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10-25-2010 , 04:18 PM
I'm hoping Grayson loses so he can begin his long career on MSNBC.
10-25-2010 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by iron81
I'm hoping Grayson loses so he can begin his long career on MSNBC.
This really does seem inevitable, doesn't it?
10-25-2010 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
I am about to be extraordinarily politically incorrect. The situation is horrible and we should do everything we can but..... The only reason you care about this is because gay people are involved and they are the minority-du-jour of the left.

It is the same thing with the gay bullying situation. All kids are bullied fat ones, special ed kids, effeminate kids, nerds, black kids, Indian kids on and on. But the media and the left are making a special case for gay bullying.

I mean is what is going on in Uganda worse than North Korea? Where was this enthusiasm when Saddam was murdering his own people? Are you a neolibcon?
10-25-2010 , 05:00 PM
Here's some cutting edge stuff from one of Andrew Breitbart's boytoys:!

Note that these ******s are so confused by the concept of bigotry(natch) that they think "gay" is a homophobic slur. These are, after all, the same people who thought a black dude calling another black guy "*****" was racism. Don't miss that Breitbart is still talking about Kenneth Gladney, he's persistent if nothing else.

Breitbart does seem really creepy, but it's more of a child-molester creepy than a closted-gay creepy.
10-25-2010 , 05:09 PM
60 minutes was pretty depressing...;contentAux
10-25-2010 , 05:16 PM
Lol at "i think he is gay" is a homophobic epithet.

Fly, pretty plz, write that article about how the right wing doesnt understand bigotry. Its getting pretty ridiculous, but at the same time extremely hilarious.
10-25-2010 , 05:27 PM
You mentioned starting a blog about that before, but if you just c/p your 2+2 posts, that's a couple months worth of material right there.
10-25-2010 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by iron81
You mentioned starting a blog about that before, but if you just c/p your 2+2 posts, that's a couple months worth of material right there.
This makes me wonder:

would anyone read a blog with nothing but graphs and the occasional one-liner?

Purely hypothetical question, of course.
10-25-2010 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Nate says Grayson has about a 25% chance of winning. That doesn't seem like a ridiculous spot to send a heavy hitter to stump.
Because he is insane and about 100% opposite of hope and change.
10-25-2010 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Here's some cutting edge stuff from one of Andrew Breitbart's boytoys:!

Note that these ******s are so confused by the concept of bigotry(natch) that they think "gay" is a homophobic slur. These are, after all, the same people who thought a black dude calling another black guy "*****" was racism. Don't miss that Breitbart is still talking about Kenneth Gladney, he's persistent if nothing else.

Breitbart does seem really creepy, but it's more of a child-molester creepy than a closted-gay creepy.
You have a very bizarre bigot not bigot stance. Give me one example of when you have called a liberal a bigot besides Jaun Williams
10-25-2010 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
Because he is insane and about 100% opposite of hope and change.
So your surprise is based on your assumption that Obama is very principled and above petty politics?
10-25-2010 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by Wynton
So your surprise is based on your assumption that Obama is very principled and above petty politics?
wat? Grayson is really bad for democrats and most rational dems know that. There is no way you should send someone that high level to campaign for Grayson. I know you guys probably think he is a moderate or whatever but did you watch the 'taliban Dan' ad. I mean come on
10-25-2010 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
You have a very bizarre bigot not bigot stance. Give me one example of when you have called a liberal a bigot besides Jaun Williams
Are you saying "i think he is gay" is some kind of bigotry?
10-25-2010 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
wat? Grayson is really bad for democrats and most rational dems know that. There is no way you should send someone that high level to campaign for Grayson. I know you guys probably think he is a moderate or whatever but did you watch the 'taliban Dan' ad. I mean come on
So when you mentioned that Grayson was far from "hope" and change" in your last post you were actually making the point that it was a political mistake for Biden to campaign for Grayson?

