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Men's Rights Thread Men's Rights Thread

12-04-2012 , 12:59 PM
Undiagnosed mental illness sounds like a public health issue, though, even if it is caused by gender roles it's probably not solved by making date rape legal.

Think about breast and prostrate cancer. They affect one gender more than another, but they are a problem for all of society. Breast cancer awareness is not a Woman's Rights issue.
12-04-2012 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Bigoldnit
The problem with some of the men's rights rhetoric (not limited to this group exclusively, of course), is that it points to a certain specific situation where women appear to have better outcomes and uses that as "proof" for the concluion that men are the victims of bias... Maybe they are, maybe they aren't, but the data they produce is typically insufficient to justify the claim.
This is also true of women's rights rhetoric, among others.
12-04-2012 , 01:03 PM
Originally Posted by sdturner02
Literally every person that Jake has met that had any interest in discussing men's rights is an angry male who hates women. Literally every single one. And according to Jake, the discussion of gender rights for men only exists to attack rape victims as sluts or to unfairly criticize child custody laws.
I'm not sure why you decided to arbitrarily cut off "or to try and deride some overbearing feminism movement that doesn't really exist" but other than that, yes, this has been my experience. I have yet to see anything in this thread that disproves that, including the guy in the OP who after even cursory research is brimming with that sentiment.

Also, using the phrase "gender rights" for men is analogous to belonging to a white supremacy group. Just fyi.
True, except it's "men's rights" not "'gender rights' for men," the latter was the phrase I used to describe the flawed prism through which to address certain issues.

Wouldn't it be great if you could actually do that? Like, anytime I don't want to discuss something, or perhaps more importantly, when I don't want others discussing something, I could just equate the discussion with something terrible.

The only people who participate in this discussion are angry males. Anyone who even uses the phrase "gender rights" for men, invariably is either attacking a rape victim or arguing a straw man for child custody laws. And what's more, the people who do talk about this are just like white supremacists.

Boom. Problem solved. No discussion possible.
Yeah I mean I tend to associate movements with the people that belong to them and what they say. Guilty as charged.

Last edited by Jake7777; 12-04-2012 at 01:20 PM. Reason: Man Power
12-04-2012 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by sards
This is also true of women's rights rhetoric, among others.
(A) which is why I said that it was not exclusive to MRA's
(B) but I suppose I'm still more inclined to believe arguments about, "OMG this law is so unfair, just look at the disparate impact, maybe there is some bias here that needs to be investigated and addressed" when they are coming from groups that didn't pass the laws as opposed to the one that did...
12-04-2012 , 02:51 PM
nullspace seems to have quite the obsession with false rape accusations. Try not raping her.
12-04-2012 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
By way, it is not a coincidence that the guy nullspace picked as standard bearer just happens to be a nutjob who sets out to study the positive experiences people have with incest.

Closer kin, deeper in, that's what I always say.

It's because "Men's Rights" is NOT A THING, it's just an umbrella for various mentally ill misogynists to be incredibly whiny about how the world doesn't quite revolve entirely around the needs and wants of while males anymore.
You're missing my point. I'm not saying that "Men's Rights" isn't anything that you're saying it is. I have no idea. My point is to suggest that it seems like we've reached a stage where any sort of gender related discussion is impossible because the rhetoric has become so ridiculous.

This guy analogizes the concept of "men's rights" to racism:

Originally Posted by Jake7777
I'm not sure why you decided to arbitrarily cut off "or to try and deride some overbearing feminism movement that doesn't really exist" but other than that, yes, this has been my experience. I have yet to see anything in this thread that disproves that, including the guy in the OP who after even cursory research is brimming with that sentiment.

True, except it's "men's rights" not "'gender rights' for men," the latter was the phrase I used to describe the flawed prism through which to address certain issues.

Yeah I mean I tend to associate movements with the people that belong to them and what they say. Guilty as charged.
He actually does think that "men's rights" is analogous to racism.

There have been lynchings in the United States as recently as the 1960s.

Phil repeats the same argument, except he makes sure to add that men's rights is only intended to take rights away from women:

Originally Posted by [Phill]
The problem with these "men's rights" discussions, and I have been in a few in the past, is that 99% of the time the people involved in the movement are huge ****ing douchebags who really are rape apologists, misogynists and just general perverts. A wholly accurate description of the "expert" OP cites.

The biggest problem is that a lot of the time the rights in question in "men's rights" tend to be zero sum that take away from women's rights. The few times there is a decent discussion to be had, with the balance of power in child custody as a good example, they can just be their own discussion completely separate.
After I challenge his argument, he opts to flat out deny that the thing he was talking about earlier even exists and laments at a lack of qualified experts to weigh in:

Originally Posted by [Phill]
"gender equality as it relates to men" isnt a real thing. It is either "gender equality" or it isnt, there is no additional info needed as who it related to.

