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Obama vs. McCain: General Election Chatter For August Obama vs. McCain: General Election Chatter For August

08-21-2008 , 01:14 PM

fwiw i voted yes/no
08-21-2008 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by InTheDark
I know why a lot of folks were, maybe not you. White leftists are a guilty bunch. They honestly carry so much guilt at past racism, they go far over to the opposite side of discrimination against, that they start to discriminate for. An Obama Presidency offers the ultimate 'Get out of racism free' card. But that's not enough to make up for the utter disaster he would be in office. At least I pray enough folks see it.
I think more than the guilt, its just that people go overboard to show that they are not somebody like you. Nobody is guilty, but they want to be "one of the good guys." It ends up causing people to make similar errors to the ones you make, but in the other direction.
08-21-2008 , 01:26 PM
I ****ed up my last post so lets try this again:

You can look at Polling Report for the questions on economy, where Obama still > McCain. From the Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg Poll. Aug. 15-18, 2008:

08-21-2008 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
I ****ed up my last post so lets try this again:

You can look at Polling Report for the questions on economy, where Obama still > McCain. From the Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg Poll. Aug. 15-18, 2008:

So why is LAT ok, but not Zogby?
08-21-2008 , 02:17 PM
FEC frees McCain from spending limit for primaries

I don't follow politics as closely as you guys, but isn't this a pretty big deal?
08-21-2008 , 02:17 PM
When the **** is Obama gonna announce the VP pick?
08-21-2008 , 02:19 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
I ****ed up my last post so lets try this again:

You can look at Polling Report for the questions on economy, where Obama still > McCain. From the Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg Poll. Aug. 15-18, 2008:

Also, if this is an accurate snapshot of America, it still does not prove, nor is it even legitimate evidence that the Republicans don't want to argue on the issues. The republicans could just as easily enter into a debate on the economy (which hasn't really started yet in full force) to pull those numbers up.
08-21-2008 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by carko3
Obama wants to invade Pakistan and fight al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Waziristan. This would result in massive casualties. It would destabilize Pakistan and potentially throw it into a huge civil war. We're talking about a nuclear-armed country here. What happens if "extremism takes over" in Pakistan as people on your side of the fence seem to claim is a risk whenever the US invades a country in the Middle East? Extremists will take over a nuclear nation. Nice.

Hey, I'm not saying all this will happen, I'm not even saying I'm against it, I'm just saying, you seem quite hypocritical here, assuming you're an Obama supporter, which it seems you are.

Also civilian casualties are no where near 1million, get your facts checked. That's 1/20th of the country dead, it hasn't happened. Someone else throw a few links out there please, big effort, I already spent the last few posts destroying 9/11 conspiracy theorists, don't make me own you as well.
Obama never said he'd invade Pakistan. Stop making **** up.
08-21-2008 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Ineedaride2
FEC frees McCain from spending limit for primaries

I don't follow politics as closely as you guys, but isn't this a pretty big deal?
There' s only two more weeks of the primary season, and one of them is during the Democratic convention, so no, I don't think so. That is, unless McCain has been sitting on a bunch of cash because he was worried about an adverse decision and now he's gonna spend it. But my sense is that he hasn't been.
08-21-2008 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
So why is LAT ok, but not Zogby?
Well, by your own admission:


and you bring up Zogby? the worst rated poll company out there? lol
So you "lol" at others who reference Zogby, but then dutifully cite his polls when they have results you like.

But by all means, if you don't like LAT, use...

CNN Opinion Dymanics

But when it comes to who is the better choice to fix the economy, Obama is their pick by a 54 percent to 43 percent margin, with a margin of error at plus or minus 3 percent.

But Obama has the edge in perceptions of his decision-making ability on the economy, which has been voters’ biggest concern this year. Sixty-five percent of registered voters are very or somewhat confident in Obama's ability to guide the economy, while 54 percent feel the same way about McCain.
08-21-2008 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Also, if this is an accurate snapshot of America, it still does not prove, nor is it even legitimate evidence that the Republicans don't want to argue on the issues. The republicans could just as easily enter into a debate on the economy (which hasn't really started yet in full force) to pull those numbers up.
lol, yeah, they could "easily enter into a debate on the economy", which they'd almost certainly lose, because more Americans favor Obama's policy positions over McCain's. I know *you* don't ikes, because you're so moderate (lololol), but the polling evidence is perfectly clear here. So the Republicans don't do that. Hence we get Paris Hilton and Ayers.
08-21-2008 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by gobbomom
maybe Bush will, but with McCain it's a certainty. And I think there's a huge difference between one side using a candidate's own words to inform voters of his positions vs. the other side trying to paint their own distorted fears & prejudices on non-existent/ petty/ hyper-exaggerated "issues".
It's a certainty McCain will reinstate the draft? loooool! Want to bet? Even if he absolutely wanted to, which i doubt since it's not necessary, he would need congress to pass legislation, so unless a democrat controlled congress is going to be complicit in reinstating the draft, it ain't going to happen. Democrats using the draft issue is fear mongering at its worst, and yes i know, republicans fear monger with the best of them.
08-21-2008 , 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Yes, and the Democrats have TANG, LOL HE'S OLD (that's Reagan and McCain), LOL HE TALKS STUPID (Bush)... that's just off the top of my head. Considering I didn't vote or follow politics untill 2004, you'll have to forgive me for not having a encyclopedic memory of Democratic campaign bull****.

