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From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago From my cold, dead. hands! Except in Detroit and Chicago

11-10-2018 , 10:59 AM
no one is saying ban all handguns from everyone, just the public. Obviously cops should be allowed to carry and probably certain security guards too.
In Canada they are restricted, meaning you have to show why you need one for your job. Self defense is not a valid reason.
If you get a permit for a restricted weapon (like an assault rifle or a handgun- which isn't easy to do) not as part of your job, then weapon inspectors will come periodically to visit your home to ensure it is properly locked and stored and you have to let them in. The weapon is also only able to be transported from your house to the gun range only and back without stopping anywhere on the way. If you stop for gas or to pick up your friend along the way you have committed a felony.
11-10-2018 , 11:03 AM
Originally Posted by bigt2k4
no one is saying ban all handguns from everyone, just the public. Obviously cops should be allowed to carry and probably certain security guards too.

I've always wondered if the brown fuzzy leather tastes different than the smooth black leather, never wanted to try it myself though.
11-10-2018 , 11:07 AM
Inso0 has the same personality as Scott Walker, just a sentient ham who never made a friend.
11-10-2018 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by forum ferret
I ... don't cosplay Roy Rogers??? Just explaining how hand guns are practical to people.

You can also camp without hunting. And you can definitely kill a bear with a handgun of the right caliber.
So what? No where in the constitution does it say anything about stunt hunting with hand cannons. You want to hunt? Single shot rifles are fine for that with a 5 round magazine.

You want to defend your home even though it's more likely you'll kill yourself or a loved one than an intruder? Fine, a revolver is fine or even better a pump action shotgun with a 5 round magazine.

Define semi-automatic weapons as military grade and heavily restrict their sale or ownership. "I like to shoot" is no longer a valid justification for the damage high cyclic rate weapons with high capacity magazines are doing to our society. Gun proponents have shown themselves unwilling to compromise on gun safety or regulations so lets stop compromising.
11-10-2018 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by forum ferret
lol handguns are very practical. Concealed carry for self defense, which I support. Open holster carry for self defense, which I also support. If you are in confined spaces long guns are impractical, and handguns are again very practical. For instance if you are camping in a tent in an area with bears, it's a lot easier to have a handgun in a cramped tent than a long gun. Also, if you only have the use of one arm for whatever reason, handgun practical, long gun not practical.

Also, what are cops going to do without handguns? A long gun is entirely impractical for their work where they might need to get in and out of their cars quickly.

tbh you sound like you've never owned or shot a handgun; you sound quite ignorant on the subject.
It must be terrible to go through life in such a state of fear that you feel you need to carry a gun for self defence.
11-10-2018 , 01:00 PM
As much as I would love a world without guns, my pitch if I were running as a D, would be an extensive training requirement to purchase and own guns. I'm thinking the minimum needs to be at least 40 hours of class before you can get licensed to purchase. That would also come with universal and comprehensive background checks. Ammo would be regulated in much the same way.

Maybe it's not nearly enough, but if you really want to own WMD's as toys, it shouldn't be as easy as buying toilet paper.
11-10-2018 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by Husker
It must be terrible to go through life in such a state of fear that you feel you need to carry a gun for self defence.
Probably, but the woman across the street who got her ass beat by her ex is packin now and don't fault her.
11-10-2018 , 01:35 PM
I've lived in rural Nevada. Guns/hunting is a way of life and even otherwise left leaning people out there just go completely politically right cause of gun issues. Its the biggest issue to them, almost the only issue that matters.

Ins0 seems to be right that probably the only way to stop all these shootings is a complete ban/confiscation of guns.

Most on here i'm sure wouldn't care if the government went door to door to get your guns. What about when it's your Macallan 15 year? As has been pointed out over 10k people die every year from illegal(>.08) drunk driving?

I have never owned a gun and never want to. Id love to see a world/country without guns. I don't really want the government taking more stuff from people who arent causing any harm.
11-10-2018 , 01:38 PM
Alcohol needs to be taxed and regulated more, that's definitely the case. Not sure what that has to do with guns needing to be taxed and regulated more as well.
11-10-2018 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Alcohol needs to be taxed and regulated more, that's definitely the case. Not sure what that has to do with guns needing to be taxed and regulated more as well.
Guns have no real utility for a ton of people in society. The actual utility for the people who think it does is probably questionable. They have a huge negative effect for a select few.

Alcohol seems to be the same. Utility for some, horrible consequences for a select few.

They seem comparable. I am all for more regulation and taxation of both, but a complete ban/confiscation of them seems to be the only way to create a dent in the negatives they create.

