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From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago

12-21-2012 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by BTirish
Hunting with most AR-15's is going to be a little "unsporting," in a different sense, because they're significantly less powerful than many hunting rifles. In some states, it isn't even legal to hunt with the typical AR-15, because the gun isn't powerful enough to ensure a clean kill.
They make AR style rifles in different calibers. Yes, the .223 is banned in some states as a deer cartridge. But you can get one in 6.8 or in .308. You can even get one in .22LR if you want to save on ammo costs.
12-21-2012 , 03:55 PM
Originally Posted by BTirish
Hunting with most AR-15's is going to be a little "unsporting," in a different sense, because they're significantly less powerful than many hunting rifles. In some states, it isn't even legal to hunt with the typical AR-15, because the gun isn't powerful enough to ensure a clean kill.
I know you think this is a good point, but you're getting your arguments from the mentally ill, so no.

You need AR-15s to protect yourself and your family and also ALL OF AMERICA from criminals/invasions/tyranny, but P.S. the AR-15 is also pathetically weak and not dangerous.

Then how are you gonna be able to go all Red Dawn?
12-21-2012 , 03:55 PM
Here in Maryland, the state legislature is proposing all sorts of new controls, including severe limitations on assault rifles (or as pro-gun folks prefer to call them, modern sporting rifles). This despite the fact that there were exactly two murders with a rifle in MD in 2011.
12-21-2012 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by gusmahler
They make AR-15s in different calibers.
I know; that's why I said "most" and "typical." Maybe I'm wrong, but my impression is that the majority of AR-15's sold are in calibers not powerful enough for hunting.
12-21-2012 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by Sommerset
Just curious as to how him saying that states who want to do something should have the right to has anything to do with the position of wanting to limit gun accessibility?
It's called the Second Amendment. Seriously? The state should have the power but they still have restrictions and can't do what ever the f they want.
12-21-2012 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Hendricks433
It's called the Second Amendment. Seriously? The state should have the power but they still have restrictions and can't do what ever the f they want.
I'm just saying... seems more like a states rights issue for him than him wanting to ban guns. (right or wrong)

Anyway, he isnt me, so ill stop speculating
12-21-2012 , 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Zimmer4141
I can honestly say that was one of the most shocking and disgusting speeches I have ever witnessed.

The sheer callousness and lack of empathy was resounding.

I find it completely impossible to believe that this group represents anything more than what is a fringe group of the American populace with attitudes like that.
RT @HelenLOHara British news is covering the NRA response to Newtown and has had to clarify twice that what they're showing is not a spoof.
12-21-2012 , 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Zimmer4141
And I disagree with that. States that want to ban guns outright should have the ability to. I don't think that people who want to live in an area with no guns should be denied that opportunity in America.
lol well you should wake up, if you ban guns in California only they will find their way there and you will have just your 911 phone call to save you.
12-21-2012 , 04:10 PM
Pretty sure DBJ is on the record in this thread saying states should have the right to ban guns. I was super surprised he thought so.
12-21-2012 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by Hendricks433
lol well you should wake up, if you ban guns in California only they will find their way there and you will have just your 911 phone call to save you.
You should tell this to the guy who was triumphantly showing us that the D.C. gun ban had seemingly no effect on homicides.
12-21-2012 , 04:11 PM
Tsao- Do you have any thoughts on LaPierre's call to create a national database of the mentally ill? (it is unclear what you would do with this database once created)
12-21-2012 , 04:12 PM
Originally Posted by Sommerset
I'm just saying... seems more like a states rights issue for him than him wanting to ban guns. (right or wrong)

Anyway, he isnt me, so ill stop speculating
I'm all about states rights and if a state wants to limit guns that's fine. That's how we are at the moment with assault bans and magazine limitations. I just think that state power is limited by the constitution for an all out banning on firearms.
12-21-2012 , 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by Sommerset
RE: Video games

I was just made aware of this series of Japanese games called corpse party.... some really dark and depressing stuff.
I wiki'ed it, not my style of game cos I prefer more criminality, murder, puzzles and bright colours but seeing how popular it is in Japan and the corresponding number of school shootings in Japan I didnt look up but assume exist means I can back the banning of this game.
12-21-2012 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
I like that you always say "with guns"

Seems like the anti gun crowd isn't aware that 170 people were killed and over 600 injured in the Oklahoma City bombing.

