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From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago

02-14-2013 , 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
But more importantly, no one is talking about regulating bolt action rifles like that. Why would AR-15 regulations have you rushing to buy one of those, anyway?
I wouldn't be rushing but talking about the issue has definitely influenced me to consider it. I personally would never have a need to own an AR15 and dont really care if they are outlawed. Both guns are pretty destructive though.

I really think we need to try to keep guns out of the hands of those who are deranged or wish to die. I have no idea how to do that. I hate hearing about people dying everyday but I hate the idea of taking away the rights of the law abiding because of the criminal, and the insane.

I really just come in here to mess with you Wookie because of the way you constantly try to belittle those who believe in the right to bear arms. I am a moderate on that side of the view, but listening to those who advocate gun control belittle others makes me want to fight even the steps that I agree with. I thought the point of debate was to try to convert the point of view of others. The way gun control is argued for itt has the opposite effect. It does not seem to matter because changing minds does not seem to be the point here.
02-14-2013 , 01:40 AM
Bragging about getting a gun in response to reason and science is on par with this childishness. Sounds about right to feel belittled when called out on some bull****.

Last edited by spanktehbadwookie; 02-14-2013 at 01:42 AM. Reason: this aint about wookies either. screw us both for spelling it wrong.
02-14-2013 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by Pilkain
I hate hearing about people dying everyday but I hate the idea of taking away the rights of the law abiding because of the criminal, and the insane.
If you ever come to understand that rights are meaningless without reasonable justification as to why they are important, you may change your view on that

Originally Posted by Pilkain
I thought the point of debate was to try to convert the point of view of others. The way gun control is argued for itt has the opposite effect. It does not seem to matter because changing minds does not seem to be the point here.
You may not have been here when studies from top universities were cited that concluded that more guns= higher risk of homicide with such compelling refutations as: yes but [information only tangentially related to issue] So there!

If gun people want to argue with facts what do we have left?
02-14-2013 , 03:13 AM
Originally Posted by Pilkain
Only the mighty fearful AR15s are skyrocketing and I don't need one of those. You can get a reconditioned Mosin-Nagant online for a hundred bucks. Tell me more about fish moves Wookie. Just out of curiosity, who bans you when you get out of line?
This will really come in handy for when I have to take on Naked Snake later in the game.
02-14-2013 , 04:03 AM
Olympian defends himself from an intruder
02-14-2013 , 04:31 AM
someone find a way to cleverly make the 'bearing arms' joke
02-14-2013 , 06:59 AM
Oh wow, DBJ is going to be never-before-seen levels of butthurt when he wakes up and sees the news
02-14-2013 , 09:19 AM
Disillusioning news for gun nuts and athletes with unfair advantages everywhere
02-14-2013 , 10:35 AM
wayne lapierre editorial

"After Hurricane Sandy, we saw the hellish world that the gun prohibitionists see as their utopia. Looters ran wild in south Brooklyn. There was no food, water or electricity. And if you wanted to walk several miles to get supplies, you better get back before dark, or you might not get home at all.

Anti-gun New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg had already done everything he could to prevent law-abiding New Yorkers from owning guns, and he has made sure that no ordinary citizen will ever be allowed to carry a gun. He even refused to allow the National Guard into the city to restore civil order because Guardsmen carry guns!

Meanwhile, President Obama is leading this country to financial ruin, borrowing over a trillion dollars a year for phony “stimulus” spending and other payoffs for his political cronies. Nobody knows if or when the fiscal collapse will come, but if the country is broke, there likely won’t be enough money to pay for police protection. And the American people know it.

Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Riots. Terrorists. Gangs. Lone criminals. These are perils we are sure to face—not just maybe. It’s not paranoia to buy a gun. It’s survival. It’s responsible behavior, and it’s time we encourage law-abiding Americans to do just that."
02-14-2013 , 10:37 AM
[movie trailer voice] In a post apocalyptic hellscape one man..
02-14-2013 , 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by jlinker3
wayne lapierre editorial

"After Hurricane Sandy, we saw the hellish world that the gun prohibitionists see as their utopia. Looters ran wild in south Brooklyn. There was no food, water or electricity. And if you wanted to walk several miles to get supplies, you better get back before dark, or you might not get home at all.

