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Mueller Report Sweat Thread Mueller Report Sweat Thread

04-18-2019 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Sometimes you just gotta protect the POTUS from himself. That's part of surrounding yourself with THE BEST PEOPLE.
I prefer a POTUS that doesn't constantly direct his subordinates to commit crimes on his behalf.
04-18-2019 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
And yet he didn't immediately fire those subordinates which means he didn't obstruct.

/actual Chiefsplanet take
04-18-2019 , 12:27 PM
Manaford be telling Gates to hang tight, Gates be like Na **** you **** that. But did he mention Pardon, No Mr Gates, see fu k you.
04-18-2019 , 12:27 PM
That entire redacted portion on Volume II/Part II/Section J/Number 3 is 100% Roger Stone, right?
04-18-2019 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by smacc25
MSNBC... "Manafort briefed Kilimnik on the state off Trumps campaign" Including battleground stations.
Muller be saying Mr Kilimnik is a GRU officer and agrees with the FBI's conclusion on this.

Campaign manager giving polling data to a GRU officer with targeted data and specific states to target.

I mean I'm no Lawbros but surly this **** should be a chargeable offence.
04-18-2019 , 12:39 PM
Explains Burr's decision not to seek re election

Can someone link this section?
04-18-2019 , 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by smacc25
Muller be saying Mr Kilimnik is a GRU officer and agrees with the FBI's conclusion on this.

Campaign manager giving polling data to a GRU officer with targeted data and specific states to target.

I mean I'm no Lawbros but surly this **** should be a chargeable offence.
Congress has to subpoena Mueller if not Mueller + the other Angries, there's no other way
04-18-2019 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
Explains Burr's decision not to seek re election

Can someone link this section?
Holy balls, how did Burr not get charged with obstruction?
04-18-2019 , 12:45 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
It's as if nobody understands that they'll be able to read the damn report 5 minutes from now.
It's as if people that are too lazy to inform themselves by reading source material rather than listen to a headline summary by the AG also get a vote and opinion in our society...
04-18-2019 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Sometimes you just gotta protect the POTUS from himself. That's part of surrounding yourself with THE BEST PEOPLE.
LOL at saying this non-ironically in 2019. Like you're out here dunking on us after this report was released, and even the heavily redacted part makes your guy and your team look awful. Take a few days and read the first 15 pages or so, and then come back and tell us about how awesome POTUS and THE BEST PEOPLE are.
04-18-2019 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Holy balls, how did Burr not get charged with obstruction?
Are you new here? Nothing matters in these United States of America.
04-18-2019 , 12:54 PM
MAGA Habes is having a bad day.

04-18-2019 , 12:54 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
And yet he didn't immediately fire those subordinates which means he didn't obstruct.

/actual Chiefsplanet take
Success is not an element to the charge of obstruction. I forget the specific wording but basically trying is enough. Of course not really expecting CP to understand that.

To me one of the most interesting takes is Trump’s biggest fears had to do with his campaign basically implying as much as there were many misdeeds covered up there. Trump was terrified the FBI would thoroughly investigate his campaign shenanigans.

If a movie came out five years ago with this scenario playing out, it would be panned by everyone for being so ridiculous.
04-18-2019 , 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by smacc25
Muller be saying Mr Kilimnik is a GRU officer and agrees with the FBI's conclusion on this.

Campaign manager giving polling data to a GRU officer with targeted data and specific states to target.

I mean I'm no Lawbros but surly this **** should be a chargeable offence.
Don’t want to start a nuclear war with Russia, just let it go.
04-18-2019 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
Success is not an element to the charge of obstruction. I forget the specific wording but basically trying is enough. Of course not really expecting CP to understand that.

To me one of the most interesting takes is Trump’s biggest fears had to do with his campaign basically implying as much as there were many misdeeds covered up there. Trump was terrified the FBI would thoroughly investigate his campaign shenanigans.

If a movie came out five years ago with this scenario playing out, it would be panned by everyone for being so ridiculous.
It's pretty hard to charge successful obstruction, since usually that means they didn't get caught...
04-18-2019 , 01:12 PM
America = joke
04-18-2019 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
And yet he didn't immediately fire those subordinates which means he didn't obstruct.

/actual Chiefsplanet take
I realize this is Chiefsplanet and stupid people post there and idk why you and Trolly do in light of that fact BUT if the dullard who wrote that is right (he isn't), he's basically admitting that Trump did obstruct justice when he fired Comey.
04-18-2019 , 01:17 PM
This dovetails nicely with Trump’s written answers.

04-18-2019 , 01:19 PM

I'm still not very clear how this conspiracy didn't happen. The Trump side was willing, the Russians presumably were willing but somehow it didn't happen?
04-18-2019 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by cuserounder
Doesn't seem possible, I mean didn't he KNOW we would all figure this out and that it would tarnish his stellar legacy?
Yeah he would not want to tarnish his Iran-Contra legacy.
04-18-2019 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
I'm still not very clear how this conspiracy didn't happen. The Trump side was willing, the Russians presumably were willing but somehow it didn't happen?
Equally confusing that the pee tape is both real and not real

04-18-2019 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by batair
Yeah he would not want to tarnish his Iran-Contra legacy.
04-18-2019 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl

I'm still not very clear how this conspiracy didn't happen. The Trump side was willing, the Russians presumably were willing but somehow it didn't happen?

It DID happen

Trumps got the emailz

Russians got easing of sanctions.
(Or not even signing them into law)

Months ago. We all knew this was the trade off

It was treason then. It’s treason now
04-18-2019 , 01:28 PM
"Candidate Trump told Gates that more releases of damaging information would be coming"


Last edited by ScreaminAsian; 04-18-2019 at 01:36 PM. Reason: P54
04-18-2019 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl

I'm still not very clear how this conspiracy didn't happen. The Trump side was willing, the Russians presumably were willing but somehow it didn't happen?
Seems like the best guess is that it did happen, but we only have info on the part in the conspiracy that was run by complete ****ing morons, and what the Russians involved did and said isn't known.
