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Official MSNBC/Fox/CNN/cable news containment thread Official MSNBC/Fox/CNN/cable news containment thread

06-22-2011 , 01:05 PM
Roger Ailes might send out daily GOP-approved talking point memos to make sure Megyn Kelly spends hours a day for weeks on end lying about the New Black Panthers non-story to stoke racial fears among the voter base....

But Jon Stewart said mean things about Steve Doocy! Plus he never puts on fake horn rimmed glasses to make fun of Rachel Maddow and her habit of, uh...

I'm not sure what hotdog wants him to do to CNN/MSNBC. Find an example where CNN/MSNBC did something as ridiculous as single-handedly creating the Ground Zero Mosque controversy through blatant racism(or something equally as transparently stupid) and Jon Stewart didn't mock them. That'd be something of a legitimate criticism.
06-22-2011 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Couple of things:
He was funny on Crossfire, but he was being a more serious media critic. He wasn't getting paid to go on Crossfire. Same as the Wallace interview. He wasn't on his show.

Like, fundamentally, the "criticisms" of Stewart continue to not make any sense. This is because conservatives are only sort of aware of what Jon Stewart does, but they know it's bad for "their side".

Like, he spents a lot of time flat out embarrassing Fox News on his show. The response to this from conservatives who are understandably uncomfortable at seeing how their beloved Fair and Balanced Fox News is manipulating them is...

He's liberal? He admits that. So?
He's a political comedian/media critic/gadfly, not a real journalist? Yeah, he admits that too. So?

Like, do any of you have a point? It's just random unfocused "nuh uh" complaints about, apparently, the concept of "criticism" as a whole.

He hurts your feelings. You don't like being reminded of how educated urban liberals look down on you.

If you have a specific, identifiable complaint about Stewart make it. I posted two links to his show in the past hundred posts ITT. What did he do wrong in those? What would he need to have done to make those clips OK with you?
[x] hyperdefensiveness in this post
06-22-2011 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by cres
so you feel the need to apply different criteria at your pleasure to twist a point?

But your contention is that say Matt Damon should act as Jason Bourne on the street because he played that character is disingenuous at best.
06-22-2011 , 01:11 PM
[x] pvn resorting to memes rather than making an argument ITT
06-22-2011 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
[x] pvn resorting to memes rather than making an argument ITT
I was never trying to make a particular argument to begin with. Not everyone is out to get the steward nuthuggers.
06-22-2011 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
I was never trying to make a particular argument to begin with. Not everyone is out to get the steward nuthuggers.
So, you're just trolling, then? I mean, yeah, arguing with someone who's making a stupid argument about "Steward's bias something something" for sport makes us all nuthuggers?
06-22-2011 , 01:22 PM
I'm not even sure what I'm being defensive about. I'm still confused about what, exactly, Stewart is being accused of. So, as is my wont, I'm speculating about what psychologically is making people attack in him in such an unfocused and stupid way.

I mean, to not be "hyper-defensive" I think I'd need to be like agreeing with hotdogfallacy, right? But I'm not sure what his point is! I don't think he has one!
06-22-2011 , 01:24 PM
Armchair freud is fun. We should speculate about the psychological defects that make people think everything is an attack.
06-22-2011 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
So, you're just trolling, then?
Seriously? Every post can be dropped into one (and ONLY ONE!) of two buckets? "serious arguments" or "trolls"????
06-22-2011 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
Seriously? Every post can be dropped into one (and ONLY ONE!) of two buckets? "serious arguments" or "trolls"????
Well, you're accusing Fly of being "hyperdefensive" because he's trying to figure out just what the hell HDF is blathering about, and then laying down the perjoratives at people in this thread, calling all of us nuthuggers. We know it's not a serious argument, so please fill us in on what you are doing, then.
06-22-2011 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Well, you're accusing Fly of being "hyperdefensive" because he's trying to figure out just what the hell HDF is blathering about,

and then laying down the perjoratives at people in this thread, calling all of us nuthuggers. We know it's not a serious argument, so please fill us in on what you are doing, then.
Dude, I'm just exploring your thoughts on obligations and seeing where that takes us. That's all. I don't really have any agenda here or preconceived trap I'm trying to set.
06-22-2011 , 01:35 PM
"Exploring our thoughts," and "calling us names" are very different things.
06-22-2011 , 01:39 PM
I didn't use "nuthuggers" until the haters got mad about my posts.
06-22-2011 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
I didn't use "nuthuggers" until the haters got mad about my posts.
Fly addressed your question. He subsequently ranted about this whole silly debate. You stop "exploring thoughts" and start pulling out "u mad." Sweet exploration, dude.
06-22-2011 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by hotdogfallacy
maybe in some sort of ulterior world, where balanced and neutral shows get ratings, instead of partisan outlets.
we're partially in agreement. News is supposed to be an impartial coverage of events. The problem with news organizations is they've given up their claims to integrity by foregoing truth (or relevence) in the quest for ratings. This is largely what the focus of Stewart's criticism consists of (to all the media).