Anti-gun New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg had already done everything he could to prevent law-abiding New Yorkers from owning guns, and he has made sure that no ordinary citizen will ever be allowed to carry a gun. He even refused to allow the National Guard into the city to restore civil order because Guardsmen carry guns!

Meanwhile, President Obama is leading this country to financial ruin, borrowing over a trillion dollars a year for phony “stimulus” spending and other payoffs for his political cronies. Nobody knows if or when the fiscal collapse will come, but if the country is broke, there likely won’t be enough money to pay for police protection. And the American people know it.

Hurricanes. Tornadoes. Riots. Terrorists. Gangs. Lone criminals. These are perils we are sure to face—not just maybe. It’s not paranoia to buy a gun. It’s survival. It’s responsible behavior, and it’s time we encourage law-abiding Americans to do just that."
[x] Hellish gun grabber utopia
[x] Fiscal collapse leading to no police
02-14-2013 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Oh wow, DBJ is going to be never-before-seen levels of butthurt when he wakes up and sees the news
The NYT South African journalist was saying that might not be true, that she was told neighbors heard arguing before the shooting. So it might not have been a case of mistaken shooting, it may have been a case of an argument turning into murder because a person kept a gun in their home.


Though, there was an even more publicized, recent, example of shooting at an unidentified threat. The LAPD and Dorner. When I heard about the LAPD shooting at two trucks of innocents, I wondered if any gun owners would think to themselves, "Hmmm, these trained police, under great stress, misidentified a threat and fired at the wrong people. I wonder if I am capable of making the same sort of mistake if I were in a stressful situation?"
02-14-2013 , 11:28 AM
Originally Posted by Cornboy
The NYT South African journalist was saying that might not be true, that she was told neighbors heard arguing before the shooting. So it might not have been a case of mistaken shooting, it may have been a case of an argument turning into murder because a person kept a gun in their home.
Now he'll probably say that he shot her in self-defense after the fight got physical, and claim SYG protection. Then another killer like Zimmerman will get away with murder while their victims aren't around to give a second account of what happened.

This story is pretty damning evidence to any SYG advocate, and it should be easy now to conclude that the law is a complete and total failure.
02-14-2013 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Bragging about getting a gun in response to reason and science is on par with this childishness. Sounds about right to feel belittled when called out on some bull****.
Here in the USA, it is legal. If I want a gun I will get one. It's not going to be illegal anytime soon. Belittle all you want but you aren't changing anything.
02-14-2013 , 11:37 AM
Originally Posted by Pilkain
Here in the USA, it is legal. If I want a gun I will get one. It's not going to be illegal anytime soon. Belittle all you want but you aren't changing anything.
I love that you try and paint yourself as the "moderate" you are so lol its crazy. You seem to get some bizarre satisfaction from the fact that no one wants to take any steps to curtail needless murders in the US because it disappointing people in favor of gun restrictions. I have news for you friend

It's supposed to disappoint you, too.
02-14-2013 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by drugsarebad
Now he'll probably say that he shot her in self-defense after the fight got physical, and claim SYG protection. Then another killer like Zimmerman will get away with murder while their victims aren't around to give a second account of what happened.

This story is pretty damning evidence to any SYG advocate, and it should be easy now to conclude that the law is a complete and total failure.
Not sure if South Africa has a SYG law.
02-14-2013 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by Sommerset
I love that you try and paint yourself as the "moderate" you are so lol its crazy. You seem to get some bizarre satisfaction from the fact that no one wants to take any steps to curtail needless murders in the US because it disappointing people in favor of gun restrictions. I have news for you friend

It's supposed to disappoint you, too.
I'm in favor of all reasonable limitations including universal background checks, limits on magazine capacity, and even the assault weapons ban. I still also believe law abiding private citizens should retain the right to bear arms.

