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North Korea wins Cyber Battle with the Sony Pictures/U.S North Korea wins Cyber Battle with the Sony Pictures/U.S

12-22-2014 , 05:47 PM
OK, great, so we all agree that the response should basically be nothing, either a sternly worded letter to the UN or a one day DDOS attack on a country that is already essentially cut off from the internet. Glad we could sort that out and move on from the silly act of war rhetoric.
12-22-2014 , 06:01 PM
No one was seriously suggesting lethal weaponry be used. The point is that North Korea broke the rules. North Korea had to be punished. It had to be visible for every other country that North Korea was punished. It was about sending a message.
12-22-2014 , 06:04 PM
Alright, message delivered. My hypothesis is this will do absolutely nothing to deter the myriad of Russian, Chinese, and other state-sponsored hacking that has/will occurred as its completely transparent we wont be DDOSng China or Russia off the internet (if this was the US and not another attacker), but we'll see I guess.
12-22-2014 , 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by champstark
It's much more likely that North Korea did this to itself to make the U.S. look bad than the U.S. government actually did this.
Even more likely is a couple of kids from 4chan.
12-22-2014 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Shouldn't we be giving them moar internet access rather than less? Disabling whatever firewall system NK uses to keep its five users in the dark is the much better play. I dunno if we can airdrop phones with satellite internet access or something.
Yea, this. Disable the firewall then spam everyone with an email address links to the Ms OOT contest, so they can see how attainable our freedom is.
12-22-2014 , 06:27 PM
It's almost like they hacked our government or something and this should be a massive affront to our national identity. Oh wait.

Seriously, why as an American should I care that Sony's IT department is full of failures and that theater chains are run by paranoid idiots?
12-22-2014 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by Noze
It's almost like they hacked our government or something and this should be a massive affront to our national identity. Oh wait.

Seriously, why as an American should I care that Sony's IT department is full of failures and that theater chains are run by paranoid idiots?
It creates some mildly interesting Sklansky-esque hypotheticals to consider, but no, the current situation is just kind of hilarious.
12-22-2014 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by RowCoach
No one was seriously suggesting lethal weaponry be used. The point is that North Korea broke the rules. North Korea had to be punished. It had to be visible for every other country that North Korea was punished. It was about sending a message.
You don't have any idea if NK even did this. You don't have any idea if the US did this to NK. You know something had to be done, and you know what was done was the right response. Everyone should have a vote.
12-22-2014 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by RowCoach
You guys wouldn't have even bothered to go this far. Straight out of the Neville Chamberlain school of foreign policy.
Like, I approve of shutting down their internet, but let's not pretend this is some kind of proportional response. There's no way this does $100M in damages to their economy, probably almost no one will notice or care and last I checked they still have SONY by the balls.

Originally Posted by joeyDizzle
You don't have any idea if NK even did this. You don't have any idea if the US did this to NK. You know something had to be done, and you know what was done was the right response. Everyone should have a vote.
Heck, no even knows if this was a hack or just bad IT. Am I reading this chart right? They have all of four networks?

12-22-2014 , 08:40 PM
Don't know trolly. Appears to be a failed hotlink so I can't see it and confirm.

Get the damn imgur uploader plugin ffs
12-22-2014 , 10:42 PM
Didn't read thread. Has anyone suggested that the US at least tell North Korea that they consider the film in poor taste similar to have they have done regarding films insulting to Islam?
12-23-2014 , 04:52 AM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Didn't read thread. Has anyone suggested that the US at least tell North Korea that they consider the film in poor taste similar to have they have done regarding films insulting to Islam?
Which films?
12-23-2014 , 06:43 AM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
I think it was Maria Bartiromo that suggested we load The Interview onto thumb drives, fly planes into NK, and drop them on the citizens. So that's one option.

Not much point when most North Koreans don't have access to computers
12-23-2014 , 07:48 AM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Didn't read thread. Has anyone suggested that the US at least tell North Korea that they consider the film in poor taste similar to have they have done regarding films insulting to Islam?

Obama chastising Sony for not showing the film is tacit approval. Much different than the anti-Islam movie response.
12-23-2014 , 08:18 AM
Poking fun at one dictator != poking fun at the religion of x billion people

Not much point when most North Koreans don't have access to computers
That amazing NK troll guy uses VHS, I believe. Ship him a few thousand balloons and VHS copies imo.
12-23-2014 , 09:10 AM
I would guess the anti Islam video was probably over the top offensive but I doubt the artistic merit was the driving factor in the difference in governmental response. The government was trying to quell the protests and protect US citizens lives. You can not make a Life of Brian type movie with Islam as a target.

Last edited by seattlelou; 12-23-2014 at 09:23 AM.
12-23-2014 , 10:04 AM
NK is back online.
12-23-2014 , 10:31 AM
I think it's more likely someone just picked up the phone and it took this long to reconnect.
12-23-2014 , 10:50 AM
Maybe they tried turning it off and turning it on again.
12-23-2014 , 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Like, I approve of shutting down their internet, but let's not pretend this is some kind of proportional response. There's no way this does $100M in damages to their economy, probably almost no one will notice or care and last I checked they still have SONY by the balls.
Quick pedantic clarification/question on this point: would $100M in damages be a proportional response? It seems to me that would be an equal response, but a proportional response would be relative to our GDPs, or something, and so would be much smaller in $$ when damaging NK.
12-23-2014 , 12:03 PM
Whoever hacked Sony for NK doubt they are actually in NK.

I just checked to see if they wanted it done again.
12-23-2014 , 12:18 PM
Originally Posted by zipppy
Quick pedantic clarification/question on this point: would $100M in damages be a proportional response? It seems to me that would be an equal response, but a proportional response would be relative to our GDPs, or something, and so would be much smaller in $$ when damaging NK.
I doubt you could disrupt even a tiny fraction of NK's economy with a cyber attack, I'm guessing their mining camps run on Soviet-era phone lines.

I guess there's maybe some value as a symbolic gesture to show that the US will respond in kind to a hack, but we haven't even claimed responsibility, so that's kind of pointless.
12-23-2014 , 12:21 PM
Obama clearly going digital gangsta

"I'm not saying we knocked their country offline, but somebody did and all I'm sayin' is we ain't sad it happened."
12-23-2014 , 12:32 PM
CNN has now claimed congress will get to screen The Interview in a little theater they have stashed under the capitol building.

The American people will get a dose of tuff chit.
12-23-2014 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
I doubt you could disrupt even a tiny fraction of NK's economy with a cyber attack, I'm guessing their mining camps run on Soviet-era phone lines.

I guess there's maybe some value as a symbolic gesture to show that the US will respond in kind to a hack, but we haven't even claimed responsibility, so that's kind of pointless.
Agreed on both points; I was asking more about the definition of a "proportional response", but it's not important.