I just want to make sure I know the premises of your argument before I disagree with you.
10-25-2010 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Are you saying "i think he is gay" is some kind of bigotry?
No but it kind of goes against democratic credibility when you start throwing out gay slurs. It really is a joke you go on this witch hunt against gay bullying and then laugh when people throw gay slurs at conservatives.
10-25-2010 , 06:38 PM
Originally Posted by Wynton
So when you mentioned that Grayson was far from "hope" and change" in your last post you were actually making the point that it was a political mistake for Biden to campaign for Grayson?

I just want to make sure I know the premises of your argument before I disagree with you.
uh yea dog
10-25-2010 , 06:40 PM
I know nothing about the particulars of all but a very few house races. Is there actually a juicy scandal about this guy? I just looked up the probabilities and figured it was more liberalsliberalsliberalsduck.jpg.
10-25-2010 , 06:42 PM
Ok, so why is it a political mistake?

Is your point that Biden's help might actually get Grayson elected, and the Dems are better off not holding that seat?

Or is your point that Grayson's a lost cause and Biden's wasting his time?

Or is your point that even if Grayson wins, his negative stench will eventually infect the Democrats and cause them greater political losses down the road?
10-25-2010 , 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
I know nothing about the particulars of all but a very few house races. Is there actually a juicy scandal about this guy? I just looked up the probabilities and figured it was more liberalsliberalsliberalsduck.jpg.
Not any particular scandal, really. He just likes to say things like, "the GOP plan for health care is to tell people to get ready to die." (Not an exact quote, but you get the gist.)
10-25-2010 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Wynton
Or is your point that even if Grayson wins, his negative stench will eventually infect the Democrats and cause them greater political losses down the road?
The guy is toxic and the White House should not associate with him. He is the worst of American politicians.
10-25-2010 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by Wynton
Not any particular scandal, really. He just likes to say things like, "the GOP plan for health care is to tell people to get ready to die." (Not an exact quote, but you get the gist.)
and run ads where he compares his opponent to the Taliban
10-25-2010 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Similarly im not saying to start plans for invading Uganda. But full pressure needs to come down on the government and their religious leaders by the international community (including other African nations) and top religious figures.
What does this mean? Obama should mention it in some speeches? Maybe the current leadership of Rwanda should condemn it? This will have about as much impact as you posting here.

Similarly this needs to get more coverage in the media than it does right now, including condemning the actions of Scott Lively and the other American extremists who went there and helped spark the problems.
Oh, so you are just surprised that it doesn't get more coverage. This is quite far away from "it's immoral to not do something* about it".

*with "something" undefined, just, whatever, make it better already, go, go, go!
10-25-2010 , 07:01 PM
Joy Behar: “NPR Has Been Vetted By Objective ‘Media Matters’ Type People”

Joy Behar: I don’t need the money. but the thing of it is that npr has been vetted by objective media matter type people and they have found that –

Elizabeth Hasselback: Media Matters?

Behar: I don’t know if it’s media matters. maybe someone could find this out for me. they have found npr is very balanced, unlike fox, which is not balanced. fox has now become the arm of the republican party.

10-25-2010 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
Are you saying "i think he is gay" is some kind of bigotry?
No but it kind of goes against democratic credibility when you start throwing out gay slurs. It really is a joke you go on this witch hunt against gay bullying and then laugh when people throw gay slurs at conservatives.
So you are saying that "i think he is gay" is a slur?
10-25-2010 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by nick_van_exel
No but it kind of goes against democratic credibility when you start throwing out gay slurs. It really is a joke you go on this witch hunt against gay bullying and then laugh when people throw gay slurs at conservatives.
What gay slur is being thrown out? Accusing Breitbart of being secretly gay isn't a "homophobic slur"(that's my whole point, you literally have no idea what's going on when people discuss bigotry), and coming from a liberal doesn't even make a ton of sense as a slur because liberals don't think there's anything wrong with being gay. She was trying to get under Breitbart's skin and it worked, but thankfully Breitbart employs dozens of clean cut young white men who went to work trying to bother this poor woman. Who called him gay.

It's ****ing baffling that the anti-gay-bullying witchhunt talking point is gaining traction. by the way. Really, the dude from Jersey killed himself and some aspects of the wingnutosphere are quick to point out the real victims: bullies. Have some goddamn humanity.
