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From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago

12-19-2012 , 12:41 PM
I mean it is what it is. I've seen the uglier side of anti-s that cheered this watershed moment. The chance to "finally get something done". Some of you very folks on this board probably rationalized the tragedy with that same thought. That's what you guys do.

Every few months, one slips through, usually always in a gun free zone, but that fact is lost, it makes headlines, the anti-s pass a collection plate and beat the drums, and when it flames out they find themselves in the position of wishing that it was worse so that they can make a big sacrifice now to win the war in the long run.

You got your big one. The non-events don't make the news. The 900,000 times a gun prevents a crime doesn't get recorded or registered. The untold times a criminal makes a pass on a target because he fears an armed response doesn't make for a catchy news piece.

Let's do it your guys way for a while. If that's what it takes to convince some folks, let's do it. I'm comfortable either way because I am responsible for mine and my own, I don't lean on others or pass that buck off.

If it comes back and I was wrong I'll own it. If not, just promise me the same courtesy and don't blame it on crack, or montana, or moving boxes. Deal?
12-19-2012 , 12:44 PM
Originally Posted by Hamish McBagpipe
3 year old kills himself with a gunshot to the head while on a visit to an Oklahoman Highway Trooper's house...
If you take the guns out of the hands of all law-abiding three year olds, only three year old criminals will have guns.

Bur the 2nd Amendment protects the rights of 3 year olds, too!
12-19-2012 , 12:45 PM
A video gamer practices some self awareness
12-19-2012 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by RedBean
I mean it is what it is. I've seen the uglier side of anti-s that cheered this watershed moment. The chance to "finally get something done". Some of you very folks on this board probably rationalized the tragedy with that same thought. That's what you guys do.
Except we've seen none of that ITT and I've seen none of it anywhere. Conversely, we have seen a gun advocate ITT imply he would shoot a cop for trying to enforce what was then the law.

Also the bolded is just stupid. What an incredible assertion based on nothing.
12-19-2012 , 12:46 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
. The 1997 spike in gun crime is completely unrelated to the ban on guns.
What is the British version of Montana? Or crack?

Without digging through books on law the point it is difficult to pinpoint when gun carry was illegal, but the laws on the books going back to the early 19th century describe a pistol as an offensive weapon and the carry of it with the expectation you would carry out a felony was itself a crime.
I want to say 1911. I remember that for obvious reasons.

But yeah, in cliffnotes anyone who points to the 1997 UK gun ban as a "failure" is completely ignorant. The absolute best you can argue is that it made no difference, in reality it is logically much more likely it lowered the ceiling on the increase in gun violence but certainly it had no effect to cause the increase.
Of course, any time violence increases during a gun ban, it is a result of random, unrelated occurences. Apparently guns do not actually spike crime or violence. But when we want to ban them, then they do. it just depends on what issue the anti-s are addressing at the moment.
12-19-2012 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by RedBean
I mean it is what it is. I've seen the uglier side of anti-s that cheered this watershed moment. The chance to "finally get something done". Some of you very folks on this board probably rationalized the tragedy with that same thought. That's what you guys do.

Every few months, one slips through, usually always in a gun free zone, but that fact is lost, it makes headlines, the anti-s pass a collection plate and beat the drums, and when it flames out they find themselves in the position of wishing that it was worse so that they can make a big sacrifice now to win the war in the long run.

You got your big one. The non-events don't make the news. The 900,000 times a gun prevents a crime doesn't get recorded or registered. The untold times a criminal makes a pass on a target because he fears an armed response doesn't make for a catchy news piece.

Let's do it your guys way for a while. If that's what it takes to convince some folks, let's do it. I'm comfortable either way because I am responsible for mine and my own, I don't lean on others or pass that buck off.

If it comes back and I was wrong I'll own it. If not, just promise me the same courtesy and don't blame it on crack, or montana, or moving boxes. Deal?
This shooting wasn;t worse in terms of victims than Vtech so changes aren't happening because of this one event, but because it has become a reoccurring danger especially this year.
12-19-2012 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by Sommerset
What an incredible assertion based on nothing.
Nice to see after all the baseless assertions by team "10 minutes for a cop to show up, just hide under a desk emily" that you finally decided you would call someone out on an assertion based on nothing.

I guess it completely random that you picked me, eh? Or did crack do it.
12-19-2012 , 12:49 PM
Redbean vs MissileDog, 2+2 worlds colliding!

RB is unquestionably elite at arguing on the internet, and doesn't appear to have lost a step, but you can only make a turd so shiny
12-19-2012 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
I am amused by Redbean citing 'evidence' to support his argument that more guns = less gun violence.

There are multiple problems with the data in this graph.

The biggest being that they used "homicide by firearm instead of the actual murder rate" proving less murders by guns but not less actual murders.

There is also a problem comparing any of these countries to the USA as they don't have the same problems with drugs and violence. Add other countries besides 1st world counties and the USA isn't even close to the worst in murder rate.

