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From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago

11-13-2018 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by forum ferret
I support citizens having the same rights as police in regards to open carrying firearms. omg I'm so Hitler, let's all freak the **** out.
No one is freaking out. They're saying you're stupid and wrong. What are you going to do when the ballot makes you choose between a conservative who is pro-guns but anti trans, anti privacy and a liberal who isn't? Please don't come and complain when you end up voting for a face eating leopard that supports guns but then eats your face.
11-13-2018 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by forum ferret
I personally do not typically need a gun to fend off bears, as I find myself in black bear country very rarely, unfortunately. Would love to visit Colorado more frequently, but it is what it is.

I was merely providing a couple examples of how hand guns are practical. I don't really understand how no one picked up on the concealed carry or open holster carry. The former especially would be very difficult with a long gun. Same with the disabled single arm person example. Of course people lost their **** at the idea of cops being without hand guns and then proceeded to drool cow hide remants out of their mouths, but meowers gonna chow.
This idea that guns will protect you is a fantasy. Look up Illusion of Control.
11-13-2018 , 01:38 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Black bears? LMAO.
Just get a cat.

11-13-2018 , 01:46 PM
It’s grizzlies you want a gun for and it takes a monster pistol to do something to them.
11-13-2018 , 01:48 PM
OOT/BBV (whatever **** forum, who cares) mod alobar and his redneck daddy prefer to use guns on stray cats
11-13-2018 , 01:51 PM
unless you come between a black bear mother and her cubs there shouldn't be an issue as they are petrified of humans or anything really
11-13-2018 , 05:30 PM
All you need to do to scare a black bear away is bark like a dog. LOL @ needing a gun. When I backpacked the AT, I slept with my food in my tent. The only people using bear bags were those that camped overnight. You also had to put your food in a bear bag in the Smokies b/c they were accustomed to humans. Grizzlies, Kodiaks, and Polar Bears are a whole different story though. But anyone out in the wilderness with them are probably hunting game w/ a rifle anyway.
11-13-2018 , 06:20 PM
NYT published some comments from international readers about gun violence in USA#1

I’m deeply sorry to say this. Gunning down civilians in broad daylight looks like a feature of American life. — Jonas Goh, Seoul

When it happens once it may be a sick individual, but when it happens regularly, it is no longer about the individual, but the system. — Erik E., Oslo

Perhaps this is what the U.S. is hoping for? To make the country unattractive to migrants? That would make so much sense as to why little to nothing is being done to curb the gun violence situation. — AS, Ghana

Crazy people we find everywhere in this world, no doubt. But crazy people carrying so many guns we find only in one place: U.S.A. — Mak, São Paulo, Brazil

I think this is the last one of these stories I’ll look at. I’m not sure how the U.S. carries on not reacting to this massacre. — Martin, France
11-13-2018 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by forum ferret
I was merely providing a couple examples of how hand guns are practical. I don't really understand how no one picked up on the concealed carry or open holster carry. The former especially would be very difficult with a long gun. Same with the disabled single arm person example. Of course people lost their **** at the idea of cops being without hand guns and then proceeded to drool cow hide remants out of their mouths, but meowers gonna chow.
A reasonable compromise would be to allow one-armed disabled people to carry guns in states with an unusually high bears/humans ratio. Just ban the rest.
11-13-2018 , 06:28 PM
I thought the whole 2nd A thing was to protect against tyranny? So what the **** does that have to do with the nutter down the street that wants to shoot up schools?

Why can't these people just admit they like guns, like using them, and won't give them up? That, at least, I can respect. It's a stupid moronic reason, but at least it's the truth.
11-13-2018 , 07:32 PM
According to the internet, there's an average of about 1 fatal black bear attack in the US per year, which is about 10x higher than I expected.
11-13-2018 , 07:51 PM
Hey you guys know what? You know what? Can you guess what? Hey. Hey hey hey, you know what? You're all missing the point. I was responding to a person who said hand guns were not practical, provided a couple examples off the top of my head how they in fact were practical, and the point with the bears was actually about confined spaces such as small tents and long guns being impractical in them. I also mentioned hand guns in cars, because again, confined spaces. You're all missing the point, thought I would let you guys know.

