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09-08-2018 , 12:05 AM
meanwhile on the economic anxiety hour

09-13-2018 , 09:16 PM
09-13-2018 , 09:51 PM
Avenatti: When's the last time you viewed porn?
Tucker: Oh you busted me. Actually I'm into humiliation porn, that's why I watch you on CNN

09-14-2018 , 01:24 AM
Tucker annoys the **** out of me and he's incredibly dumb but that was actually a pretty good quip.
09-14-2018 , 08:25 AM
except that CNN doesnt humiliate avenatti, avenatti humiliates republicans on CNN

apart from that, sure i guess
09-14-2018 , 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
so like, this guy just now realized this? ok budday.
09-14-2018 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by Klingbard
meanwhile on the economic anxiety hour

the answer is yes. yes diverse groups do get along very well. like, theres not even any question that groups with ppl from different backgrounds can bond and enjoy each other and pursue a common goal or just have fun together.

like, I know the guy is trolling and lying and trying to cause dissension, but his example is just really bad. he doesnt even frame it any way to make it even sound correct.
09-14-2018 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
so like, this guy just now realized this? ok budday.
He left Fox a while back, it was in the news for a while for however long things can survive in the news these days
09-14-2018 , 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
except that CNN doesnt humiliate avenatti, avenatti humiliates republicans on CNN

apart from that, sure i guess
Yup, sounds pretty accurate to me - Tucker seems like he is indeed into humiliation porn, both watching Avenatti humiliate his side on CNN, and getting it from Avenatti himself:

Avenatti: Trump and Michael Cohen and others lied to the American people and covered up the $130,000 payment and violated campaign finance laws. That's why Michael Cohen just pled guilty.
Tucker: I understand that. I've been following the news as well.

Avenatti: What he had an obligation to do is not cover it up and lie about it and commit campaign finance violations.
Tucker: What campaign finance violations? I don't know if there's campaign finance violations.
Avenatti: Michael Cohen just pled guilty to the felony, Tucker. What are you talking about?
Tucker: To campaign finance violations?
Avenatti: Yes, associated with Ms. McDougal. I thought you were following the news, I thought you were knowledgeable about these things...I thought you were knowledgeable...
Tucker: I'm a little confused...

Avenatti: You don't know the facts, as evidenced by the fact that you don't even know-
Tucker: I do know the facts actually.
Avenatti: No you don't, because you just demonstrated your ignorance because you didn't even know that Michael Cohen pled to two felonies associated with the campaign finance violations.
Tucker: I DON'T believe that what Cohen did - and I'm not defending Cohen, I never have - was a campaign finance violation.
Avenatti: Well he pled to it.
Tucker: It's absurd. I think it's absurd.
Avenatti: He pled guilty to two felonies.
Tucker: Okay, so everyone who pleads...look, this is stupid...
Avenatti: What, he's innocent?
Tucker: We have an honest disagreement. I don't think it was a campaign finance violation.

Narrator: It was a campaign finance violation.
09-14-2018 , 01:21 PM
Current news site's top stories:

CNN: Florence & Manafort
MSNBC: Manafort, then Florence
CBS News: Florence & Manafort
NBC News: Manafort & Florence
ABC News: Florence, then Manafort
Washington Post: Manafort, then Florence
NY Times: Florence, then Manafort
LA Times: Manafort & Florence
USA Today: Manafort, then Florence
Google News: Florence & Manafort


Pelosi vows to shutter 1 in 3 plants by 2020, reigniting Clinton war on fossil fuel
Republicans and the coal industry had accused the Obama administration of waging a war on coal via environmental regulations that limited emissions.

Fox's 1st mention of Manafort?

After scrolling down past several sections, including 5 large pictures and 24 sub-headlines, there's a section with smaller pictures, where Manafort is the 9th headline (33rd headline down in total). This is below such important stories as:

UFO speculation surges after North Carolina lake video goes viral
University creates safe space for white students called 'White Awake'
Actress furious after sweatshirt design shown on 'thin white women'
NY Times raps Haley for $50G curtains – greenlit by Obama administration
Late, legendary rocker’s eerie hologram brings son to tears

ETA: Fox has since updated the Manafort story to the 2nd section, with the title of PAUL MANA-FOLD. It's still below the huge picture & pressing story of DEMS' PLAN TO BURN COAL.