The USA is a consumer driven society leading the world in consumption of many many consumer products.
12-19-2012 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by RedBean

Of course, any time violence increases during a gun ban, it is a result of random, unrelated occurences. Apparently guns do not actually spike crime or violence. But when we want to ban them, then they do. it just depends on what issue the anti-s are addressing at the moment.
If you're upset by the fact that there is noise in your data then maybe you should find data which actually deals with the issue at hand.
12-19-2012 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by SuperSwag
This shooting wasn;t worse in terms of victims than Vtech so changes aren't happening because of this one event, but because it has become a reoccurring danger especially this year.
10,000 gun deaths annually.

900,000 instances of defensive gun use by law abiding citizens to revent violent crime.

But oh forget all that.

You get a prayer chain with 20 cute smiling faces and you have to finger paint a card and send $5 to the VFW to buy Sandy Hook it's 1,708 christmas wreath saying "Our thoughts and prayers" and then go sign the online petition circling around on facebook to get to the magic 25,000 so Obama can get on TV to interrupt the wall to wall human interest pieces on generic likable 6 year old kids to give a speech about doing something "meaningful".

But hey, the antis all feel warm and fuzzy inside.
12-19-2012 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by RedBean
Nice to see after all the baseless assertions by team "10 minutes for a cop to show up, just hide under a desk emily" that you finally decided you would call someone out on an assertion based on nothing.

I guess it completely random that you picked me, eh? Or did crack do it.
I don't have any idea what you're referring to. Has the length of this thread escaped you?

Also, did you just use the "they did it first" defense?
12-19-2012 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by RedBean
I'm amused that when I cite evidence to support my argument that more good guys with guns = less gun violence within the united states that people keep posting graphs that encompass enormous amounts of criminal gun use in gun free zones and compare it against sweden and japan and the like.
You have never cited evidence that more good guys with guns = less gun violence. That evidence doesn't exist.

I mean, at themost basic, the most raw level, please realize, at some point, the buck stops somewhere. Force is necessary. it is ugly, it is unpleasant, but it must be applied to counteract the force applied by evil.

I don't think a single anti has said different. Deep down, in your most basic of animalistic instincts you know this to be true, it is just an uncomfortable and messy truth.

Anti-s want to pass that buck to the police, the first responders, the military, to somebody else. If a ban makes response times grow from 1 minute to 10 minutes and more people die and it is a tremendous net loss you don't really care. All that can be washed away and blamed on crack or moving vans or montana's spacious plains. You get to say you played your part, signed an online petition, and got a law passed to make it doubly, triply illegal to shoot up a school and take dem guns away from them dirty damn racist rednecks.

Except we aint all like that. We everywhere. And we are protecting guys like you. And you don't even know it until it's gone.
Really? Because where I sit gun nuts did a hell of a job from stopping Trayvon Martin from getting home, but didn't do **** about any of these mass shootings. You want us to give credit to CCWs for keeping us safe, but:
A) It's not like armed vigilantes are running around thwarting crime left and right as a hobby, even your fictional nonsense stats are about people protecting themselves, not random members of the public
B) Jesus Christ I do not want armed vigilantes running around trying to thwart crime. Leave that **** to the professionals.

Again, again, again if the 2nd amendment is the right from what all others come from, I'll ask you, at what point do you guys spring into action?

Because here is a non-exhaustive list of things the government has done to us on your watch, while we were under your protection:

Jim Crow
Japanese Internment
Widespread anti-union violence
Gitmo/Patriot Act
Denied women the right to vote
Prohibition of all sorts of substances
Denied gay rights

Not to mention all the times crazies with guns shot up a school or church.

If you were in charge of protecting us, you're fired.
12-19-2012 , 12:59 PM
Basically, I don't want to have to move to Japan to live in a country with less gun violence. Why is the onus on the majority of people who want stricter gun laws to leave the country rather than change the laws?

How about you move to any of the numerous 3rd world hellholes with murder rates that make America look like Sweden? They clearly need more guns in Columbia.
12-19-2012 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by Sommerset
If you're upset by the fact that there is noise in your data then maybe you should find data which actually deals with the issue at hand.
It's not my data. It's FBI crime statistics.

I'm sorry if you don't think it deals with the issue at hand. We were talking teh affect of gun legislation on homicide rates. One side thinks they go up during bans, the other side thinks they go down.

The data...not my data, the data from the FBI, verifiable data shows that homicide rates went up during the DC ban.

It didn't go down. It did not support the anti position. It supported my position. Instead of owning that, I am being sold a line about how gun bans have no relationship to homicides all of a sudden. It was crack, and moving vans.

I mean, if guns are related to homicide, why the need for the ban?

It goes up after the ban in Britain and the rationalization is it can't have anything to do with guns, they are illegal, that doesn't count.

You guys are ridiculous with some of the explanations of this "noise".

Why is it that I am not having to dance around and make up all these silly stories to rationalize the noise in your data? Oh, because none of it supports the opposite position.

The only thing people keep showing is JAPAN....SWEDEN LOOK HAR HAR.

