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New coordinated terrorist attack in Paris New coordinated terrorist attack in Paris

11-15-2015 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by Aytumious
The main question is how do you pull the Muslim world into the modern age.
It's not some huge gap to bridge. Support the moderates and progressives. Don't do what the terrorists want.
11-15-2015 , 08:50 PM
Originally Posted by daca
Not really true. They had some sympathy for the motivation, not sympathy for the shootings. Meaning they were also offended by the cartoons.

Same poll found 95% "feel loyalty to Britain", 95% would contact the police if they knew of muslims planning acts of violence, 93% agreed that "muslims in Britain should always obey British laws".

Some of the other answers are more disturbing (the muhammad cartoons are serious business apparently), but lets not exaggerate things
Originally Posted by jalfrezi
Welcome to the wacky world of Rastamouse, where nothing is presented as it actually is.
Righty. So we have 2.6+ million Muslims in the UK.

And by your own (very optimistic) estimates/percentages;

130,000+ of them wouldn't call the police in the event of threats of violence.

182,000 don't believe they're bound by the law.

And these are the admitted figures of you; trying to defend this repulsive, savage, backward cult.
11-15-2015 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by Aytumious
That sounds awful. So how do we help to promote a society there where a person would not grow up in a such a regressive environment?
Wait wait wait. Nope!

Wookie asked domer a question. This passive aggressive dodging **** doesn't cover over the fact that Team Dawkins/Harris/Maher Youtube Videos hasn't answered Wookie's question.

My answer to that question is "I don't know", by the way.
11-15-2015 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Wait wait wait. Nope!

Wookie asked domer a question. This passive aggressive dodging **** doesn't cover over the fact that Team Dawkins/Harris/Maher Youtube Videos hasn't answered Wookie's question.

My answer to that question is "I don't know", by the way.
This post should directed at Domer.
11-15-2015 , 08:56 PM
Originally Posted by vhawk01
Yes and those Christians are evil scumbags. Why do you guys keep posting this argument as if it helps you? You are just 100% reliant on the fact that your "opponents" are white, Southern, racist, Bible-thumping Christians, so you truly think that "yeah but what about the bad Christians!!!" is some kind of trump card. It isnt. In fact its pathetic, because its horrible, lazy, embarrassing logically, and it also ISNT EVEN SOUND TACTICALLY because many of the people you are arguing with are intelligent, Northern (or European), "possibly non-white" atheists/agnostics who don't like Christianity either! Its an awful strategy even when it works because it cheapens your victory, but when it fails as badly as it is here its just sad.
Hahaha you accidentally slipped a little with this concern trolling BS, you forgot to pretend that you're on the same side as Wookie.

But, man is everything OK? Did you get banned from Stormfront or something? You seem pretty mad.
11-15-2015 , 08:57 PM
LOL Rastamouse, you want to expand some tiny percentages of Christians who believe abhorrent things to the hundreds of millions of them in the USA and see how dumb that makes your post above look?
11-15-2015 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by Aytumious
This post should directed at Domer.
Wookie isn't the one whining in a circuitous route about how the PC police and Obama won't blame terrorism on Islam and always try to shut down discussions with claims of Islamophobia and whatever. That's Domer and his fellows. Lot of complaints about how the liberal mods and whatever won't allow a serious discussion about Islam, that liberals hold Islam to a double standard because of white guilt, and so forth.

But what I haven't seen, what I've asked for and Wookie has asked for, is what exactly is being proposed here.

Now, far be it from me to read domer like a ****ing book, but what I think he wants is the freedom to say stupid offensive **** about Muslims on the internet without anyone disagreeing with him, full stop, no further ideas, no policy suggestions. But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he does have a policy suggestion. Maybe you have a policy suggestion, too!

Last edited by FlyWf; 11-15-2015 at 09:03 PM.
11-15-2015 , 09:00 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
LOL Rastamouse, you want to expand some tiny percentages of Christians who believe abhorrent things to the hundreds of millions of them in the USA and see how dumb that makes your post above look?
Pathetic, cowardly whataboutery.

Christians aren't bombing innocent people in secular, Western democracies?