And no, armed "guards" cannot be present, but armed citizens can be. But no, let's keep pretending that there's no correlation between mass shootings and gun free zones.
I assume they back explosives control as well as gun control. Could be wrong though, maybe they want to loosen the laws of controlled explosives just like the NEA.
12-21-2012 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by BTirish
Canada lol.
12-21-2012 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by Hendricks433
She lunges and tries to disarm the shooter. Obviously she caught him by surprise in some aspect to get close enough to make contact. If she was armed she is 5-10 ft back and takes him down.

As soon as he starts shooting he's basically deaf unless he has ear pro on which still hinders his hearing and you should be able to attack him with out him knowing. Also if she was armed and didn't need to actually make physical contact she could have been more strategic to stay out of his sight to engage him with a firearm.
People, here is the thing.

Its really really offensive to start talking about whether the principle of the school could have stopped Adam Lanza if she was armed. There is no evidence whatsoever she would have carried a gun, unless you are in favour of forcing teachers to carry guns just stfu about whether she could have stopped him.

Just look at the stats, so few teachers use guns in any sense it is a pointless distraction to discuss them being allowed to carry on school grounds stopping this and other school shootings. We also know in this very thread that when a mass shooter crossed paths with a concealed carrier in a mall the concealed carrier didnt fire a single shot and did absolutely nothing to stop the shooter because he was worried about hitting someone behind the shooter.

Last edited by [Phill]; 12-21-2012 at 04:47 PM.
12-21-2012 , 04:39 PM
The NRA trying to institute gun control in games, TV and movies is so hilarious, more so that people itt have tried to defend them. Its like today they decided to prove they are part of the problem and not the solution.

I mean WTF, gun nuts talk about how banning guns wont get rid of all the millions of guns that already exist but banning movies and games will get rid of data that can be transmitted over the internet and all the games and movies that already exist in America. Anyone who backs a gun/movie/TV ban is literally ignorant, wilfully or not.

Japan has legal guns and produces a large amount of violent movies, TV, games and literally violent porn (so ****ed up even I cant watch it) and yet because their legal guns and the licenses to have them come with stringent controls attached they have significantly less gun violence.
12-21-2012 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by Kenross
So let's be ridiculously generous to the NRA:

125,000 schools
1 full-time officer needed per school (way too low, but whatever)
$100,000 per year cost, salary + benefits (also probably too low on average)

Total deaths prevented: 30 per year (way too high based on past performance, plus this doesn't account for the facts that: a) some deaths will occur and/or b) the shooter will go somewhere easier)

Cost: $12,500,000,000
Cost per life saved: $416,700,000

Actual cost, if you place a sufficient number of officers to adequately secure each building, probably over a billion per life.

That seems a tad inefficient, doesn't it?

I assume that the taxpayers will get stuck with the bill? Isn't this proposal coming from primarily the same cohort of people who don't want to raise taxes for any reason ever?