Fox is unique in that its the first network created with the sole purpose of subverting the 'news' in the interests of promoting a political agenda. (This is relatively uncontested and there's internal memos that have come out showing the leaders of Fox commanding the channel how to frame issues for propagandistic reasons) While many have argued that there has been a bias in the mainstream media to the best of my knowledge (and I did study media many years ago and have worked in the industry) there has never been another channel set up and driven by this same purpose. MSNBC is arguably the second in that they're trying to become the liberal equivalent of Fox.

Back to your post- Partisan outlets as you called it is not the same thing as news. Fox protests when critics (like Stewart) draw attention to their rampant partisanship, outright lies, etc. This is what Stewart attacks. The fact that he is liberal has no bearing on the truthfulness of his criticisms.

the same is valid about all other 24/7 news channels
See above. The other networks are not so overtly political in nature as Fox. Fox is a pioneer in this respect. And again regarding Stewart; Stewart regularly mocks ALL the networks for their shoddy journalism.

yes Jon Stewart is right in mocking them, however, i think he should spend more time mocking MSNBC and CNN and whatever as well (that's still not what my original criticism was about)
And as I've stated, he regularly mocks all of them. But to be clear, even if Stewart ONLY mocked Fox, it would not be a criticism of him so long as his criticisms were accurate and truthful. When he criticizes Fox he's not saying the other news organizations are doing it right. But all this is moot because any regularly viewer of the Daily Show can attest that he thinks most of the media sucks and is negligent in their journalistic duties.
06-22-2011 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Fly addressed your question. He subsequently ranted about this whole silly debate. You stop "exploring thoughts" and start pulling out "u mad." Sweet exploration, dude.
yeah. I started pulling out the "u mad".

He hurts your feelings. You don't like being reminded of how educated urban liberals look down on you.

Definitely some nuthugging going on itt. you don't like being reminded of it, though.
06-22-2011 , 02:19 PM
grown men with kids ITT
06-22-2011 , 03:19 PM
I think this thread would be better if we all just ignore hotdogfallacy and his desire to make baseless assertions with no evidence.
06-22-2011 , 03:28 PM
Originally Posted by Vecernicek
grown men with kids ITT
06-22-2011 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by Vecernicek
grown men with kids ITT
Applicable to almost every thread almost every time.

Last edited by Ineedaride2; 06-22-2011 at 03:33 PM. Reason: 90% of the time, it's applicable every time.
06-22-2011 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
Armchair freud is fun. We should speculate about the psychological defects that make people think everything is an attack.
It's more likely Bowlby/Ainsworth than Freud.

I think this thread would be better if we all just ignore hotdogfallacy and his desire to make baseless assertions with no evidence.
I'm kinda surprised at the airtime he's been given.

06-22-2011 , 05:31 PM
I think hdf's point is that the primary purpose of The Daily Show isn't always comedy, even though it's on Comedy Central and JS is a comedian.
06-22-2011 , 05:35 PM
you forgot, "and its not fair to just single out Fox and its viewers. Poke fun at the libs too more"
06-22-2011 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by jt217
I think hdf's point is that the primary purpose of The Daily Show isn't always comedy, even though it's on Comedy Central and JS is a comedian.
I really don't get what you guys primary purpose. The viewers perception of the show is obviously going to be different from the authors' intentions.

What HDF doesn't get is that criticizing Stewart for being biased and letting that influence his show - even if we accept that there is such slanted coverage - is like criticizing U2 for publishing "Sunday bloody Sunday".

"Geez man, why doesn't that Bono dude sing about people killed by the IRA for a change. He is so biased and totally failing as a political commentator."

edit: old German guy ITT
06-22-2011 , 07:19 PM
hi... haven't been following the thread much since the first few painful pages... are people still defending Fox as a legit news agency? just curious.
