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From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago

12-31-2012 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by Ashington

Eventually a teacher will lose it and shoot up his/her class. The NRA's response will be that the school children should be armed.
So you're saying that you're okay with children being denied their constitutional rights?
12-31-2012 , 01:37 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
To put it another way, it's entirely okay to say:

"people murdered by guns are statistically more likely to have been murdered by a family member than anyone else."

It is not okay to say:

"you're more likely to murder a member of your family than anyone else."

You cannot take generalized facts like this and apply them to individuals. You're effectively turning it into a personal attack, and it is vile.
If i meet a complete stranger, i can do nothing other than use the only information available to me, how is this hard?

To be consistent, you must think that it is "vile" to posit that any given felon is more likely to commit a crime than generic person A, because you can't take generalized facts and apply them to individuals, amirite?

Last edited by BluffsOften; 12-31-2012 at 01:51 PM.
12-31-2012 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by AlexM
It has nothing to do with math. If my child is murdered/missing/whatever, the chances I had anything to do with it are 0 because I, as an individual, am completely and totally incapable of having done such a thing. The statistics are irrelevant to that fact. To say that I might be capable of such a thing because you're applying general population statistics to me is insulting. Hell, I'd be significantly less insulted if you tried something similar with me that was race related.
This, again, betrays a complete lack of understanding of the issue. To avoid the butthurt, I'll use myself rather than you. In the (hopefully always hypothetical) event that my wife or any of my kids are missing, it is mathematically correct to consider me a suspect until I show that I couldn't have done it. That's what the police actually do in these investigations and I'm not special.

Your race example as an analogue to this is just incorrect.....there is no strong preference for a random crime to be committed by 1 random person over another based on race. Conflating the 2 is simply WRONG....not racist, insensitive, insulting to the parent, un-pc etc. If you can't get this difference you're going to continue to be butthurt by random facts.

Last edited by dessin d'enfant; 12-31-2012 at 01:48 PM.
12-31-2012 , 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by MissileDog
Why your behavior isn't considered trolling on this bbs is beyond me. You admit you are too lazy to actually read... but you keep responding anyway.

How about this soft-ball... the Bill of Rights were an amendment of the constitution, not coming into force until two years later. What the 2A did was take the power away from the state to determine weapons laws, and handed it over to the federals.

As a well known statist righter, don't you think the 2A, which was not in the original Constitution, is an infringement on your theory of statist rights ??
MD, i don't read your posts because they are nonsense. you literally just make stuff up about people's positions and then argue against it.

Like you just did. A "well known state's righter" - seriously? I'm a well known anarchist in this forum. I haven't talked about states rights for probably 2 years. I don't even believe in individual rights let alone states rights, I think the concept of rights is hilarious and anyone discussing them is wasting their time. I think discussing the second amendment is a waste of time.

I don't read Dvaut's posts because they are too long.

I read everyone else's posts.
12-31-2012 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by dessin d'enfant
This, again, betrays a complete lack of understanding of the issue. To avoid the butthurt, I'll use myself rather than you. In the (hopefully always hypothetical) event that my wife or any of my kids are missing, it is mathematically correct to consider me a suspect until I show that I couldn't have done it. That's what the police actually do in these's idiotic to expect the police to soul read me and know I couldn't have harmed them. Your race example is just incorrect.....there is no strong preference for a random crime to be committed by 1 random person over another based on race. Conflating the 2 is simply WRONG....not racist, insensitive, insulting to the parent, un-pc etc. If you can't get the difference you're going to continue to be butthurt by random facts.
+1 This covers the math side

And from the social science side- I'll repeat that its extremely relevant that there are numerous well studied plausible mechanisms to explain why essentially all intimate partners are more likely to be killed by each other than by strangers.

When you have situations where both math and social science/psychology point to the same conclusion then things are looking pretty good for the conclusion.
12-31-2012 , 01:52 PM
Ha, the General read this post.
12-31-2012 , 01:54 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Ha, the General read this post.
12-31-2012 , 02:05 PM
This whole statistics discussion bs about me killing my family is lol but,

I've read no statistic on this issue so Ill go with what you guys are saying, Wouldnt statistics actually say: gun does no harm to anyone>killed by family member or suicide> gun is used to kill or stop intruder?

So guns are actually safe because most dont kill good people or bad people?

Theres a very low percentage of it happening so dont worry about it...
12-31-2012 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by Hendricks433
This whole statistics discussion bs about me killing my family is lol but,

I've read no statistic on this issue so Ill go with what you guys are saying, Wouldnt statistics actually say: gun does no harm to anyone>killed by family member or suicide> gun is used to kill or stop intruder?
12-31-2012 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by JimHammer
Another question:

What is a better way to defend against home invaders?