Last edited by patron; 09-14-2018 at 01:29 PM.
09-14-2018 , 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by patron
Tucker: It's absurd. I think it's absurd.
Avenatti: He pled guilty to two felonies.
Tucker: Okay, so everyone who pleads...look, this is stupid...
lmao the people around Trump going to jail is going to break Tucker Carlson's brain into making him an advocate for criminal justice reform


...actually a good argument, when not applied to Donald Trump's lawyers!
09-14-2018 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by patron
NY Times raps Haley for $50G curtains – greenlit by Obama administration
the new york times... the democrats’ very own newspaper, designed by Soros to mislead the public into supporting democrats. disgusting.

i haven’t seen this story and it’s probably not an accurate depiction of the story but i am appalled and will BOYCOTT their sham newspaper and will only read fox news from now on!

obama spent $50G of my hard-earned tax dollars on rap music curtains and they’re trying to blame our own nikki haley??? enemy of the people!
09-14-2018 , 02:41 PM
A random thing I noticed: every one of those news websites I listed uses a https link and says "Secure". Except Fox News. No https and says "Not Secure".

Tech people - why would that be? Is Fox just too cheap to secure their website, or is there any good reason for that?

ETA: And LA Times, also not secure. Lol LA Times.
09-14-2018 , 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by patron
Tech people - why would that be? Is Fox just too cheap to secure their website, or is there any good reason for that?
It's about traffic to the site being over HTTP (not encrypted) vs HTTPS (encrypted). There is some expense and complexity involved with moving to HTTPS - for example, 2+2 took quite awhile to do so. In the earlier days of the internet, it was typical to use HTTPS for things that needed to be encrypted (i.e. login info, which is why it was hilarious that 2+2 didn't use it for so long) and HTTP otherwise, but over time, most of the internet has been steadily moving to all-HTTPS traffic.
09-14-2018 , 03:22 PM
Thx. So, basically, yes, Fox & LA Times are just too cheap and/or terrible at tech to move over. No other explanation, right?
09-14-2018 , 03:29 PM
I don't work in web development (suzzer might know better), but that's probably correct. I'd lean more towards the "incompetence" side for Fox News (they obviously don't hurt for money), less sure for LAT.
09-14-2018 , 03:59 PM
LA Times was owned and run by total morans (Tronc) until like a month ago.
09-14-2018 , 04:11 PM
It's been several years since I did any web development, but at the time HTTPS was mainly used for e-commerce, logins, etc... It seems like the only reason that a lot of sites are using it now for everything is that a lot of sites are using it now for everything. Apparently Google is factoring it into its search rankings, and people think users freak out if their browser tells them a site is not secured.

Fox News is probably just resisting the liberal Google agenda.
09-14-2018 , 09:00 PM
it's not clear why one's Fox News web browsing needs to be particularly secure. If you click on "log in" you go to https so it seems fine.
09-14-2018 , 11:20 PM
BBC also not https. Not sure why I should care.
09-17-2018 , 01:01 AM
09-17-2018 , 01:40 AM
Haven't read it yet, but Brian Stelzer of CNN had the author on his podcast and this article in the Columbia Journalism Review seems quite interesting (warning: it's long).

The mystery of Tucker Carlson

Small spoiler: single mom in Iowa who has trouble affording healthcare wonders how she is "the elite" while Tucker (wealthy family, heiress wife, boarding school, private college, millions per year) is a man of the people.
09-17-2018 , 04:46 AM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
Haven't read it yet, but Brian Stelzer of CNN had the author on his podcast and this article in the Columbia Journalism Review seems quite interesting (warning: it's long).

The mystery of Tucker Carlson

Small spoiler: single mom in Iowa who has trouble affording healthcare wonders how she is "the elite" while Tucker (wealthy family, heiress wife, boarding school, private college, millions per year) is a man of the people.
I think I see something in here about why Glenn Greenwald gets along so well with him:

“I can’t imagine a less coveted accolade than an award from sad, alcoholic former newspaper editorialists, you know?”

Go on. “I don’t respect my peers at all. I mean, I just can’t imagine a group whose approval I’m less interested in, because I think so many of them are just so unbelievably mediocre. I mean, mediocre.”
He hates the journalist class that he's (kind of) a member of. That's basically all it takes. Greenwald loves that anti-"establishment" view (that Carlson dishes from his desk at a major television network), the virulent racism that accompanies it is whatever, they can still be great friends.

Very good article.
09-17-2018 , 03:41 PM

Like, was Glenn Beck fired because he went rogue? Was his flaw that he put his personal beliefs over "the show" Fox wanted to broadcast?

Don't get me wrong, he's straight cancer, but was he too much of his own type of cancer?

Last edited by simplicitus; 09-17-2018 at 03:52 PM.
09-17-2018 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by patron
Tech people - why would that be? Is Fox just too cheap to secure their website, or is there any good reason for that?

ETA: And LA Times, also not secure. Lol LA Times.
What are they worried about, that Russians might intercept their traffic and serve right-wing propaganda to visitors?
