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From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago

11-10-2018 , 09:11 PM
Meh, she's just another selfish poster siding with horrible people when there is one point of intersection with them. It's nice to know she'd vote for internment camps and for anti-LGBQTI laws if it meant she could keep her hand gun...
11-10-2018 , 09:12 PM
I wouldn't. But you can keep making baseless assertions all night if you like.

Pretty amazing we go from me describing a few ways in which hand guns are practical to me voting for internment camps and anti LGBTI laws. Why hasn't anyone mentioned the one armed person thing? I'm sure we could get to me supporting republicans cutting everyone's arms off.

Last edited by forum ferret; 11-10-2018 at 09:18 PM.
11-10-2018 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
What do you think the chances of him taking the gun from her and using it on her are?
I agree that the gun could easily make her less safe. I was responding to the poster who mentioned how terrible it would be to live with that kind of fear - and I wouldn't have the slightest idea of what life would be like for her after the fact.

If owning a gun helps to give her piece of mind with the trade-off being that her life may be a fraction of a % less safe, I wouldn't judge.
11-10-2018 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by Sideline
I know I know. Its all very simple. Mass shooting = responsible Gun owners have blood on their hands. 10,000 dead in drunk driving accidents and thousands of lives ruined yearly = its a beverage man.
Not sure it's quite that simple. UK had 230 deaths from people over the drink driving limit last year (up from 200). And as far as alcohol goes we drink more in the UK than the US.

So the problem seems to be something more than alcohol
11-10-2018 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by forum ferret
I don't. I also don't fear crashing every time I drive my car, but I always wear my seat belt.
You do. You've already said you carry a gun for self defence. That's driven by fear.
11-10-2018 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
Motivated reasoning leads to bad posts, Lirva.
He lasted what, a week before going back to Lirva-posting. Containment sub-forum when?
11-10-2018 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by forum ferret
Do you not educate yourself on an issue before arguing over it as a general rule?
course, but only stuff that matters. bump stocks and all that bollocks dont matter. the fact that ppl on the gun control side in america even entertain such talk is a massive win for the NRA

the issue is this: easy access to guns make it really trivially easy for anyone to kill another person, and as a result loads of people are being murdered

it dont matter what fancy accessories ppl like to have hanging off their gun, or what classification of gun it is, or how large the magazine is. they all belong in the bin


as an aside, i always find it amusing when gun buffoons say stuff like actually that's not even technically a semi-automatic in these sorts of conversations. no1 cares
11-10-2018 , 09:24 PM
Originally Posted by forum ferret
I don't even plink with my guns! Still not supporting bans because some nutjobs do bad things with them sometimes.
'do bad things sometimes'

Rather glib way of waving away thousands of needless deaths every year.
11-10-2018 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
He lasted what, a week before going back to Lirva-posting. Containment sub-forum when?
I don't think Lirva is AIDSing up the thread in the old trollish Lirva way. It's more of a matter as when you're a hangun owner and your defense of ownership is because lolbears when you and some huge % of gun owners are never in proximity of said lolbears you should probably can come up with a better justification that the rest of us might be empathetic with.
11-10-2018 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by Sideline
Guns have no real utility for a ton of people in society. The actual utility for the people who think it does is probably questionable. They have a huge negative effect for a select few.

Alcohol seems to be the same. Utility for some, horrible consequences for a select few.

They seem comparable. I am all for more regulation and taxation of both, but a complete ban/confiscation of them seems to be the only way to create a dent in the negatives they create.

I think a lot on here are for the complete ban of guns but not alcohol, and the question arises whats the difference to them?
The thing is there are very few to almost no places that outright ban all guns. In a lot of places you can use a gun for hunting, target practice, etc. You just can't or it's very difficult to just own a gun to carry around with you for no particular reason or keep one at home for no particular reason.

We can do the same here without the lurid fantasies of jack booted thugs kicking down doors for guns. Just take a page out of the voter suppression handbook and make it very difficult to get a gun while still making it technically possible to get.
11-10-2018 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by BOIDS
course, but only stuff that matters. bump stocks and all that bollocks dont matter. the fact that ppl on the gun control side in america even entertain such talk is a massive win for the NRA

the issue is this: easy access to guns make it really trivially easy for anyone to kill another person, and as a result loads of people are being murdered

it dont matter what fancy accessories ppl like to have hanging off their gun, or what classification of gun it is, or how large the magazine is. they all belong in the bin


as an aside, i always find it amusing when gun buffoons say stuff like actually that's not even technically a semi-automatic in these sorts of conversations. no1 cares
this same poster telling you to educate yourself also opined the other day for a return to the good ol' days of principled fiscal conservatism embodied by the likes of GWB, for example
11-10-2018 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by Koss
It doesnt protect against bears. Its just a stupid handgun.
In order for a handgun to protect against a bear you pretty much have to shoot the bear in the mouth on a certain angle or get it in the eye. The skull is too thick for just about any non .50 cal handgun. The bullet will not penetrate the bones of a bear.
11-10-2018 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by forum ferret
I wouldn't. But you can keep making baseless assertions all night if you like.