1. A gun.

2. High quality doors and locks.
Depends, windows break pretty easy if I remember correctly. Therefore you invest in both.

This thread is to the point where I'm pretty sure I'm done. We have different beliefs and mindsets about life and government.
12-31-2012 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by BluffsOften
So you're saying that you're okay with children being denied their constitutional rights?
12-31-2012 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by Hendricks433
This whole statistics discussion bs about me killing my family is lol but,

I've read no statistic on this issue so Ill go with what you guys are saying, Wouldnt statistics actually say: gun does no harm to anyone>killed by family member or suicide> gun is used to kill or stop intruder?

So guns are actually safe because most dont kill good people or bad people?

Theres a very low percentage of it happening so dont worry about it...
So in your hypothetical when you take the weighted average of outcomes, you have the vast majority of the time the gun ownership is neutral, a small percent of the time you have a negative outcome and smaller percent of time its a positive outcome. Which makes gun ownership to have an "expected value" of increasing risk to your family. Not sure what your point is?
12-31-2012 , 02:11 PM
Saying something is safe because most of them haven't harmed someone yet is a bit silly IMO.
12-31-2012 , 02:14 PM
So the gun owners like to claim gun control people are motivated by fear and emotions.

But then in the same breath they talk about how scared they are that a stranger is going to break into their house and kill them.

What gives? It seems like the guy with a gun on his nightstand is more fearful given they are willing to spend money on what their fear motivates them to do, while not many gun control supporters are willing to spend equivalent money to try to ban handguns.
12-31-2012 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by JimHammer
Try reading this again:
lol, you really think that you could get a ban to go through and be executed that takes away all Semi Auto guns? You say you dont want to ban guns but thats effectively what that is.

What do we do about schools? You dont think that people will still get their hands on guns?
12-31-2012 , 02:21 PM
Facebook post from a guy I went to HS with:

FYI---on Saturday, I took my youngest with me to Cabela's to spend some rather large gift cards and maximize post-Christmas sales. I have never seen the gun counter more busy. I pulled #58, and they were servicing #16 at the time. We came back 1 hour later and made the counter and I was luckily able to purchase a new Glock Model 22 in .40 S/W and a few other goodies. While waiting, I noticed several large signs around the counter that told everyone that they had sold out of the Bushmaster and Colt AR look-alikes.

A few in the crowd were mumbling about that "n" word Obama and him "coming to get us and our guns". I said nothing, but silently signed at how out of whack our priorities are and that it's more important to own the assault rifle to keep away the imaginary jack-booted government thugs than worrying about how to keep the semi-auto weapons out of the hands of criminals. I've no problem taking out a criminal breaking into my house with 3 center mass shots, but I don't think I need the Bushmaster, a Colt AR, AK-47, or other weapon to do that.

I believe in gun ownership, but I'm not going to claim that I have a God-given mandate to own a .50 Cal BMG or other weapons that are best suited for military and law enforcement. Anyway my friends, have a great 2013 and be safe tonight. bhliain nua sásta!!
12-31-2012 , 02:32 PM
the idiotic/annoying facebook statuses thread is in OOT suzzer
12-31-2012 , 02:34 PM
Ha, I almost put 'In before the gun nuts cannibalize the reasonable ones (aka gun owners)'
12-31-2012 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Ha, I almost put 'In before the gun nuts cannibalize the reasonable ones (aka gun owners)'
The stupid thing about that post is his complete ignorance about Assault Rifles. Assault Rifles account for less than 2% of murders while the handgun he bough accounts for 50%+ of murders and is less accurate if someone were to break into his home.

You think he is reasonable because he supports what you want.
12-31-2012 , 02:51 PM
How many mass murders have ever been prevented by a civilian with an assault rifle? How many home invasions have ever been prevented by assault rifles where a pistol or shotgun wouldn't have done the job?

Assault rifles are good for feeling like a badass blowing **** up at the gun range, and fantasizing about the end of days, and that's about it. Oh yeah - and the occasional bank robbery shootout or mass murder.
12-31-2012 , 02:54 PM
when has the term assault rifle meant anything?
12-31-2012 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
when has the term assault rifle meant anything?
Haven't you all been clamoring about how assault rifle has a very specific definition?
12-31-2012 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Haven't you all been clamoring about how assault rifle has a very specific definition?
It does have a specific definition, and that definition is complete nonsense.
12-31-2012 , 03:03 PM
Oh Lawdy we can't instantly define something with a casual knowledge of the subject and 4 seconds of thought. Whatever shall we do? All legislation should be 4 sentences at most and written in crayon.
12-31-2012 , 03:05 PM
You got them mixed up, Ike. It is "assault rifle" that has a specific, military definition (a definition that requires burst mode or full-auto, which civilian AR-15s do not have.)

"Assault weapon" is the made up term that Feinstein and Obama like so much.