What should disappoint you, is that those who argue for gun control by belittling and ridiculing the beliefs of others are pushing moderates farther right. That is preventing any real dialogue on the issue. It will also stop any progress from being made.

But it probably doesn't disappoint you, you are too busy trying to win an argument on an online forum.
02-14-2013 , 11:54 AM
Not Oscar! That guy was the feel good story of the London Olympics...damn.
02-14-2013 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by Pilkain
I'm in favor of all reasonable limitations including universal background checks, limits on magazine capacity, and even the assault weapons ban. I still also believe law abiding private citizens should retain the right to bear arms.

What should disappoint you, is that those who argue for gun control by belittling and ridiculing the beliefs of others are pushing moderates farther right. That is preventing any real dialogue on the issue. It will also stop any progress from being made.

But it probably doesn't disappoint you, you are too busy trying to win an argument on an online forum.

project harder.

Tell me again how progressive you are before you go on another rant about how liberals ITT just hate the constitution.

This wasn't the first time you've delighted in the fact that people who want gun restrictions "won't change anything."

Seriously, no one buys your act.
02-14-2013 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by Pilkain
I'm in favor of all reasonable limitations including universal background checks, limits on magazine capacity, and even the assault weapons ban. I still also believe law abiding private citizens should retain the right to bear arms.

What should disappoint you, is that those who argue for gun control by belittling and ridiculing the beliefs of others are pushing moderates farther right. That is preventing any real dialogue on the issue. It will also stop any progress from being made.

But it probably doesn't disappoint you, you are too busy trying to win an argument on an online forum.
It could be pushing some moderates further left as well though. I wouldn't assume everyone is just breaking right.
02-14-2013 , 12:00 PM
Feeling belittled for having bad ideas is definitely their problem. It's very a bad idea to incorrectly tell me what are and are not my rights. It's a very bad idea to abridge the 2nd amendment of the USC. It's a very bad idea to bring half-logic to a full logic fight.
02-14-2013 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Not sure if South Africa has a SYG law.
Yeah no idea, I'm just trying to make DBJ's head explode from the sidelines
02-14-2013 , 12:41 PM
Hey, let use the republican models of regulating the constitutional right to an abortion for guns. Yeah it's an equivalency, but not all together false.

What if gun rights were regulated like abortion rights? Here's a list of just some of the hoops you'd have to jump through before you could own a gun:
•Only one store in the entire state would sell guns. (See: Mississippi, Arkansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming for states with only one abortion provider.)
•You'd have to fill out an enormous personal background check including intrusive personal information that has nothing to do with your ability to own or use a gun. Then you'd have to wait at least 72 hours and come back to the store. (Remember, it's the only one in the state. You better hope you don't live on the other side of Wyoming.)
•Upon your return, you'd have to sit through intensive mandatory counseling. Your counselor, regardless of his personal beliefs, would have to tell you that gun ownership is actually a bad idea, and that it would negatively effect your mental health to own a gun. (This, despite there being no scientific evidence to support the claim.)
•Next, you'd sit through a gruesome movie showing the actual aftermath of domestic gun crimes. You'd see people with half a head. You'd see dead children in their beds. You'd see the bloody aftermath of a school shooting. You'd be shown statistic after statistic warning you that you'd be contributing to this morally degenerate sanctioning of murder.
•If you lived in Virginia, you'd have to come back (again) for an invasive and uncomfortable fMRI (which costs around $300 out of your pocket) to ensure your honesty in answering all the background check information and your intentions to use your gun responsibly. (This was as close as I could get to the invasive transvaginal procedure included in the recently passed Virginia bill.)
•Oh... and if you were married, your spouse might have to sign off on your gun ownership.

Once you jumped through all these hoops, you could buy a gun. In a week, if you wanted another gun, you'd have to start over at Step 1. No exceptions.
02-14-2013 , 01:42 PM
I need a joke that combines "Blade Runner" for both his nickname and the film and the act of murdering your girlfriend.

Im currently stuck around the "candle that burns twice as bright lasts half as long". It aint working.

Terrible story that another gun owner killed or murdered a loved one in either a mistaken accident or a domestic argument, though.