Originally Posted by kerowo
No one is freaking out. They're saying you're stupid and wrong. What are you going to do when the ballot makes you choose between a conservative who is pro-guns but anti trans, anti privacy and a liberal who isn't? Please don't come and complain when you end up voting for a face eating leopard that supports guns but then eats your face.

Oh plenty of people are freaking out! Trust me, I know freaking out when I see it

Maybe I didn't do the best job of communicating, but I thought I made myself pretty clear. I'm not a single issue voter and guns are not my single issue. I'm not a gun nut, I have two guns, and yes I like them. I do not support banning all guns, all semi auto guns, I do not support banning marijuana, alcohol, high horse power vehicles, strong cryptography, and if a policitian supports banning these things, it's going to make me not support them.

So in your scenario, you're being pretty vague. If we're talking about a candidate supporting prohibiting these things in a primary, I'm probably going make every effort to vote against them. If it's a general election and a candiate wants to take away my constitutional rights because of something some other people have done, I'm not going to vote for them. I'm not going to vote for the conservative, I'm just going to vote third party or stay home. Keep in mind I do not live in swing state, and this has a lot of impact on this decision. For instance, I did not vote for Hillary Clinton in 2016, and I did not vote for Trump. I voted for Gary lol Johnson because I would like to see a third party candidate in general election debates sometime again in my life time, and if the Libertarian party would have gotten 5% of the vote that would have happened. Had I lived in a swing state, I would have gritted my teeth and voted for Clinton, and in your hypothetical example kero, if I were in a swing state and a gun grabber was up against a deplorable, I'd probably have to grit my teeth and vote for the gun grabber.

But nevermind all that, let's all go back to talking about how stupid I am for wanting to have a gun if I'm ever in a situation where I might be attacked by a bear, or a lion, or a tiger, oh my!
11-13-2018 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by Matty Lice
I thought the whole 2nd A thing was to protect against tyranny? So what the **** does that have to do with the nutter down the street that wants to shoot up schools?

People actually don't have a constitutional right to shoot up schools. That's not a part of the text or interpretation of the 2nd amendment.
11-13-2018 , 07:55 PM
OK. Pepper spray rates better. You are stupid for wanting a dumb little pistol against a bear.
11-13-2018 , 07:57 PM
Nobody cares lirva
11-13-2018 , 08:00 PM
Ignoring the 2nd amendment for a moment, do you think basically unrestricted gun ownership is a good idea?
11-13-2018 , 08:08 PM
No. I think background checks are a good idea, and they should be expanded. I don't think the National Firearms Act should be repealed.

There's definitely a line between what the military should be able to have and what citizens should be able to have. I don't think citizens should have tanks or fighter jets, or RPGs, or land mines, but I don't personally put that line at semi auto or even fully auto rifles.

Having said all of that, if everyone wants to be reactionary, keep in mind that the United States military has killed millions of innocent civilians with military weaponry in war time. The greatest casualties in war are women and children. The number of innocent lives lost to military weaponry by far is the result of actions of the US government and military, not nutjob civilians shooting up schools and other places. I look forward to everyone advocating banning the military.
11-13-2018 , 08:15 PM
Why should a person be able to possess an automatic weapon?
11-13-2018 , 08:18 PM
Because bears
11-13-2018 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
Why should a person be able to possess an automatic weapon?

Becuase they have a right to, which is protected by the second amendment. If they don't commit crimes with them, why shouldn't they?
11-13-2018 , 08:34 PM
wtf is going on here? Since the cat chasing bear vid is already posted

11-13-2018 , 08:36 PM
If your best reason is "because the second amendment", then the second amendment must be a terrible idea.
11-13-2018 , 08:37 PM
Seems pretty good to me, but different strokes for different folks.
11-13-2018 , 08:44 PM
What about pumas, morans. Ever think of that?
11-13-2018 , 08:52 PM
Well a puma I'd just let kill me because they're so cool!