I mean, we went over that. Be honest with yourselves here. Don't be afraid to question your entrnched beliefs. I'm not saying you should be forced to own a gun. That only happens in Kennesaw, Ga.

I'm just saying you should be able to enjoy your freedoms and rights so long as you don't infringe on anyone else's enjoyment or rights. ANd take a little personal responsibility for your own safety for christ sake. Don't depend on johnny law and his 10 minute car ride over.
12-19-2012 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
You have never cited evidence that more good guys with guns = less gun violence. That evidence doesn't exist.

Really? Because where I sit gun nuts did a hell of a job from stopping Trayvon Martin from getting home, but didn't do **** about any of these mass shootings. You want us to give credit to CCWs for keeping us safe, but:
A) It's not like armed vigilantes are running around thwarting crime left and right as a hobby, even your fictional nonsense stats are about people protecting themselves, not random members of the public
B) Jesus Christ I do not want armed vigilantes running around trying to thwart crime. Leave that **** to the professionals.

Again, again, again if the 2nd amendment is the right from what all others come from, I'll ask you, at what point do you guys spring into action?

Because here is a non-exhaustive list of things the government has done to us on your watch, while we were under your protection:

Jim Crow
Japanese Internment
Widespread anti-union violence
Gitmo/Patriot Act
Denied women the right to vote
Prohibition of all sorts of substances
Denied gay rights

Not to mention all the times crazies with guns shot up a school or church.

If you were in charge of protecting us, you're fired.
Wasn't the most recent mall shooting thwarted by a concealed carry?

Do most mass shootings go down where concealed carry is banned?
12-19-2012 , 01:12 PM
Obama sounds like he's going to be pushing background check stuff.
12-19-2012 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by rubbrband
Wasn't the most recent mall shooting thwarted by a concealed carry?
well, he stopped shooting other people so he could go shoot himself.

did he stop shooting people because he reached his internal crazy limit of 'enough dmg done'? Who knows?

did he stop shooting people because he wanted to take his own life and not let someone else kill him? Who knows?

the only certainty is that both sides will claim they are right and the other position is wrong
12-19-2012 , 01:13 PM
Originally Posted by RedBean
It's not my data. It's FBI crime statistics.

I'm sorry if you don't think it deals with the issue at hand. We were talking teh affect of gun legislation on homicide rates. One side thinks they go up during bans, the other side thinks they go down.

The data...not my data, the data from the FBI, verifiable data shows that homicide rates went up during the DC ban.
It's "yours" in the sense that you are using it for a purpose that the FBI most assuredly was not. There is a reason for this.

Originally Posted by RedBean
The only thing people keep showing is JAPAN....SWEDEN LOOK HAR HAR.
this is simply false, the harvard studies linking firearms to increased risk of homicide have been posted at least a dozen times ITT

Originally Posted by RedBean
I mean, we went over that. Be honest with yourselves here. Don't be afraid to question your entrnched beliefs. I'm not saying you should be forced to own a gun. That only happens in Kennesaw, Ga.
Oh, I am. The fact that you continue to post (at best) unclear statistics to prove your point while claiming victory makes me question if you are, though.
12-19-2012 , 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
well, he stopped shooting other people so he could go shoot himself.

did he stop shooting people because he reached his internal crazy limit of 'enough dmg done'? Who knows?

did he stop shooting people because he wanted to take his own life and not let someone else kill him? Who knows?

the only certainty is that both sides will claim they are right and the other position is wrong
Not quite sure I understand the argument.
12-19-2012 , 01:16 PM
pro-gun people say the person who was carrying stopped the rampage
anti-gun people say the person who was carrying didn't stop anything
12-19-2012 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by rubbrband
Wasn't the most recent mall shooting thwarted by a concealed carry?

Do most mass shootings go down where concealed carry is banned?
During that time, Nick Meli, a concealed carry permit holder, claims that he drew his Glock 22, and took aim at Roberts but did not fire since there was an innocent person behind Roberts. Meli asserts that Roberts saw him, and that this may have contributed to Roberts' decision to commit suicide, but no independent or authoritative substantiation of this claim has been reported by authorities.
So, the answer is "no", only a self-service assertion that someone with an AR-15 semiautomatic rifle, having allegedly seen someone holding a .22, decided to off himself instead....
12-19-2012 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by rubbrband
Wasn't the most recent mall shooting thwarted by a concealed carry?

Do most mass shootings go down where concealed carry is banned?
12-19-2012 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
pro-gun people say the person who was carrying stopped the rampage
anti-gun people say the person who was carrying didn't stop anything
yes, despite the fact that the after the gunman saw the concealed carrier guy he ran away and the only shot after that was when he killed himself.

anti-gun people aren't interested in discussing facts, though.
12-19-2012 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by General Tsao
yes, despite the fact that the after the gunman saw the concealed carrier guy he ran away and the only shot after that was when he killed himself.

anti-gun people aren't interested in discussing facts, though.
In your mind, this is evidence of the effectiveness of conceal-carry?

I find that exceedingly difficult to believe.

How would we even make sense of it?

There's a guy with a gun.... I better shoot myself

