“By 10:50 a.m. today, the newly formed convention completed its work. Newly-elected national delegates met with the Romney campaign’s Louisiana Chairman, Scott Sewell, who graciously said ‘that he supported the effort and would do everything he could to make sure the delegation was seated’ in Tampa.
“Despite the divisiveness that characterized the Louisiana state convention initially, we are thankful that the Paul and Romney campaigns took the high road to guarantee the enfranchisement of Republicans whose candidate preferences differ.
“Republicans of goodwill agree that following the spirited primary season, the general election presents us with an opportunity to defeat Obama and place the nation on a path to recovery.
“Our thoughts and prayers are with those who were injured at the convention. And, we thank all responsible convention participants for ending the day on a more unified note.”
06-03-2012 , 04:13 AM
Cops gon cop
06-05-2012 , 03:30 AM

The Ron Paul Revolution is determined to find every federal source that states that all delegates will be unbound. Up to this point, they have managed to find a Republican Party rule that supports free agents, Rule 38. However, that was not enough to satisfy themselves.

In more recent discoveries, they have found that 42 USC § 1971 - Voting Rights supports the claim that voters cannot be forced by anyone to vote for any candidate he or she does not favor.

“No person, whether acting under color of law or otherwise, shall intimidate, threaten, coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any other person for the purpose of interfering with the right of such other person to vote or to vote as he may choose, or of causing such other person to vote for, or not to vote for, any candidate for the office of President, Vice President, presidential elector, Member of the Senate, or Member of the House of Representatives, Delegates or Commissioners from the Territories or possessions, at any general, special, or primary election held solely or in part for the purpose of selecting or electing any such candidate." - 42 USC § 1971 - Voting Rights.

The response from the rest of the Republican Party was that this does not account for conventions or nominations. However, this latest finding will trump that claim. 11 CFR 100.2 - Election (2 U.S.C. 431(1)) clearly states that:

“Caucus or Convention. A caucus or convention of a political party is an election if the caucus or convention has the authority to select a nominee for federal office on behalf of that party.” - 11 CFR 100.2 - Election (2 U.S.C. 431(1)).

Federal law has the ability to trump all state laws as well as party rules. The Paul supporters now have two federal sources that support their claim that all delegates at the Republican National Convention are free agents. The challenge to the Paul supporters now is, can they alert all of the “bound” Paul supporting delegates?
06-05-2012 , 07:34 PM
I just want to see some chaos.
06-05-2012 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by m_reed05
I just want to see some chaos.
The Ron Paul legacy, causing a stir at the 2012 RNC.
06-05-2012 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by LVpokerPRO
RP campaign statement....cheated in Louisiana...please just run 3rd party as a big FU to the repubs

Ron Paul campaign statement about what just happened in Louisiana

Ron Paul Campaign Statement on Louisiana GOP Convention

National Campaign Manager John Tate condemns Shreveport event’s “unnecessary conflict” and applauds its “positive conclusion”

LAKE JACKSON, Texas – The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign released the following statement concerning the outcome of the Louisiana State Republican Convention. Below please find comments from National Campaign Manager John Tate:
“The Ron Paul campaign condemns the unfortunate activities that took place at the Louisiana Republican State Convention in Shreveport.
“However, we also wish to highlight and applaud the fact that the convention ended on a high note reflective of the cooperation all Republicans wish to see toward the mutual aim of defeating President Obama in the November general election.
“The unnecessary conflict, and positive conclusion as we understand it, transpired as follows.
“LAGOP officials ignored the vast majority of duly elected delegates and attempted to use illegally adopted rules to deny Ron Paul supporters an opportunity to attend the Republican National Convention in Tampa. Louisiana has 46 delegates. Five were pledged to Mitt Romney based on the March 23rd primary result and Rick Santorum received 10, meaning most delegates were contestable at the state convention.
“Delegates to the state convention were chosen at caucus meetings on April 28th. Ron Paul slates won four of six congressional district contests. Of the approximately 180 delegates attending the state convention, 113 voted to remove the LAGOP chairman when he failed to respond to requests for information and other motions from delegates. Nearly two-thirds of the delegates began physically moving their chairs, literally turning their back on the GOP chair appointed by the party hierarchy.
“In another instance, State Central Committeeman and Ron Paul supporter Henry Herford Jr. of Franklin Parrish was attacked by some security officials who didn’t realize that the body had voted out the previous chairman. Mr. Herford has a prosthetic hip and according to a doctor at the scene it appears as though the prosthetic was dislocated and may require replacement. The injury occurred as he was beginning to call to order the newly re-formed convention.
“In yet another instance, Ron Paul supporter Alex Helwig, Chairman of the Rules Committee who made the motion to remove the chair, was arrested by Shreveport police and released. During his brief detainment, some of his fingers were broken and when he returned to the event he was walking with aid of a cane.
“By 10:50 a.m. today, the newly formed convention completed its work. Newly-elected national delegates met with the Romney campaign’s Louisiana Chairman, Scott Sewell, who graciously said ‘that he supported the effort and would do everything he could to make sure the delegation was seated’ in Tampa.
“Despite the divisiveness that characterized the Louisiana state convention initially, we are thankful that the Paul and Romney campaigns took the high road to guarantee the enfranchisement of Republicans whose candidate preferences differ.
“Republicans of goodwill agree that following the spirited primary season, the general election presents us with an opportunity to defeat Obama and place the nation on a path to recovery.
“Our thoughts and prayers are with those who were injured at the convention. And, we thank all responsible convention participants for ending the day on a more unified note.”
For color, Ron Paul got 6% of the vote in the Louisiana primary.
06-07-2012 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by m_reed05
I just want to see some chaos.
Yo, $100 please.
06-09-2012 , 06:22 PM
Rand Paul officially sells out and proves to us all that he really isn't like his father by endorsing Mitt Romney.

Here's a long Kokesh video on it:

06-09-2012 , 08:24 PM
Slow pony

06-09-2012 , 08:45 PM
Does he know he's being filmed or does he think this is just a run though?
06-09-2012 , 09:14 PM
06-09-2012 , 09:15 PM
I think he probably knows he's filming himself. I know he smokes weed but c'mon.
06-09-2012 , 11:08 PM
Kokesh is fairly accurate imo. His channel is decent viewing.
06-09-2012 , 11:11 PM
Originally Posted by tzwien
Rand Paul officially sells out and proves to us all that he really isn't like his father by endorsing Mitt Romney.

Here's a long Kokesh video on it:

He officially sold out when running for Senate!
08-23-2015 , 03:40 PM
Has anyone purchased the Stansberry Research Ron Paul Survival Newsletter and if so, has been fruitful?
08-24-2015 , 12:12 AM
Yeah, dude. That thing is priceless. You should give them out for Christmas gifts.
08-24-2015 , 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by AlexM
Yeah, dude. That thing is priceless. You should give them out for Christmas gifts.
Your boy Ron Paul is still scamming morons like a champ!
08-24-2015 , 08:59 AM
Did Adam Kokesh ever go to jail or whatever?
