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From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago

01-28-2013 , 08:03 PM
That's criminal stupidity right there. I can't imagine the people who do this stuff think through these plans at all.
01-28-2013 , 08:05 PM
Because for some reason the people who like that way, have it their way.
01-28-2013 , 08:06 PM
Yeah but just think, if you were gonna rob that Kroger and you saw a dude with an assault rifle you'd stop. Right? BOOM SEE ARMED GUARDS AT EVERY KROGER ASAP
01-28-2013 , 09:12 PM
Noob question.

Greg Ball, a NY State Senator, points to the Dept of Homeland Security wanting to buy 7000 AR-15s and his point is that the DHS says these weapons are "suitable for personal defense use in close quarters" which is contrary to what Gov. Cuomo and others have said.

Ok, fine, I understand what he's saying. But, the actual request for proposal by the DHS doesn't mention the AR-15 at all. Only that the weapons use the 5.56×45mm NATO cartridge.

The RFP is here... ... but if you don't want to wade through it all the main thing is, "DHS and its components have a requirement for a 5.56x45mm NATO, select-fire firearm suitable for personal defense use in close quarters and/or when maximum concealment is required." That's all.

So, my question (tho, sure, a bit nitty) is that doesn't that cartridge fit other rifles? I know it does, I guess, but I'm asking whether ANY rifle that qualifies would be considered an AR-15 variant? I don't think so, and I think that Ball is being a bit misleading with that part of his argument.
01-28-2013 , 09:13 PM
I think you need to go to the gun owner fap thread.
01-28-2013 , 09:20 PM
Oh yeah, I forgot about that thing. Eh, maybe someone who knows will see.
01-28-2013 , 09:28 PM
oops wrong thread
01-28-2013 , 10:29 PM
Government Officials contradicting themselves... Oh My!

Didn't read the links but, the AR15 platform is used to make what the BATF considers a pistol.

Think of one of those scurry black AR's with an eight inch barrel and no butt stock. It would fit inside of a suit jacket.

Google .223 pistol and you'll find it.
01-29-2013 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl

What a bunch a morons.
01-29-2013 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by Happy_Fish
Yes, how silly of me to use actual reality when describing something. I'm just not deluded enough into thinking that what I think about the matter has any impact on reality in the slightest. I agree that the world SHOULD NOT be a battlefield, but since it is, I will continue to describe it in that way until it isn't.

Is online poker illegal or not?
Your reality is quite different then mine. When I see a sleepy town where there has been no battles for decades (possibly ever) and there is no impending battle to the best of our knowledge there... in most people's 'reality' they would not label that place as a battlefield.

In your reality there being a 'battle' has nothing to do with a place being a battlefield.

In the picture I posted previously of Disneyland's mainstreet USA let's compare it to the definition of Battlefield-
bat·tle·field [ bátt'l fld ] of battle: the place where a battle is fought (NOPE - NO BATTLE IS BEING FOUGHT THERE)
2.area of conflict: an area of conflict or contention (NO CONFLICT OR CONTENTION THERE)
I see your point. If we ignore the definition of words then you are 100% right here.

Anyhow- I don't have the slightest idea why you're asking if online poker is illegal. What I can state pretty confidently is that since it was made illegal in the US the amount of online poker playing has gone way down. I guess we can see how effective a ban can be.
01-29-2013 , 11:52 AM
From Happyfish's own quote:
to order the military to pick up and indefinitely imprison people captured anywhere in the world, far from any battlefield. The ACLU will fight worldwide detention authority wherever we can, be it in court, in Congress, or internationally.
Its odd that they wrote out "far from any battlefield" since a battlefield is everywhere?!?!? Huh. Maybe happyfish needs to write to them to correct that since it makes no sense.
01-29-2013 , 01:44 PM
love is a battlefield, and love is everywhere

therefore a battlefield is everywhere

logic morans
01-29-2013 , 06:58 PM
Stay classy, gun people.

“The Second Amendment!” was shouted a couple of times by as many as a dozen gun enthusiasts in the meeting room as Neil Heslin, holding a photo of his slain 6-year-old son, Jesse Lewis, asked why Bushmaster assault-style weapons are allowed to be sold in the state.
01-29-2013 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
From Happyfish's own quote:

Its odd that they wrote out "far from any battlefield" since a battlefield is everywhere?!?!? Huh. Maybe happyfish needs to write to them to correct that since it makes no sense.
Good luck to you in your crusade to change the legal definitions used by the US government. I wish you luck, because I believe they are wrong. Until you succeed in your quest, I will continue to describe reality. Good day!
01-29-2013 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
Anyhow- I don't have the slightest idea why you're asking if online poker is illegal. What I can state pretty confidently is that since it was made illegal in the US the amount of online poker playing has gone way down. I guess we can see how effective a ban can be.
But 2+2 thinks poker is legal. How can we determine the reality of the situation? Is it what 2+2 thinks, or what the US government thinks?
01-29-2013 , 07:21 PM

Friends who were in the car with Diaz told WSB-TV that they were trying to pick up a friend on the way to ice skating on Saturday but their GPS directed them to the wrong address. The friends said that they waited in the driveway for a few minutes before Sailors emerged from the house and fired a gun into the air.
Dude ended up killing a 22 year old sitting in his driveway. If only the people in the car were armed, then they all would have been safer.
01-29-2013 , 07:33 PM
Isnt it "funny" how all these cases have the murderer clearly following an instruction they have read somewhere on how to create legal doubt. Such as shouting that they are fearful for their life or firing a warning shot in the air before then immediately gunning down the victim even as they try to flee for their lives.

