Originally Posted by seattlelou
The case for Boehner is only a little less clear. He gave the PM the opportunity to make his case to change or kill the deal. Congress has foreign relations responsibility, there is pertinent legislation pending, the negotiations are concluding. Why would you not invite Netanyahu to speak? Where is the anti Obama element? Do you believe Boehner, most of the GOP, and a sizable portion of the Democratic party believe this is a deal that should be passed on its merits but **** Obama and the Iran chapter in his autobiography.
You really don't seem to get it. Why would they not invite Netanyahu? Because it is absolutely outrageous to invite a FOREIGN leader into congress specifically to give him the platform to lecture and undermine the US governments foreign policy plans. A foreign leader meddling in america's foreign policy and telling them what to do, under the invitation of the opposition is imo treasonous, and its only because of the subservient brain washing, with everything to do with Israel that people like you don't see it.
Most of the GOP disagree with the deal, which is why they pulled this stunt, and most probably much of the democrats but they are mostly lackies too scared not to bow down to Netanyahu and be accused of not being loyal to Israel, which seems to be the biggest crime in Congress.
Netanyahu is free to disagree with the Obama policy but he has no right to grand stand in congress in a mock state of the union. Do it somewhere else, you don't go to someone's house and insult them.
Where is the F Obama element? It's his policy they don't like.