Do 0% of Christians in the US accept homosexuality?

Would 1 in 20 Christians actively conceal someone about to commit an act of terrorism against innocent people?

Do 1 in 13 or so not consider themselves bound by US law?

Hang your head sir.

Oh and sign this petition please.

Good night all.

Peace and love to all humans regardless of race, gender, background, sexuality, religion or lack thereof. long as you wish the same for me.
11-15-2015 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by Rastamouse
Righty. So we have 2.6+ million Muslims in the UK.

And by your own (very optimistic) estimates/percentages;

130,000+ of them wouldn't call the police in the event of threats of violence.

182,000 don't believe they're bound by the law.

And these are the admitted figures of you; trying to defend this repulsive, savage, backward cult.

Bound by the law is a horrible metric. I mean, doesn't every criminal not believe they are bound by the law? Are Muslims committing more crimes than the general public?
11-15-2015 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Naw, man, you quoted Wookie's question to Domer when you got this brilliant idea to play "Stump the libtards".
When did I quote his question to Domer?
11-15-2015 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by Aytumious
When did I quote his question to Domer?
I misremembered. Your post was immediately after Sholar's, not quoting it, about the question to domer. It doesn't change my point. Your question is pointless and question-begging, your passive aggressive "that sounds awful" BS is transparent.
11-15-2015 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
Bound by the law is a horrible metric. I mean, doesn't every criminal not believe they are bound by the law?
Ok; very good question.

I would say no.

Most criminals, I'd assume (admittedly assume), do believe that they're bound by the law and that they're simply trying to not get caught.

I don't really see criminals as believing that stealing, murder, rape or whatever should actually be allowed. (although I'm sure there's the occasional, very, very wacky oddball out there).

Either way, its a fair question, but no. I don't believe its analogous to a religious believer sincerely believing that God's law is the only legitimate law and that therefore man-made law is an affront to the one and only righteous law.

Anyway, now I'm going to bed.
11-15-2015 , 09:11 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
The other meme in this thread that I find amusing is how the same people who are first to point out that Islam doesn't allow free speech, doesn't allow for conversion or atheism under penalty of death, etc. are also the same people who are first to point out that Islam is a system of beliefs so it's not bigoted to be prejudiced against people who voluntarily hold those beliefs.

Really? So some Muslim guy in Tehran, who was raised Muslim by his parents under penalty of death, who's not exposed to contrary ideas because any sources for such would face imprisonment or death, and who himself must continue to be a practicing Muslim under penalty of death, (and oh, by the way, let's make sure we ban this guy and those like him from immigrating into the west should he ever want to renounce his beliefs and flee to an open society), is fully culpable for what some westerner says his beliefs are? Seems legit.
I don't care why somebody's stupid; it doesn't change the fact that they're stupid.
11-15-2015 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Wookie isn't the one whining in a circuitous route about how the PC police and Obama won't blame terrorism on Islam and always try to shut down discussions with claims of Islamophobia and whatever. That's Domer and his fellows. Lot of complaints about how the liberal mods and whatever won't allow a serious discussion about Islam, that liberals hold Islam to a double standard because of white guilt, and so forth.

But what I haven't seen, what I've asked for and Wookie has asked for, is what exactly is being proposed here.

Now, far be it from me to read domer like a ****ing book, but what I think he wants is the freedom to say stupid offensive **** about Muslims on the internet without anyone disagreeing with him, full stop, no further ideas, no policy suggestions. But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he does have a policy suggestion. Maybe you have a policy suggestion, too!
I'm not Domer. Take it up with him.
11-15-2015 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
As you can see, thinking back to this frustrating time still angers me. Anyone looking for someone to blame for the recent tragedy should look no further than Blair and Bush, and they ought to be reminded of this for the rest of their sorry lives.
You're not the only one. Not just those two so we should look as bit further.
11-15-2015 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by Rastamouse
Pathetic, cowardly whataboutery.

Christians aren't bombing innocent people in secular, Western democracies?.
Nah, we bomb innocent people under varying forms of governance in the Muslim world.

