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Mueller Report Sweat Thread Mueller Report Sweat Thread

03-26-2019 , 03:48 AM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
I'm glad OurHouse wasn't around for this letter. RIP buddy
I was just thinking of OurHouse today, and a little worried. Does anyone know where he or she has been?

(I assume you're joking with the RIP, right?)
03-26-2019 , 04:05 AM
Yeah I just meant RIP like MIA
03-26-2019 , 04:15 AM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
Yeah I just meant RIP like MIA
OK, good. I was actually thinking about trying to put together a timeline that shows the strongest public evidence of collusion, which made me think of OurHouse, who probably still has a lot of it committed to memory.
03-26-2019 , 07:42 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
At this point, and really always, there is no point in discussion with ppl like ins0. There is only one language they understand. They practice it every chance possible. Can Or will anyone recipricate? Doubt it but it has happened a few times . pretty ugly stuff.
This is exactly right.

The Ins0s of the world are far too dumb to consider it, but they really don’t want this to go much further, and should consult history for their likely fate if it does.
03-26-2019 , 08:11 AM
Many on both sides believe it is pointless to talk to those on the other side, but at least it is quite soothing for some to share with their allies how dumb the "others" are at any given time. Better still when you speak about those people (ideally by name) as if they are not present when you really know they actually are, as that is super duper sneaky and effective.
03-26-2019 , 08:57 AM
Originally Posted by Victor
EU member states agree with trump and Republican policy. Study some friggin history or at least crack open a Wikipedia.
Some like Poland and Hungary certainly agree with some of his policies.

But lol @ all of them. Study some friggin history or crack open a Wikipedia.
03-26-2019 , 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
Almost every regular in this forum thinks that Hillary was anywhere from a below average to absolutely terrible candidate. WTF are you talking about?
And she still got 5 million more votes than Trump.
03-26-2019 , 10:44 AM
Originally Posted by dth123451
This is exactly right.

The Ins0s of the world are far too dumb to consider it, but they really don’t want this to go much further, and should consult history for their likely fate if it does.
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, you're just so very certain that this report contains the secret sauce to putting Trump in handcuffs. Like every failed federal investigation in history, all they wound up doing is punishing people for some process crimes or sketchy **** they've done that had no connection to the original purpose of the investigation. Are you going to be screeching, "BUT THE MUELLER REPORT!" at the TV after Trump wins a second term, too?

I'm the dumb one, though.
03-26-2019 , 10:48 AM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, you're just so very certain that this report contains the secret sauce to putting Trump in handcuffs. Like every failed federal investigation in history, all they wound up doing is punishing people for some process crimes or sketchy **** they've done that had no connection to the original purpose of the investigation. Are you going to be screeching, "BUT THE MUELLER REPORT!" at the TV after Trump wins a second term, too?

I'm the dumb one, though.
Papadopolous says hi...

And yes you are.
03-26-2019 , 10:49 AM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Despite all the evidence to the contrary, you're just so very certain that this report contains the secret sauce to putting Trump in handcuffs. Like every failed federal investigation in history, all they wound up doing is punishing people for some process crimes or sketchy **** they've done that had no connection to the original purpose of the investigation. Are you going to be screeching, "BUT THE MUELLER REPORT!" at the TV after Trump wins a second term, too?

I'm the dumb one, though.
Can you try actually reading this thread and what the people in here are saying?
03-26-2019 , 10:55 AM
That clearly wasn't directed at the posters who are admitting Dems screwed up and handed Trump a huge gift by pushing the Russia bull**** too far. It's to the less self-aware people who are droning on about how this isn't truly over until the entire report is released. No boys, it's over already, and was before it even began. The entire theory of Trump working with Russia to steal an election HRC made very little effort to win was ridiculous on its face.
03-26-2019 , 10:57 AM
Woah, how did Ins0 get an advanced copy of the report?
03-26-2019 , 11:00 AM
When Republicans push absolute nonsense like birtherism it doesn't hurt them, it wins them the presidency. Chief birther became president. Is it just that Republicans are stupid and stupidity is good for them? And your theory, Inso0, is that Democrats are smarter?
03-26-2019 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Woah, how did Ins0 get an advanced copy of the report?
Yes, but I promised my handlers in Moscow I wouldn't share it. You'll have to just wait and see.

