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***Official*** Alan Keyes video thread ***Official*** Alan Keyes video thread

12-13-2007 , 02:36 AM

Alan Keyes is down wit guns.
12-13-2007 , 02:39 AM
Here he compares abortion to slavery. Pure genius if you ask me.
12-13-2007 , 02:49 AM
Keyes actually received 14% of Iowa votes in a 2000 Presidential primary. If RP can't do better than that, there is no hope for this country.
12-13-2007 , 03:02 AM
Originally Posted by maxtower
Keyes actually received 14% of Iowa votes in a 2000 Presidential primary. If RP can't do better than that, there is no hope for this country.
Keyes wasn't actually this crazy back then, so it isn't quite the same as the 2007 Keyes getting 15% would be.
12-13-2007 , 06:32 AM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
The funny thing about Keyes is when you focus on an issue that doesn't require his "political craftsmanship," it's clear how sharp he is. That was as good a quick and dirty defense of gun rights as you can ask for.

When he compared gun restriction to drug restriction (in the sense that "criminals" will still get it), I would have loved if he was asked the logical extension of whether drug restriction failed on the same account. I'm sure the response would be vintage Alan Keyes.
12-13-2007 , 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by ALawPoker
Why exactly was he excluded anyways? You're the one representing it is some sort of "conspiracy."
I'm not saying it was a conspiracy. For all I know, the Des Moines Register just plain forget to invite the guy, because he's basically irrelevant at this point. If I had to come up with a list of reasons why Kucinich didn't get an invite, "conspiracy to hold down Kucinich" wouldn't be on it. Again, I thought it funny that had Paul been similarly ignored or forgotten, teh internet tubes would be lit aflame with various conspiracy theories and claims of unabashed bias. To this point, you don't even disagree, so I'm not sure what you're even disagreeing with, other than arguing against strawmen.

Last edited by DVaut1; 12-13-2007 at 11:07 AM.
12-13-2007 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
I'm not saying it was a conspiracy. For all I know, the Des Moines Register just plain forget to invite the guy, because he's basically irrelevant at this point. If I had to come up with a list of reasons why Kucinich didn't get an invite, "conspiracy to hold down Kucinich" wouldn't be on it. Again, I thought it funny that had Paul been similarly ignored or forgotten, teh internet tubes would be lit aflame with various conspiracy theories and claims of unabashed bias. To this point, you don't even disagree, so I'm not sure what you're even disagreeing with, other than arguing against strawmen.
I don't disagree with what? The Des Moines Register, outside of the figments of your wild imagination, hasn't made the decision to exclude someone who is polling 5-8% nationally, raised over $11 million for the quarter, and meets all of their stated criteria. So I don't know what there is to agree or disagree with, since the absurd idea of Paul's being excluded hasn't happened. But if it did happen, of course I would complain, just like supporters of any candidate who clearly meets the criteria for a debate should complain.

I'm not sure what the Kucinich snub has to do with RP, since last time I checked they were different people, and (other than being the "odd ball" of their respective parties) are in entirely different situations. I don't follow the Democrats much, so I don't really know the specifics of what's been going on or have a strong opinion on the Kucinich debate situation. You're the one who brought it up as if it was some sort of obvious injustice. Supposedly he didn't have a campaign office in Iowa, which was one of their stated criteria. Combine that with his barely making the 1% polling cut, and it doesn't seem too unreasonable to me that they excluded him (I also don't really give a ****, so I'm not the person to ask). Ron Paul met all the criteria and is polling at 6% in the state. I have no idea why you think his situation is related to Kucinich's, other than that you're determined to consider him "fringe" or non-belonging even when a media states their specific criteria and he blatantly qualifies. lol

FWIW, I'm done responding to this "point" for now. Like I said, this thread is here to celebrate the greatness of Alan Keyes. There are plenty of other less important threads that you can dirty up with silly arguments like this.

Last edited by ALawPoker; 12-13-2007 at 11:41 AM.
12-13-2007 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
This is hilarious. The guest did barely said three sentences.
12-13-2007 , 08:23 PM
Someone really needs to post video of this:
12-18-2007 , 01:26 PM
Who says money has too much power in politics? Alan Keyes in the latest USA Today Gallup poll has moved into a tie with the leading fundraiser on the Republican side.


Rudy Giuliani - 27
Mike Huckabee - 16
John McCain - 14
Fred Thompson - 14
Mitt Romney - 14
Alan Keyes - 3
Ron Paul - 3
Tom Tancredo - 1
Duncan Hunter - 0
None (vol.)/Unsure - 9
12-18-2007 , 06:03 PM
Is it just me, or does that not add up to 100?
12-18-2007 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by Taso
Is it just me, or does that not add up to 100?
Is it just me, or are some people just unfamiliar with rounding causing polling numbers to sometimes add up to 99 or 101?
12-18-2007 , 07:22 PM
National polls are pretty much irrelevant to our primaries.
12-18-2007 , 07:27 PM
Originally Posted by PokrLikeItsProse
Is it just me, or are some people just unfamiliar with rounding causing polling numbers to sometimes add up to 99 or 101?

I think you just asked US if you were unfamiliar with it, or some people are unfamiliar with it. And I think you are not unfamiliar with it, or, if you prefer, that you are familiar with it. The reason I came to this conclusion was that you mentioned the fact in your post, ergo, I assume you are familiar with said fact.

Now, if you meant to ask, "is Taso unfamiliar with rounding causing polling numbers to sometimes add up to 99 or 101?", than that would have been a different story. Clearly, the answer is yes, I was unfamiliar with that fact. In the future, if you wish to not look like a jackass, you can just state it as fact, "Taso, the poll doesn't add up to 100, not because of a polling error, but because of the rounding of numbers." This would have saved me a lot of time, responding to your post.

And yes, I've had a terrible week playing poker, spent the day with my family, and am very grumpy.
01-12-2008 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by Ron Burgundy
For those of you who didn't have the pleasure of following Alan Keyes' run against Barack Obama for senate:

Gay marriage leads to incest!
Well, adoptions do lead to incest. Maybe not only gay marriage-adoptions though...
01-12-2008 , 11:26 PM
Originally Posted by Bedreviter
Well, adoptions do lead to incest. Maybe not only gay marriage-adoptions though...
01-13-2008 , 12:11 AM
Alan Keyes is to the Republican Party as Hooch is to Sacred Heart hospital in Scrubs.
02-22-2009 , 06:15 PM
I'm glad we cleared up the confusion on which Alan Keyes video thread was the official version.
02-22-2009 , 06:24 PM
I thought I had posted in this thread?
02-22-2009 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by The 13th 4postle
I thought I had posted in this thread?
Lay off the drugs, dude.
02-22-2009 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by ElliotR
Lay off the drugs, dude.
I might have written a reply and never posted it, I do it sometimes.
02-22-2009 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by The 13th 4postle
I thought I had posted in this thread?
You did. Well, you posted in the un-official one. But Elliot rearranged it for us.
