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Obama vs. McCain: General Election Chatter For August Obama vs. McCain: General Election Chatter For August

08-29-2008 , 11:13 AM
I'd hit it.
08-29-2008 , 11:13 AM
Originally Posted by Barretboy
I'm fairly certain this is not a just democrat platform.
Are you kidding me? Most Republicans i talk to detest it. Claiming that women miss more work, Have Kids, need to take care of kids etc. All kinds of crap. Pro-Equal Pay is most certainly a Democratic push and effort, that maybe some Republicans support.
08-29-2008 , 11:13 AM
Lisa Loeb imo.
08-29-2008 , 11:14 AM

08-29-2008 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by Praetorian Card
What makes her evil, other than you differ with her ideology?
Doesn't she look like the devil to you?
08-29-2008 , 11:14 AM
Originally Posted by Wynton
As a Democrat, I am absolutely THRILLED that McCain picked someone with LESS relevant experience than Obama, an ardent right-to-lifer who will not attract women who were genuinely considering voting Democratic this year.

The pick will create a lot of buzz, but that's it.
No kidding.

No regional/electoral or philosophical gains.

McCain just single-handedly destroyed his "lack of experience" attack front, and by choosing a pro-life nutjob he's alienated the feminist "puma" coalition that he was probably hoping to woo.

And this gal has Quayle potential. Mensa applications aren't exactly littering her postal box. That clumsy attempted coverup pretty much proves her savvy. She's a vapid political whore, and it's going to be fun to watch her flounder.
08-29-2008 , 11:14 AM
just had to post this one - haawwt - for a mommy.

08-29-2008 , 11:15 AM
Can't wait for the next polls.
08-29-2008 , 11:15 AM
This pick just confirms to me McCain's idiocy and how deeply in love he is with the idea of his image and media adulation. Boring old Romney would have been a stellar pick, but McCain, no, he has to be flashy, he's not going just compete with Obama love machine, gosh, darnit, he's gonna out compete the Democrats at what they do.

What a moron. Obama is infinitely better than this wishy-washy, dancing fool.
08-29-2008 , 11:15 AM
If Biden doesn't make himself look silly during the VP debate he's deff going to make her look silly.

actually, pretty good chance he does both.
08-29-2008 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by 4 High
Are you kidding me? Most Republicans i talk to detest it. Claiming that women miss more work, Have Kids, need to take care of kids etc. All kinds of crap. Pro-Equal Pay is most certainly a Democratic push and effort, that maybe some Republicans support.
Secretaries should make as much money coal miners, MIRITE?

Most of these studies about income equality neglect tons of important variables such as what the job is, how much time the person actually works, productivity, etc...

The gap is far less than one might think. Drop all the penalties companies get by hiring someone who gets pregnant and has to jump through hoops to make sure she has a position when she comes back, pay her so much, etc..., and the gap probably drops even more. Of course, there is always a risk in hiring someone who is much more likely to quit in the next few years than someone else.
08-29-2008 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by kudzudemon
No kidding.

No regional/electoral or philosophical gains.

McCain just single-handedly destroyed his "lack of experience" attack front, and by choosing a pro-life nutjob he's alienated the feminist "puma" coalition.

And this gal has Quayle potential. Mensa applications aren't exactly littering her postal box. That clumsy attempted coverup pretty much proves her savvy. She's a vapid political whore, and it's going to be fun to watch her flounder.
Good thing that intelligence isn't a pre-requisite for becoming a politician.
08-29-2008 , 11:16 AM
Fwiw, I hear that she's well-spoken and articulate. But she'll have to be to overcome the quick connection people will make from former beauty pageant contest = Dan Quayle like intellect.
08-29-2008 , 11:16 AM
Originally Posted by samjjones
They have people for that sort of thing nowadays.
You'd think the pro family values types would want mom providing the TLC, but hey it's the 21st century, can't have a little thing like an infants disability get in the way of your aspirations.
08-29-2008 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by 4 High
Are you kidding me? Most Republicans i talk to detest it. Claiming that women miss more work, Have Kids, need to take care of kids etc. All kinds of crap. Pro-Equal Pay is most certainly a Democratic push and effort, that maybe some Republicans support.
This is laughable. If women don't work, they don't deserve to get paid (unless they are on maternity leave). The same goes for men. I refuse to believe that people think that women deserve to get paid less because they 'work less'. I don't know the republicans you do, but no one I know thinks this.
08-29-2008 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by 4 High
Democratic Women who are Pro-Choice, Pro-Equal Pay, Pro-Gay Rights etc. are all of a sudden gunna support John McCain because he picked a far right Woman who is against everything they are for?
Those specific women are unlikely do so. But that's not important. All that matters is that there are women who were slightly leaning towards Obama, but would change their minds with a woman on the ticket. The more important a woman on the ticket is for them, the further they could have been leaning towards Obama before this pick switched them. How numerous are these women? I don't know, and we'll have to wait for polls to see. But the possibility of a significant swing (as significant as a VP pick can hope for) should not be ruled out.
08-29-2008 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
Secretaries should make as much money coal miners, MIRITE?

Most of these studies about income equality neglect tons of important variables such as what the job is, how much time the person actually works, productivity, etc...

The gap is far less than one might think. Drop all the penalties companies get by hiring someone who gets pregnant and has to jump through hoops to make sure she has a position when she comes back, pay her so much, etc..., and the gap probably drops even more. Of course, there is always a risk in hiring someone who is much more likely to quit in the next few years than someone else.
And simple fact women are not as competitive as men, don't care about income as a proxy for status as much as men, and like kids.
08-29-2008 , 11:18 AM
This was McCain's only play really.
08-29-2008 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by cwsiggy
just had to post this one - haawwt - for a mommy.

My poll is rising...
08-29-2008 , 11:20 AM
p.s. who is at the podium now? so hot.
08-29-2008 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by cwsiggy
just had to post this one - haawwt - for a mommy.

She's going to crush Biden in the debates. If the networks are smart, they'll get her a low cut blouse, and put a bag over Biden's head.

08-29-2008 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by ConstantineX
No, this is dumb. This is what I hate about the Democratic party. You have to be part of some special group to take part in their politics.

I think the Democratic/Republican divide offers two choices; you can participate in interest group politics, or ethnic group politics. Interest groups are often nefarious, but they are more malleable and open to argument and persuasion. On the other hand, ethnic group differences by and large have never been solved, and turning the premier electoral event of "which party is more diverse" is just another auguring of our broken culture.
WTF are you talking about? I wasn't saying that it was a reason to vote for either. Just saying its kinda cool that we'll have a first in this country either way with this election. And thats coming from a Republican standpoint.
08-29-2008 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by cardman
Can't wait for the next polls.
I don't know, and we'll have to wait for polls to see. But the possibility of a significant swing (as significant as a VP pick can hope for) should not be ruled out.
The "next polls" are going to have no less than half a dozen important new variables effecting them; no one is going to truly be able to isolate know what Palin is/isn't doing for McCain. Even if McCain gets a bounce among women, is that because of Palin, or because Obama didn't pick Clinton? If Obama gets a bounce among low income men, is it because his populist rhetoric appealed to them, or because misogyny and sexism caused a backlash to Palin, or because Biden reassured them?

I polling but when you get two VPs and two conventions in the span of two weeks, polling is going to be pretty meaningless. By the time things settle, we'll have moved right into the debate season.
08-29-2008 , 11:21 AM
Honestly, I would sleep easily with her a heartbeat away.
08-29-2008 , 11:21 AM
McCain's third wife.
