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My Prediction Regarding Cain Saga My Prediction Regarding Cain Saga

11-07-2011 , 08:17 PM
11-07-2011 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Here is what actually happened with the fourth woman:

He put his hand on her leg. He did NOT reach for her genitals. He moved his hand a few inches toward tham.

He did NOT try to force her head toward his crotch. He put his hand behind her head and pulled it toward him a few inches.

He did NOT say "You want a job don't you?". He said "I thought you liked me" (He was at least a little drunk.) Wheras the first two allegations above were merely exaggerations, this third one is an out and out lie. Gloria Allred insisted that it be added to the list because without it there is nothing remotely illegal. Especially since the lady herself admits he stopped the moment he was asked to.

Just thought you might like to know.
You are the worst.
11-07-2011 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
^^Expert opinion?
Well, one wonders how he "reached for" her genitals without finding them. And a pulled head would naturally involve the head being pulled downward, so Allred's client could get away with saying the pull was towards his crotch. He apparently upgraded her hotel room and had dinner and drinks with her, but Allred still needs there to have been--pardon the expression--a smoking gun in the form of a job offer in exchange for sex.
11-07-2011 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
They really need to stop calling alleged sexual assault "unwanted sexual advances"

I mean, groping a girl is an assault, not some generic and broad sounding "unwanted sexual advances" term.

"Unwanted sexual advances" is what I do in the bars and clubs every weekend.
To understand the interchange, you need to place it in the context of the mid 90's. People drove without seatbelts, smoked in most places and always in public sections, and women generally never reported anything.

To use what occurs in 2011 as a base is foolish.
11-07-2011 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by andyfox
Well, one wonders how he "reached for" her genitals without finding them. And a pulled head would naturally involve the head being pulled downward, so Allred's client could get away with saying the pull was towards his crotch. He apparently upgraded her hotel room and had dinner and drinks with her, but Allred still needs there to have been--pardon the expression--a smoking gun in the form of a job offer in exchange for sex.
Exactly. Glad 2+2 has helped your analytical powers.
11-07-2011 , 08:51 PM
Official response is probably going to be that the women misquoted Cain's body language.
11-07-2011 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by andyfox
Well, one wonders how he "reached for" her genitals without finding them. And a pulled head would naturally involve the head being pulled downward, so Allred's client could get away with saying the pull was towards his crotch. He apparently upgraded her hotel room and had dinner and drinks with her, but Allred still needs there to have been--pardon the expression--a smoking gun in the form of a job offer in exchange for sex.
This is confusing for you? They are not alleging rape, they are alleging unwanted sexual advances. It's a shame how 2+2 has messed up your analytical skills.
11-08-2011 , 12:32 AM
hows a brotha supposed to know if sexual advances are unwanted or not if he doesn't try?
11-08-2011 , 05:06 AM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
No way. He is running as a republican. If it was white chicks it's game over. Nothing scares southern conservative white male more than his daughter hooking up with a black guy.
There's an enormous amount of truth in your observation Max. Those of you under the age of thirty will probably laugh at this, but for those of us living in the deep South during the 1950's and the 1960's it wasn't funny at all. Black men were hung from trees, tossed in snake-infested swamps, and buried under earthen dams for so little as speaking to a white woman. Tillman Hill, a 15-year-old black boy, was murdered for allegedly "whistling" at a white woman. A white woman from Detroit (Viola Luizzo) was murdered on a highway outside Selma, Alabama in 1965 for the "offense" of transporting black men in her car during the Selma-to-Montgomery march. These were only two (of many) crimes against African-American men committed by white men. This kind of hatred and bigotry was implicitly encouraged by politicians like George Wallace and Ross Barnett.

The fear of miscegenation was widespread among a substantial portion of the white Southern population. This rampant fear was a central theme in Harper Lee's pulitizer prize winning book (and the movie) "To Kill A Mockingbird". It's real - and some portion of that thinking still exists to this day.

Former DJ
11-08-2011 , 07:45 AM
obviously we don't know much about the story so this is speculation but i meant to post in the LC thread a while back that there is a massive chance Cain was just engaging in standard drunk behavior for a huge percentage of the population. I mean im probably batting like 25% on unwanted sexual advances but the 25% was worth it. haters gonna hate, ol dude is just tryin to gets it in

I mean really how many of you havent really done any terrible things in your life but if you decided to run for president you would at least acknowledge the possibility there would be at least a nonzero chance some rando woman could come out of the wood work (not to say there is no substance to it, but gun to my head i would say it was probably a minor incident)

of course im writing from a college point of view...I would be lying if i said i would even care if he drunkenly gave some chick a hug and grabbed her ass playfully or something (and that would be like worst case scenario extreme). Maybe i dont respect women's rights, whatever. I assume the main reason this is on 2+2 is to follow the general public's reaction, are the Cain haters here (are there even cain haters? probably want him to win if your a dem) even a little bit morally outraged lol

Last edited by mutigers; 11-08-2011 at 07:52 AM.
11-08-2011 , 02:12 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Here is what actually happened with the fourth woman:

He put his hand on her leg. He did NOT reach for her genitals. He moved his hand a few inches toward tham.

He did NOT try to force her head toward his crotch. He put his hand behind her head and pulled it toward him a few inches.