Originally Posted by microbet
When Republicans push absolute nonsense like birtherism it doesn't hurt them, it wins them the presidency. Chief birther became president. Is it just that Republicans are stupid and stupidity is good for them? And your theory, Inso0, is that Democrats are smarter?
Plenty of highly intelligent people on both sides, but they seem to be playing entirely different games.
03-26-2019 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
I was contemplating posting that "not finding collusion" is different from the headlines I have been seeing "Mueller Finds No Collusion" and then adding in my usual obnoxious afterthought "why am I the only one who is mentioning that?"

Since I can't do that here I'll just mention that his comments are not surprising since his eminent math professor father was taught logic in college (either City College or Columbia) by my father.
I thought you were joking.

Jack Sklansky died peacefully in Palo Alto, a few weeks before his ninetieth birthday, surrounded by family and by the love and care he had given to all who knew him for so many wonderful years. The child of Russian Jewish immigrants, he grew up in Brooklyn, attended the City College of New York, and received his Ph.D. in engineering from Columbia University. He was married for 49 years, until his beloved wife Gloria died in 2006. They moved to Southern California in 1966, and he taught for 28 years at UC Irvine, becoming a pioneer in the fields of pattern recognition, computer design, and computer-assisted medical diagnosis. He is survived by sons David, Mark, and Jeff; daughters-in-law Deborah, Lauren, and Helen; and grandchildren Joe, Gabriel, and Leah.
So if I have this correct, it's...

Irving Sklansky⠀→⠀teacher to⠀→⠀Jack Sklansky
father of⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀father of
David Sklansky⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀David A. Sklansky
03-26-2019 , 12:02 PM
Advantage Mrs. J Sklansky?
03-26-2019 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
That clearly wasn't directed at the posters who are admitting Dems screwed up and handed Trump a huge gift by pushing the Russia bull**** too far. It's to the less self-aware people who are droning on about how this isn't truly over until the entire report is released. No boys, it's over already, and was before it even began. The entire theory of Trump working with Russia to steal an election HRC made very little effort to win was ridiculous on its face.
Pushing too far = Pleading for a 1/10th of amount of investigating compared to the Benghazi hearings, and allowing a lifelong Republican to carry it out with help from other lifelong Republicans

Is that right? What would NOT be pushing too far in your view? Should have just left it at distributing thoughts and prayers for our democracy?
03-26-2019 , 12:25 PM
it's weird how the people who use the term "process crimes" today were the same people wanting hillary executed for treason for (squints at notes) using the wrong email address.
03-26-2019 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
it's weird how the people who use the term "process crimes" today were the same people wanting hillary executed for treason for (squints at notes) using the wrong email address.
To say nothing of impeaching the other Clinton over a process crime.
03-26-2019 , 12:36 PM
How about people who don't care about Bill's process crimes, don't care about Hilldawg's emails, and don't care about Trump's process crimes? Any of those folks around?
03-26-2019 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
How about people who don't care about Bill's process crimes, don't care about Hilldawg's emails, and don't care about Trump's process crimes? Any of those folks around?
How about those of us who don't care about process crimes but would still like to see all three in jail?
03-26-2019 , 12:40 PM
Well sure, Bill should have been impeached for sexual harassment and his disgraceful treatment of Lewinsky, Trump should be in jail because he's a groper/rapist, and Hilldawg should be in jail because she lost to a rapist television game show host.
03-26-2019 , 12:43 PM
It would be kind of cool if you had to go to jail for four years if you lost an election. Don't know why exactly, but I fell like in might improve the election process.
03-26-2019 , 12:51 PM
03-26-2019 , 12:57 PM