I think a lot on here are for the complete ban of guns but not alcohol, and the question arises whats the difference to them?
11-10-2018 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by Sideline
I've lived in rural Nevada. Guns/hunting is a way of life and even otherwise left leaning people out there just go completely politically right cause of gun issues. Its the biggest issue to them, almost the only issue that matters.

Ins0 seems to be right that probably the only way to stop all these shootings is a complete ban/confiscation of guns.

Most on here i'm sure wouldn't care if the government went door to door to get your guns. What about when it's your Macallan 15 year? As has been pointed out over 10k people die every year from illegal(>.08) drunk driving?

I have never owned a gun and never want to. Id love to see a world/country without guns. I don't really want the government taking more stuff from people who arent causing any harm.
11-10-2018 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
Probably, but the woman across the street who got her ass beat by her ex is packin now and don't fault her.

How about we make it to where only women can own guns then?
11-10-2018 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Sideline
I think a lot on here are for the complete ban of guns but not alcohol, and the question arises whats the difference to them?
well, for a start one is a beverage and the other is literally a killing machine
11-10-2018 , 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by markbris1
How about we make it to where only women can own guns then?
haha I love this idea
11-10-2018 , 02:32 PM
Originally Posted by Sideline
I think a lot on here are for the complete ban of guns but not alcohol, and the question arises whats the difference to them?
This is... special
11-10-2018 , 02:40 PM
I know I know. Its all very simple. Mass shooting = responsible Gun owners have blood on their hands. 10,000 dead in drunk driving accidents and thousands of lives ruined yearly = its a beverage man.
11-10-2018 , 03:06 PM
booze has utility

utility of guns: people enjoy fantasising about being rambo

that is it

home defense thing is a negative, the most likely recipient of a bullet kept in the house is the person that purchased it/their loved ones

not good enough. ban
11-10-2018 , 03:12 PM
Also worth pointing out that the only reason people even think they need a gun for self defense is because EVERYONE HAS GUNS.

"But if we ban guns then only the bad guys will have guns!"

Correct. Everyone who owns a gun will be a criminal and will go to prison if they're caught with it. Guns become super rare. Most of the civilised world figured this out ages ago.
11-10-2018 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
Probably, but the woman across the street who got her ass beat by her ex is packin now and don't fault her.
What do you think the chances of him taking the gun from her and using it on her are?
11-10-2018 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Sideline
Guns have no real utility for a ton of people in society. The actual utility for the people who think it does is probably questionable. They have a huge negative effect for a select few.

Alcohol seems to be the same. Utility for some, horrible consequences for a select few.

They seem comparable. I am all for more regulation and taxation of both, but a complete ban/confiscation of them seems to be the only way to create a dent in the negatives they create.

I think a lot on here are for the complete ban of guns but not alcohol, and the question arises whats the difference to them?
So what? Start a thread on the horrors of alcohol and you'll probably get a good discussion going. It has nothing to do with guns though.

I'd be ecstatic if guns were regulated as much as driver licenses let alone alcohol.
11-10-2018 , 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
So what? Start a thread on the horrors of alcohol and you'll probably get a good discussion going. It has nothing to do with guns though.

I'd be ecstatic if guns were regulated as much as driver licenses let alone alcohol.
Yea I don't want to derail the thread into a talk of alcohol, I guess my point was to get to the point "utility of guns: people enjoy fantasising about being rambo". Most responsible Gun owners are pretty pissed off at this sentiment.

"The left thinks we have no right to our guns, because they see no utility in them. We do. **** em."
11-10-2018 , 03:49 PM
You are incorrect. The left wants rational gun laws put into place and are sick of the right claiming more rights than the 2A grants and putting their plinking over the lives of children.

Of course there is utility in guns, but you can have easily 80% of the utility and reduce the likelihood of mass shootings tremendously by banning military grade weapons from civilian ownership.

I don't really even care about the guns that are out there now, let people have them and use them and provide programs to turn them in. But make selling them not worth the risk and make using them in a crime not worth the risk and their numbers will go down.
11-10-2018 , 03:53 PM
Originally Posted by formula72
Probably, but the woman across the street who got her ass beat by her ex is packin now and don't fault her.
Statistically that ex is more likely to steal that gun and kill her with it than for her to ever use it in self defense.

Self defense gun use is a myth.
11-10-2018 , 04:07 PM
Yeah I have a pistol I inherited from my mom and a double barrel 12 gauge I inherited from my father and given the current political climate I see no sane reason to get rid of them