He did NOT say "You want a job don't you?". He said "I thought you liked me" (He was at least a little drunk.) Wheras the first two allegations above were merely exaggerations, this third one is an out and out lie. Gloria Allred insisted that it be added to the list because without it there is nothing illegal. Especially since the lady herself admits he stopped the moment he was asked to.

Just thought you might like to know.
Sklansky reading a sexual harassment accusation in a light most favorable to the accused? THIS CAN'T BE!!!
11-08-2011 , 06:10 PM
"The problem with your prediction is it is incorrect."
11-08-2011 , 06:13 PM
Herman Cain: This man is clearly insane

Last edited by longmissedblind; 11-08-2011 at 06:14 PM. Reason: added name
11-08-2011 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Max Raker
No way. He is running as a republican. If it was white chicks it's game over. Nothing scares southern conservative white male more than his daughter hooking up with a black guy.
the ol southern racists. as if there are no democrats in the south and the ones that are democrat in the south, zero are racist LOL.

Didn't we have Jim Crow laws? (Thanks democrats) What about federal civil rights laws to protect blacks from democrats?

There seems to be this view that all racists are from the south. Well they weren't all from the south, but they were all democrat.

Doesn't the TP support and endorse Hermain Cain? So I don't think many will care if he was grabbing a white chick.
11-08-2011 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by longmissedblind
Herman Cain: This man is clearly insane
What about Clinton? What are your views of him.

All others who want to jump on Cain for this, can chime in as well on your views towards kiss it clinton.
11-08-2011 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by mike_clark
the ol southern racists. as if there are no democrats in the south and the ones that are democrat in the south, zero are racist LOL.

Didn't we have Jim Crow laws? (Thanks democrats) What about federal civil rights laws to protect blacks from democrats?

There seems to be this view that all racists are from the south. Well they weren't all from the south, but they were all democrat.

Doesn't the TP support and endorse Hermain Cain? So I don't think many will care if he was grabbing a white chick.
You know that the democrats were the party of the conservatives back then, right? When the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed the southern dixiecrats left the party to become republicans.

Progressives broke down Jim Crow laws, Mike. It's good to try and move toward a better future through progressive action.
11-08-2011 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by mike_clark
the ol southern racists. as if there are no democrats in the south and the ones that are democrat in the south, zero are racist LOL.

Didn't we have Jim Crow laws? (Thanks democrats) What about federal civil rights laws to protect blacks from democrats?

There seems to be this view that all racists are from the south. Well they weren't all from the south, but they were all democrat.

Doesn't the TP support and endorse Hermain Cain? So I don't think many will care if he was grabbing a white chick.
Democrat != Liberal, Republican != Conservative. There ya go with the extremism
11-08-2011 , 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by mike_clark
What about Clinton? What are your views of him.

All others who want to jump on Cain for this, can chime in as well on your views towards kiss it clinton.
Why do you suppose I would be willing to jump from a conversation about a man (Cain) who is displaying terrible skills in a real-time crisis in his campaign, to someone far removed from the happening? Your reaction to Cain slipping, fumbling and arguably failing to address his alleged misdeeds is to immediately start shouting "Clinton did it. Clinton did it."

I don't choose to label Mr. Cain as "clearly insane" because he may or may not have abused his powers, but rather that he's such a confused megalomaniac that he believes he can speak and the media waters will part for him.
11-08-2011 , 06:53 PM
Originally Posted by Case Closed
You know that the democrats were the party of the conservatives back then, right? When the Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed the southern dixiecrats left the party to become republicans.

Progressives broke down Jim Crow laws, Mike. It's good to try and move toward a better future through progressive action.
Let's not start another thread of correcting Mike for every wrong thing he posts. It will destroy the thread.
11-08-2011 , 07:12 PM
how has it taken this long?
11-08-2011 , 07:32 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
Here is what actually happened with the fourth woman...
Wat? How do you know what really happened --were you hiding in the backseat or something?
11-08-2011 , 07:51 PM
Three observations:

I am starting to think that heavy drinking might explain some things. Specificially his alleged behavior and the fact that he appears to honestly not remember some of these alleged incidents. One cause of colon cancer is indeed heavy drinking.

Now that he has opened the door to a lie detector test (when he could have asserted that they are unreliable or beneath the dignity of a presidential candididate), he won't be able to get away with not taking one. Then again he might pass even if he did these things, if alcohol blackouts are involved.

It bugs me when Democrats assert that they couldn't be involved because they would love to see Cain as Obama's opponent. That is disengenuous. The greater threat that Cain poses to them comes from the fact that many black people will have second thoughts about automatically voting Democratic given a distinguished, intelligent black man is a Republican (there are many others but not nearly as well known). If he is shown to be less admirable, that effect would be lessoned. I am not saying the Democrats are behind this. I am only saying that the specific argument claiming they don't want Cain brought down a notch because he would be easy to beat, is a lie.
11-08-2011 , 08:12 PM
You might be right Sklansky.
11-08-2011 , 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by The 13th 4postle
You might be right Sklansky.
Meh, Point one is just a justification for some allegedly terrible behavior. Point 2 is alright, but he won't take that test. Point 3 has been proven false as far as I know.
11-08-2011 , 08:55 PM

1. Cain will probably make some gains among blacks relative to the other candidates. Less than you seem to think, though.

2. Any gain would need to be more than the loss Cain observes among moderates etc., which might be substantial. This is kind of the important thing. You can't view this situation as "everyone is equal, but Cain is black." That's not how it is.
