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Obama immigration speech 5-10 Obama immigration speech 5-10

09-29-2011 , 07:53 PM
*IMO, the crux of the problem lies with the govt. failing to enforce the laws passed under the Reagan Administration.

*When you have families south of your border, dealing with the poverty & crime that they have to deal with & businesses just miles north of them willing to employ them, what do we expect them to do?

*The argument: "I expect them to do the right thing & apply for a visa" stance doesn't hold any water in my book, unless you've lived under those circumstances for a decade of more & got here legally.

*My neighbor is a bookkeeper for a few Mexican restaurant chains & 2 Italian restaurant chains. Every quarter she receives letters from the SSA advising that the numbers don't match the name. The owners tell her to trash them. Nothing has happened in years.

*If the govt. wanted to target the employers & immigrants who got here illegally, they could. They don't need a fence. They don't need million dollar drones. They don't need 5k border agents & another 5k national guardsmen.

*If they enforced the laws on the books, they would only need to deal with the drug traffic & other illegal activities crossing the border. A country that demonstrates that they don't want illegal immigrants, tends to not experience an influx of illegal immigrants.

*IMO, the reason we have over 10M illegals in the U.S. is the sole fault of our government. Therefore, we have no choice but to develop a plan for amnesty for those who have been here working & living & obeying the laws.... other than the law they broke to get here, which they would not have committed if the govt. had been enforcing the laws on the books & instead demonstrating that they were willing to look the other way as U.S. employers snatched up the illegals & put them to work.

P.S. I am Caucasian, my last name was established in England in 1275 A.D. & my decendents arrived in the New Hampshire area after the Revolutionary War. Legally........however, no visa required.
09-30-2011 , 05:26 PM
Originally Posted by UtzChips
P.S. I am Caucasian, my last name was established in England in 1275 A.D. & my decendents arrived in the New Hampshire area after the Revolutionary War. Legally........however, no visa required.
How did your decendents (sic) arrive here hundreds of years ago? Was it some sort of time travel?

BTW keep up the good work on the new threads. There was a good discussion going on in the racism thread, considering that false racism accusations will be a key component of the Obama campaign strategy. Its a shame that Elliot decided to suppress that discussion, as if that will keep people in the dark about it.
09-30-2011 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by Boa Hancock
How did your decendents (sic) arrive here hundreds of years ago? Was it some sort of time travel?
Due to the remodeling of the house, the framed document I had, which explained how my decendents (before they went by my current last name) arrived in England, where they came from & all that jazz, is boxed up & I don't remember.

Originally Posted by boa hancock
BTW keep up the good work on the new threads. There was a good discussion going on in the racism thread, considering that false racism accusations will be a key component of the Obama campaign strategy. Its a shame that Elliot decided to suppress that discussion, as if that will keep people in the dark about it.
ElliotR has also changed the title of at least one of my posts & that makes me wonder if he's edited some of my replies in others.
