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The most historic phone call (lc) The most historic phone call (lc)

10-24-2008 , 01:27 AM
I was listening to Moonloop by Porcupine Tree today. There's a bit taken from the moonlanding, I think, where the astronauts are calling in to the Oval Office, and the man on the phone says something like, This is the most historic phone call to the Oval Office.

My question is this:

What is the most historic phone call ever made to the Oval Office?

Side question, most historic phone call ever made to an American President?

I obviously suck at history, otherwise I'd probably have some sort of opinion on the matter. But you people who excel at that sort of thing may find this an interesting topic of debate.
10-24-2008 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by Low Key
I was listening to Moonloop by Porcupine Tree today. There's a bit taken from the moonlanding, I think, where the astronauts are calling in to the Oval Office, and the man on the phone says something like, This is the most historic phone call to the Oval Office.

My question is this:

What is the most historic phone call ever made to the Oval Office?

Side question, most historic phone call ever made to an American President?

I obviously suck at history, otherwise I'd probably have some sort of opinion on the matter. But you people who excel at that sort of thing may find this an interesting topic of debate.
Prob Domino's explaining why the president can't get a free pizza if it was not delivered under 30 min due to secret service checks on the pizza.

Obv this was back in 80's and 90's due to Domino's reneging on the free pizza for saftey reasons
10-24-2008 , 01:42 AM
I lock this now.

If someone htinks this is a less that terribel thread, I'll read their fromal compaint in the mornigh. If theri compaing isn't formal, I'll ban them in the mornigng.
10-24-2008 , 10:10 AM
Wow. Your moderator had a little too much to drink last night, as evidenced by the typos and by locking a thread that wasn't as terrible as his lock message implied.
10-24-2008 , 10:19 AM
lol drunken powerabuse
10-24-2008 , 10:20 AM
Also, you can thank Iron for filing the formal complaint.
10-24-2008 , 11:10 AM
iron 4 mod
10-24-2008 , 11:11 AM
PS: I don't know about the most historic phone call, but the most historic meeting is easy.

10-24-2008 , 11:28 AM

At some point, Ms. Currie approached the door leading to the hallway, which was ajar, and said that the President had a telephone call.(178) Ms. Lewinsky recalled that the caller was a Member of Congress with a nickname.(179) While the President was on the telephone, according to Ms. Lewinsky, "he unzipped his pants and exposed himself," and she performed oral sex.
10-24-2008 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Wow. Your moderator had a little too much to drink last night, as evidenced by the typos and by locking a thread that wasn't as terrible as his lock message implied.

That was awesome. I wanted to mention it in one of the threads, but feared the wrath of the drunken Wookie.
10-24-2008 , 01:45 PM
I was thinking that Khruschev (sp) backing down during the Cuban Missile Crisis was pretty key.
10-24-2008 , 02:06 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
iron 4 mod
With current equipment, an iron 6 should suffice.
10-24-2008 , 06:14 PM
Whatever it was, it lasted eighteen and a half minutes.
10-24-2008 , 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by iron81
I was thinking that Khruschev (sp) backing down during the Cuban Missile Crisis was pretty key.
yea this is what came to mind instantly for me
10-24-2008 , 07:40 PM
One of you Politards should call the White House and ask them ldo. It'll be the Cuban missile crisis or some other doomsday prevention call we've never heard of.
10-24-2008 , 07:49 PM
In after Lock
10-24-2008 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Wow. Your moderator had a little too much to drink last night, as evidenced by the typos and by locking a thread that wasn't as terrible as his lock message implied.
Time will tell if this is a horrible thread or not. I'm not conviced either way atm. Apparently the White House doesn't get as many important phone calls as I'd have thought.

Obviously looking for both good or bad, like, say, Pearl Harbor attack or something.

(Full disclosure: I am in school right now, but only taking a Finance class, this has nothing to do with it.)
10-24-2008 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by 2/325Falcon
some other doomsday prevention call we've never heard of.
I typically envision something like Yeltsin getting absolutely plastered one night and threatening to nuke the rest of the Middle East and Asia, and it would have happened had he not drunk dialed Clinton on the red phone and they shared stories of all the fat chicks they've slammed until Yeltsin passed out.
10-25-2008 , 03:00 AM

Don't say that you're more sorry than I am, because I'm capable of being just as sorry as you are.