How many people must be getting murdered or at least terrorised in cases where the murderers understood the rules slightly better so it didnt make the news.
01-29-2013 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by Case Closed

Dude ended up killing a 22 year old sitting in his driveway. If only the people in the car were armed, then they all would have been safer.
Incredibly tragic. Too bad nothing can be done about tragedies like this happening again. It's just the way it is.
01-30-2013 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by champstark

lol Virginia, how can society deem this acceptable behavior?
you just have to hope he's one of dem good guys. if so, he'll protect you if one of dem bad guys shows up.
01-30-2013 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Stay classy, gun people.
Did you actually watch the video? The left wing media's portrial of this as heckling etc. is just comical and really shows they have an agenda in how they want gun owners protrayed.
01-30-2013 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by Happy_Fish
But 2+2 thinks poker is legal. How can we determine the reality of the situation? Is it what 2+2 thinks, or what the US government thinks?
who is this 2+2? I would have bet that most people on 2+2 believe online poker should be legal but recognize that it currently is not in the US.

Poker itself IS legal. But depending on what state you're in there may be restrictions on what you may wager.

Regarding your previous post... its not even clear anymore to me why you're having a horrible semantics battle that as best I can tell is just to make people question your credibility. I assume its some convaluted argument explaining why everyone needs to have an armory in their home everywhere is the US since I believe this started with you explaining why the picture I posted was necessary but... Its not really interesting enough to me to reread the thread. You think people need guns at Disneyland because its a battlefield. You seem very sane and credible to me. That's enough of this for me. You may carry on to others with your argument about how the word "battlefield" doesn't actually require a battle... I don't know if anyone else is as foolish as me to engage you but I wish you luck.
01-30-2013 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by Case Closed

Dude ended up killing a 22 year old sitting in his driveway. If only the people in the car were armed, then they all would have been safer.
He couldn't know that the people in his driveway weren't about to launch a home invasion and beat him with ice skates. Clearly this was justified.
01-30-2013 , 04:24 PM
lol people who use a car gps instead of being able to look up and follow directions. they probably would have driven into a lake anyway
01-30-2013 , 04:32 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
lol people who use a car gps instead of being able to look up and follow directions. they probably would have driven into a lake anyway
stupid people using technology!

I still use a sextant when I drive around because I'm smart.
01-30-2013 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by champstark

lol Virginia, how can society deem this acceptable behavior?
FB post from my conservative cousin:

I was at a public playground today when I saw another parent trying to conceal a gun under their sweatshirt. I realize it is city ordinance, but I packed up my kids and left. I didn't find it appropriate or necessary, just an accident waiting to happen. Did I overreact?

XXX Absolutely not! I would have done the exact same thing if I was anywhere and aware there was a gun around
January 26 at 12:18pm via mobile · Like

Cousin: Thank you! And the weird thing is that we were at that little hidden playground outside Deana Rose. Only 3 or 4 families with toddlers were there.
January 26 at 12:22pm via mobile · Like

Cousin Matt, Dan said the same thing. Still not comfortable with a gun at a playground.
January 26 at 12:35pm via mobile · Like

XXX No, that is so Not necessary to have a gun at a children's playground. What are people thinking??????????
January 26 at 12:37pm · Like · 1

XXX OMG! no you didn't overreact. I would have done the same thing.
January 26 at 12:42pm · Like

XXX I am shocked that a dad would have that on his person in the presence of children. What's the necessity in that? I think it's an intimidation move and i would have gotten the heck out of there also!!
January 26 at 12:53pm via mobile · Like

XXX I don't think anyone can say you have overreacted, you did what was best for your kiddos. Another perspective though, bc that part of town is an incredible place to live and raise kids, there are quite a few people I know who live there that are required to carry concealed when they are off duty. He might have been an off duty Police Officer or Federal Agent and not joe citizen
January 26 at 12:56pm · Like · 1

Cousin: I know and I hate to judge, but he was a bit sloppy on the whole concealing part. It was on his hip and he kept tugging at his sweatshirt to cover it all the while looking back at me who was blatantly staring at his obscure and insecure behavior. He did not have the confidence with his weapon that I would expect from a cop.
January 26 at 1:01pm via mobile · Unlike · 4

January 26 at 1:09pm via mobile · Like

XXX Oh, and by the way Deana Rose is closed for the winter.
January 26 at 1:19pm via mobile · Like

XXX No you didn't overact, guns scare me, I don't want to be around them and certainly don't want my kids around them,)
January 26 at 1:26pm via mobile · Like

XXX I've done the same thing. Ur cool.
January 26 at 1:26pm via mobile · Like · 1

XXX You didn't overreact at all! I would have left too!
January 26 at 1:44pm via mobile · Like

XXX Not an over reaction at all! I would have done the
exact same thing and shame on that guy for not using any common sense.
January 26 at 1:45pm via mobile · Like · 1

XXX And I might children are old enough to know what a gun is. I wouldn't want them to see that and feel scared or like they were somewhere unsafe.
January 26 at 1:46pm via mobile · Like

XXX No, you did not overreact.
January 26 at 2:30pm via mobile · Like

XXX Hell no! I don't get it at all! How is that legal?
January 26 at 2:44pm via mobile · Like

XXX No! You didn't overreact. You reacted responsibly. In fact, I would have also called the police and reported a man carrying a gun was at playground where there were children.
January 26 at 3:56pm · Like

XXXl No.
Sunday at 9:07am via mobile · Like

XXX Hell no! Your mommy instinct was right on.
Sunday at 12:17pm · Like