Pretty amazing we go from me describing a few ways in which hand guns are practical to me voting for internment camps and anti LGBTI laws. Why hasn't anyone mentioned the one armed person thing? I'm sure we could get to me supporting republicans cutting everyone's arms off.
If it was on the same ballot as protecting your current 2A rights you'd vote for it anyway, that's what you've said isn't it?
11-10-2018 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by forum ferret
Classifying all semi-auto guns as military grade and banning them is not very reasonable. This is not an issue Democrats are going to win on. I have voted in every general election and midterm election since 2000, and have voted in quite a few primaries. I've voted R one time in a primary, the rest has been D. A dem suggesting we classify all semi-auto guns as military grade and banning them for citizens will not win my vote, and there are lots of other dem voters who would feel the same.

You guys can go on and on about how we should do this, or we should do that, but it's not going to happen. Just like I could go on and on about how we should take every last dollar from the super rich and give it all to the poor, but it's just not going to happen. You are all fantasizing.

Stick to banning bumpstocks which are intended to turn semi-auto rifles into fully auto, and stick to expanding background checks and access to mental health services, and you'll retain support from the left and maybe get some support from the right as well. Saying ban all guns or all semi-auto guns is going to make you lose support.
We flipped a vast number of Congress seats from people with an A from the NRA to people with an F. I don't buy this at all
11-10-2018 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by bigt2k4
In order for a handgun to protect against a bear you pretty much have to shoot the bear in the mouth on a certain angle or get it in the eye. The skull is too thick for just about any non .50 cal handgun. The bullet will not penetrate the bones of a bear.
My understanding is they were literally talking about handgun's designed for hunting bears.
11-10-2018 , 09:33 PM
Oh **** FF is Lirva? Jesus this all makes a lot more sense all of a sudden
11-10-2018 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by BOIDS
course, but only stuff that matters. bump stocks and all that bollocks dont matter.

It actually does matter, because they are legal in the vast majority of states in the US, and that's a problem.

In the US you can buy semi automatic rifles like the AR-15 and AK-47. Semi automatic means when you pull the trigger and the hammer strikes, it fires a round and cycles another round into the chamber of the barrel. You let off the trigger and pull it again and it fires again. Your rate of fire is limited to how fast you can pull the trigger, let off the trigger, and pull it again.

Compare now with fully automatic guns. With fully auto, you pull the trigger and keep it pulled and it keeps firing rounds. Your rate of fire is greatly increased and is only limited by the design of the gun.

Bump stocks are ... wait, I clearly better describe to you what a stock is first. The stock is the butt end of a rifle which you press up into your shoulder when you raise the gun into firing position.

Bump stocks are stocks with springs in them. They are attached to semi auto versions of AK-47s or AR-15s, and when the gun is fired the recoil compresses the spring which then forces the gun forward and back into your trigger finger. This essentially makes semi automatic rifles fully automatic, and I think these should be banned federally.
11-10-2018 , 09:35 PM
nobody ****ing cares, jesus christ

we already ****ing know what they do you stupid ****
11-10-2018 , 09:38 PM
I'm looking down the hole at the end of the long thing right now and nothing's happening. Is this like one of those kaleidoscope things where you have to pull the lever to advance the slide?
11-10-2018 , 09:39 PM
yes well that all sounds very bonkers i must say

im fine with allowing bump stocks to stay legal, they will be fairly harmless when all the guns have been melted
11-10-2018 , 09:42 PM
The bump stocks thing is like the woman who gets asked if she'll be paid to sleep with a guy for a million bucks and says yes but won't for a dollar.

Bump stocks don't make a gun fully auto they just reduce the time it takes to pull the trigger repeatedly. If they should be banned because they're dangerous we've already decided that the rate that bullets can go out of a barrel is the problem, we're just disagreeing on how fast.
11-10-2018 , 09:49 PM
like its seriously lol that the current mainstream debate in america on this whole issue is 'shall we ban this accessory which turns a semi automatic weapon into a quasi-automatic one, so that we can save a handful of sklansky lives next time a cretin decides to take some people with him on the way out (which will almost certainly be very soon)'

that's where the battle lines are drawn currently. really. ****ing daft
11-10-2018 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by bigt2k4
In order for a handgun to protect against a bear you pretty much have to shoot the bear in the mouth on a certain angle or get it in the eye. The skull is too thick for just about any non .50 cal handgun. The bullet will not penetrate the bones of a bear.
Originally Posted by kerowo
My understanding is they were literally talking about handgun's designed for hunting bears.

I saw a revolver advertised as "bear stopping" at a gun store once. That thing was huge. It looked like the cylinder was repurposed from a Gatling gun.

(LOL at us for even discussing the bear attack scenario)
11-10-2018 , 09:52 PM
i think it's only fitting that EV in a political context be referred to as Dlansky Bucks
11-10-2018 , 09:53 PM
btw i would be willing to sign up for the extirpation of bears from mainland usa if it means we can get rid of guns