Good thing Democrats stay on the issues!
08-21-2008 , 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by Charlie.Dont.Surf
When the **** is Obama gonna announce the VP pick?
He is handling this like...well like the other night some politico show says, "well, we have what will become the definitive bigfoot photo, coming up later". Then after they plug it about six times, pissing you off, they show you a rubber gorilla suit in a freezor. Right before they sign off. Omen, IDK.
08-21-2008 , 02:52 PM
National Journal Piles On

The McCains also claim a family ... parking lot. Gasp! A pricey parking lot at that. It's valued at more than $1M, according to the senator's 2007 financial disclosure report, and is listed as: "Assets and Income of Cindy McCain and dependent children."

So the McCains own multiple actual homes, and Cindy McCain and her children own a parking lot that costs more than four times the $218K median 2007 U.S. home price.

Seriously, it's about time the Democrats finally attacked back on the elitist meme. And for the first time in quite a while, the media seems to be repeating/teeing off on Democrat talking points for a news cycle instead of GOP ones.

Obama *could* really do well here to attack for a day or two, then go back to good cop/bad cop (maybe during his VP unveil/convention) where he treats this as a response instead of an attack, and says he doesn't begrudge the McCains for their success and wishes they could spend the rest of the campaign talking about issues. And then, of course, the surrogates run around attacking but Obama's campaign doesn't touch this again with more negative ads.

An alternate strategy would be to stay on the offensive and really try to turn this into one of those endless talking points where it becomes part of the narrative: McCain is a rich playboy with an heiress model wife and 7 houses and a million dollar parking lot, in the same way Hannity and Rush et al reference Ayers 45 times a day.

I could make the case for either side of it; the latter requires some assistance from the media and the punditry, but so far, he seems to be getting it.
08-21-2008 , 02:56 PM
Looks like Obama's gonna be hitting McCain on the houses comment pretty hard:
Obama's campaign just sent out a list of sixteen "McCain losing track of how many homes he owns" events, which it calls just "a few" of the hits planned on this topic for today. They include:

BURLINGTON, VT: Vermont State Representative Rachel Weston will be speaking outside her home about McCain losing track of how many homes he owns

LA CROSSE, WI: State Rep. Jen Shilling and La Crosse Obama supporters host a news conference on McCain losing track of how many homes he owns

KANSAS CITY, MO: Obama Heartland Change RV Tour with State Senator Wes Shoemyer will visit a Missouri family in Kansas City to discuss McCain losing track of how many homes he owns

OH: Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen will talk about McCain losing track of how many homes he owns at events throughout southeast Ohio

ALTOONA, PA: State Senator John Wozniak will headline an event in Altoona, PA on McCain losing track of how many homes he owns and the campaign is also announcing a statewide search for anyone who doesn’t know how many houses they own

MI: Campaign for Change offices across Michigan are launching a “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire: McCain Edition” contest where volunteers will be able to win a free “Exxon-McCain” bumper-sticker if they correctly guess the number of houses John McCain owns. Prizes will be only be awarded after McCain clarifies exactly how many houses he owns. To win, the answer must be specific -- “at least four” doesn’t count.

BILLINGS, MT: A local family will hold an availability in front of a house slated for foreclosure
08-21-2008 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
Well, by your own admission:


So you "lol" at others who reference Zogby, but then dutifully cite his polls when they have results you like.

But by all means, if you don't like LAT, use...

CNN Opinion Dymanics
Surely you wouldn't cite two pollsters ranked worse that Zogby again?

Wait, you would...

Zogby was the worst pollster in 2004, they've done better lately.

Originally Posted by DVaut1
lol, yeah, they could "easily enter into a debate on the economy", which they'd almost certainly lose, because more Americans favor Obama's policy positions over McCain's. I know *you* don't ikes, because you're so moderate (lololol), but the polling evidence is perfectly clear here. So the Republicans don't do that. Hence we get Paris Hilton and Ayers.
Listen DVaut, my hypothesis is that both parties participate in the bull**** of campaign season about evenly, not that the Republicans do not. The fact that the Republicans (or Democrats) are behind on a specific issue is not relevant to my argument. I also find it ****ing hilarious you are spazzing out on this issue when Obama is making about to make a huge issue about whether or not McCain knows how many houses he has. It is ****ing rich.

Last edited by ikestoys; 08-21-2008 at 03:11 PM.
08-21-2008 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Charlie.Dont.Surf
When the **** is Obama gonna announce the VP pick?