But ok, same question to you as Domer. You've convinced the thread that Muslims in toto hold much more terrible views than Christians, etc. What's your step 2?
11-15-2015 , 09:35 PM
ISIL is responsible for well over 1200 casualties on multiple fronts in the last 3 weeks. Has to be considered the most proficient/deadly/successful (whatever you want to call it) terrorist organization in many many years.
11-15-2015 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
But ok, same question to you as Domer. You've convinced the thread that Muslims in toto hold much more terrible views than Christians, etc. What's your step 2?
Refusing to help refugees and building giant walls, obv, but also I think conservatives somehow have this idea that Muslims are like Rumplestiltskin and if we all just shout "Islam is terrible!" the terrorists will all disappear in a puff of smoke.
11-15-2015 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
but also I think conservatives somehow have this idea that Muslims are like Rumplestiltskin and if we all just shout "Islam is terrible!" the terrorists will all disappear in a puff of smoke.
Now you sound like a republican talking about liberals.

It's a bad way of thinking about either side. Plus it would be a truly massive improvement if the conservatives thought shouting was the answer.
11-15-2015 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
yup, I recall France being a rare voice of reason in the lead up to the Bush/Blair invasion of Iraq, and there's a sad irony in seeing France targeted now. Incidentally, it's worth pointing out that the majority of the UK electorate was also opposed to the invasion but our scumbag Prime Minister and his pathetic government chose to ignore us (and the UN). We knew it was all based on lies, and we knew they would find an excuse to invade anyway. The French government had the integrity to stand up and say it, but it wasn't just the French people who opposed the war.

As you can see, thinking back to this frustrating time still angers me. Anyone looking for someone to blame for the recent tragedy should look no further than Blair and Bush, and they ought to be reminded of this for the rest of their sorry lives.

Makes sense, that's why witnesses were reporting chants of "thank you for opposing Bush's evil war" as they sprayed the crowd with machine gun fire.
11-15-2015 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
But ok, same question to you as Domer. You've convinced the thread that Muslims in toto hold much more terrible views than Christians, etc. What's your step 2?
11-15-2015 , 10:15 PM
Rasta - it has nothing to do with whataboutery and everything to do with your appeal to "well guys a hundred and eighty thousand shure is a large number" because you didn't like the statistics being ******ed.
11-15-2015 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Nah, we bomb innocent people under varying forms of governance in the Muslim world.

But ok, same question to you as Domer. You've convinced the thread that Muslims in toto hold much more terrible views than Christians, etc. What's your step 2?
Out of curiosity, how do you view Pew polls that involve polling Muslims around the world? It might be interesting to compare results of polls of Muslims around the world with polls of Christians around the world. IIRC Pew polls of Muslims around the world indicate a shocking level (to me anyway) of anti-semitism. Again IIRC the responses are to questions regarding Jews, not Israeli's, not Zionists, but Jews. That is ****ed up if accurate, no way around it.
11-15-2015 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by adios
Out of curiosity, how do you view Pew polls that involve polling Muslims around the world? It might be interesting to compare results of polls of Muslims around the world with polls of Christians around the world. IIRC Pew polls of Muslims around the world indicate a shocking level (to me anyway) of anti-semitism. Again IIRC the responses are to questions regarding Jews, not Israeli's, not Zionists, but Jews. That is ****ed up if accurate, no way around it.
There are pew polls that show pretty terrible numbers of atheists with deplorable views on torture and targeting civilians, so, cool? Deport all the atheists?

Or OK, lots of Muslims hate Jews. I even accept that. What is your step 2?
11-15-2015 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by adios
Out of curiosity, how do you view Pew polls that involve polling Muslims around the world? It might be interesting to compare results of polls of Muslims around the world with polls of Christians around the world. IIRC Pew polls of Muslims around the world indicate a shocking level (to me anyway) of anti-semitism. Again IIRC the responses are to questions regarding Jews, not Israeli's, not Zionists, but Jews. That is ****ed up if accurate, no way around it.
I'm sure that has nothing at all to do with the decades-long conflict with Israel and everything to do with the inherent savagery of Islam.