Or is it the case that the NRA and the gun manufacturers are rolling in so much dough that they can spring for all of it? Seems unlikely to me.
Ive read cited costings with full professional research putting it at 5.5 billion bucks a year. So your back of an envelope figures are a bit off, but not by as much as one would assume.
12-21-2012 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
I mean WTF, gun nuts talk about how banning guns wont get rid of all the millions of guns that already exist but banning movies and games will get rid of data that can be transmitted over the internet and all the games and movies that already exist in America. Anyone who backs a gun/movie/TV ban is literally ignorant, wilfully or not.
Banning movies and games doesn't directly impact the NRA and gun manufacturers bottom line, and it doesn't infringe on the 2nd amendment.
12-21-2012 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Just look at the stats, so few teachers use guns in any sense it is a pointless distraction to discuss them being allowed to carry on school grounds stopping this and other school shootings. We also know in this very thread that when a mass shooter crossed paths with a concealed carrier in a mall the concealed carrier didnt fire a single shot and did absolutely nothing to stop the shooter because he was worried about hitting someone behind the shooter.
So we can't assume that the Principal would have actually done anything. But we can assume that the mall shooter was not at all intimidated by another gun.
12-21-2012 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Just look at the stats, so few teachers use guns in any sense it is a pointless distraction to discuss them being allowed to carry on school grounds stopping this and other school shootings.
This is already legal in Utah and in some places in Texas. Most of the proposals I've seen are not to make this a requirement, but just to allow it on a voluntary basis for those teachers who have CCW permits.

Are you aware of any surveys of teachers about their willingness to carry? Like I said before, if it would be an effective deterrent (that's a matter to be debated), it wouldn't have to be in every school, even; just the decent chance of encountering someone armed might be enough to deter some of these shooters. Is that an unreasonable thought?

We also know in this very thread that when a mass shooter crossed paths with a concealed carrier in a mall the concealed carrier didnt fire a single shot and did absolutely nothing to stop the shooter because he was worried about hitting someone behind the shooter.
I think there's been a lot of hyperbole on both sides about this case. In the interview I saw with the guy, he said something like "all I know is that the next shot he fired after he saw me with my gun was the one that took his own life." I think it's a little hasty to jump to a definite conclusion about the shooter's motivation, but it's at least not an unreasonable possibility that the man who planned to commit suicide by his own hand after his mass shooting didn't want to be in a gun fight... given that he didn't pursue the guy with a gun, but almost immediately took his own life.

And I'm not sure if you meant that as a criticism, that the CCW guy refrained from shooting because he didn't have a clean opportunity.

edit: About this case, at a minimum, I don't think it's an unreasonable possibility that the CCW guy distracted the shooter long enough for at least one person who might have been shot to get away. Wouldn't that be a life saved?
12-21-2012 , 04:48 PM
You send your kid off to the State indoctrination facility with the expectation that they will be home for dinner. Some crazy **** with a gun breaks into the State gun free zone and kills your kid and 19 others. The solution: gun control, aka let the State take away YOUR rights. The State F's up, you pay the price. That makes sense.

Meanwhile the same hypocritical ****s that comprise the ruling class will be passing the very laws to restrict YOUR freedom in buildings that are protected with metal detectors and armed guards. Try getting in a state office building and killing a bunch of legislators. When they leave to go home at night I'll bet they have armed bodyguards or a concealed weapon of their own. Good for me but not for thee. **** the State.
12-21-2012 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by gusmahler
So we can't assume that the Principal would have actually done anything. But we can assume that the mall shooter was not at all intimidated by another gun.
The principle did something, she brought fists and perhaps a protractor to an assault rifle fight and died a hero.

We know for a fact the mall shooter was not intimidated by another gun given he shot himself with his own gun. He was so scared of the handgun carrying guy, who we are not sure he saw, who ran away without firing a shot - that he proceeded to eat a bullet to save himself from being shot. Genius. Makes perfect sense to me.
12-21-2012 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
I assume they back explosives control as well as gun control. Could be wrong though, maybe they want to loosen the laws of controlled explosives just like the NEA.
yes it's a shame explosives weren't illegal in 1995 could have saved so many lives!
12-21-2012 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Tsao- Do you have any thoughts on LaPierre's call to create a national database of the mentally ill? (it is unclear what you would do with this database once created)
my guess would be it'd be illegal to sell guns to the mentally ill (of which there'd be a partial database).

i have mixed feelings on it.