Before today, I was suspecting Obama might wait until Monday. But it occurs to me that there is now arguably an additional reason to wait until then:

If he announces today or tomorrow, the quickly developing narrative over McCain's "house-gaffe" will be quickly forgotten and overshadowed.

You may think that this gaffe isn't or shouldn't be a big deal, but it is getting a lot of attention online and in the MSM right now, and is being featured in a few Obama ads. If nothing else, there will be bad press for McCain temporarily, and Obama may not want to ruin that.
08-21-2008 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by Barretboy
Apparently being financially secure is a burden in politics these days
What an abortion of an add. Who cares if McCain owns 7 homes, he pursued the American dream of marrying rich, who are we to judge because of that?
08-21-2008 , 03:09 PM
Obama said he wanted somebody who is "prepared to be president" and who will be "a partner with me in strengthening this economy for the middle class and working families."

He said he was looking for not just a partner but a sparring partner. "I want somebody who's independent, somebody who can push against my preconceived notions and challenge me so we have got a robust debate in the White House."

Just announce the pick already u ****tease
08-21-2008 , 03:12 PM
Originally Posted by Case Closed
What an abortion of an add. Who cares if McCain owns 7 homes, he pursued the American dream of marrying rich, who are we to judge because of that?
Probably the same people who care if Obama wears a pin on his suit.

But regardless of its ******ed..its smart politics. The media can now ask
is JSM age and poor memory a problem? Is he out of touch with common americans? blah blah blah...puts McCain on defensive.

Obama should been doing this type of lame ass political stuff for weeks instead of being the one always on the defensive
08-21-2008 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys

Good thing Democrats stay on the issues!
But this is exactly the territory the GOP brought this to and should probably welcome; McCain's success in the last few weeks turned this into just their kind of election: turning into stupid stuff about personal nonsense. This is the kind of election the GOP always wins. So this is actually a victory for McCain. Getting the race to be not about issues (which the GOP is going to lose, see party gaps/generic ballots/issue polls/etc etc.).

But you can't sit back and enjoy the Paris Hilton ads, wonder aloud about whitey tapes, think it's going to be vitally important if Obama's Indonesian school records are verifiable, post links to NRO's very serious investigation of Ayers (the unrepentant terrorist who set off bombs when Obama was a child and now knows him) and then get indignant everyone's chattering about McCain's personal parking lot and his confusion over how many luxury condos he owns.

So as to this:

What an abortion of an add. Who cares if McCain owns 7 homes, he pursued the American dream of marrying rich, who are we to judge because of that?
Ideally, no one should care. But again, this election was quickly headed down a predictable path: the Democrats ignore stuff like that and have their candidates get lost in a sea of personal innuendo and "character" attacks about similar fluffy nonsense that no one ought to care about but ostensibly lots of people do.

The danger for Obama here is that making this personal is easily a battle he can lose. The young black guy vs an old war hero in a character battle might not be one Obama can win over the long term. Which is why I sort of favor getting the campaign away attacking McCain on his houses...BUT getting away from this is essentially how every Democrat loses: by letting the GOP run around and define the Democratic candidate as some kind of outsider elitist while the Democrats either sit silently, get too wonky trying to focus everyone back on policy, or try to engage in endless schemes to establish their "regular guy" credibility instead of doing the simple thing, which is just painting their opponent as the out of touch elitist fop (see the first George Bush, milk prices, and the inability to recognize a grocery checkout scanner).

So like I said, I think I can see the appeal of either strategy.

Last edited by DVaut1; 08-21-2008 at 03:27 PM.
08-21-2008 , 03:27 PM

Please to be pointing out where I'm enjoying the Hilton Ads. TY!

Also, the Ayer's thing has gotten interesting lately because of UIC's blocking of documents. Why hide the documents if nothing is in there? Now if they come out and it isn't anything fine, but surely the coverup is at least interest piquing?
08-21-2008 , 03:29 PM
I've personally run numerous winning presidential campaigns, so I can say definitively what Obama should do:

Obama should keep repeating the "McCain doesn't know how many houses he owns" info, but he should do it as a vehicle or springboard for a more populist approach, discussing the economy in general. Trivial or not, this gaffe is providing an effective way to change the narrative, and return the focus on the economy, while also rebutting the idea that Obama is the one who is an elitist.

And by the way, this exactly what Obama appears to be doing in the ads he's released so far.

Once the focus is effectively on the economy - and their contrasting economic plans - then Obama can let the subject of the unknown houses drop altogether.
08-21-2008 , 03:39 PM
Wow, it's always nice to go away for a while and come back and find a nice juicy thread full of ike getting the **** pwned out of him.


Originally Posted by jimmytrick
He is handling this like...well like the other night some politico show says, "well, we have what will become the definitive bigfoot photo, coming up later". Then after they plug it about six times, pissing you off, they show you a rubber gorilla suit in a freezor. Right before they sign off. Omen, IDK.
deserves more love imo.