This thread is 64 replies deep and the only example of an "expert" in the subject is the guy who thinks the physical reaction to stimulation by a woman's body is all the consent you need while she screams at you to stop raping her. Not just thinks it but wants to legislate from that position. Holy ****balls, and you wonder why I say nuke the thread from orbit?
I'm sure that he will defend by saying that what he was referring to as "men's rights" is not the same as my use of "gender equality as it relates to men". Perhaps he's correct. Nevertheless, it seems wildly inconsistent to say that "gender equality as it relates to men" isn't a real thing immediately after making observations about discussions of "men's rights".

Furthermore, The fact that he didn't separately address anything that I pointed out supports an inference that he also is using the terms interchangeably.
12-04-2012 , 03:24 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
nullspace seems to have quite the obsession with false rape accusations. Try not raping her.
It's not rape, it's responding to conflicting cues of verbally being told that sex isn't desired and assuming that sex is the only possible outcome from any physically intimate contact with a woman.
12-04-2012 , 03:30 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
nullspace seems to have quite the obsession with false rape accusations. Try not raping her.

Just gotta interject some information into this thread. If we are going to talk about false rape accusations we should talk about the process a person goes through to make a rape accusation.

The doctor or nurse will look for injuries and any other signs that force was used, such as tender areas, marks on your skin, and bruises. Although many sexual assault victims do not appear to sustain physical injuries, it is still important to be examined by a health care provider. If you do have visible injuries, you may be asked to give your consent to have photographs taken. Photographing injuries is important because by the time your assailant is prosecuted in a court hearing, the injuries may have healed.
This is one part of the process a false rape reporter has to go through. If they really want to get someone in trouble for rape they have to go through a pretty rough series of examinations just to get to step one. It's not like you go to the police and make the accusation and they go and arrest their person at their job. The system still heavily favors the rapist.
12-04-2012 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by sdturner02
You're missing my point. I'm not saying that "Men's Rights" isn't anything that you're saying it is. I have no idea.
Yet amazingly, you kept on writing this post.
My point is to suggest that it seems like we've reached a stage where any sort of gender related discussion is impossible because the rhetoric has become so ridiculous.
Nope! You are not good at reading. Plenty of people can have plenty of discussions about gender related issues. "How unfair is it that sometimes dudes get accused of rape just because they raped some girl after she said no" is not one of those discussions, though!

I'm sure that he will defend by saying that what he was referring to as "men's rights" is not the same as my use of "gender equality as it relates to men". Perhaps he's correct. Nevertheless, it seems wildly inconsistent to say that "gender equality as it relates to men" isn't a real thing immediately after making observations about discussions of "men's rights".
"Men's rights" is a phrase that has a specific meaning beyond "rights" of "men". It's understandable that you didn't know that, because you admittedly have "no idea" what's going on in this issue. That should've made you cautious about arguing with people who do seem to have some idea what they are talking about, but alas here we are.

With you whining that somebody made an analogy to white pride(do you know how analogies work? that was a perfectly legitimate comment and makes a good point).

Was somebody mean to the incest/date rape advocate? And, for some reason, did that hurt your feelings too?

Cry me a ****ing river.
12-04-2012 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by Low Key
See, you make the exact same assumptions that the author of the quote makes - namely that kissing has to lead somewhere. Why is it so hard to understand the concept of, "Yes I like kissing you, but no I don't want your dick inside me at the moment?"
No, that's incorrect. I made no assumptions. I specifically said that I was challenging your assumption that the encounter would end with rape.

Originally Posted by Low Key
The entire rest of your post was nothing but inferences based on nothing I said, so I don't see any reason to address it.
No, it was based entirely on what you said. Your assertion that responsibility for concluding the encounter belongs solely to the male based on the potential risk of a rape taking place relies on the sexist belief that women are unable to control themselves.

Your warning of rape necessarily implies that sex will occur and that the female does not consent.

Where no coercion is taking place and where the female is acting voluntarily to proceed in spite of a verbal "no", your suggestion that an encounter will otherwise result in rape unless the male ends the encounter implies a belief that the female is incapable of bridling her baser instincts because if she were capable of doing so, she would cease pursuit of the encounter.

In other words, she is freely and actively pursuing the encounter. We know that she does not want to proceed because she said "no". Nevertheless, she voluntarily proceeds, taking action to that end. But because she is unable to control herself like a man is able to do, the responsibility for preventing a rape from happening belongs to the male.

Feel free to challenge my assessment.
12-04-2012 , 04:22 PM
Why is it so hard to understand the concept of, "Yes I like kissing you, but no I don't want your dick inside me at the moment?"
12-04-2012 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Yet amazingly, you kept on writing this post.

Nope! You are not good at reading. Plenty of people can have plenty of discussions about gender related issues. "How unfair is it that sometimes dudes get accused of rape just because they raped some girl after she said no" is not one of those discussions, though!

"Men's rights" is a phrase that has a specific meaning beyond "rights" of "men". It's understandable that you didn't know that, because you admittedly have "no idea" what's going on in this issue. That should've made you cautious about arguing with people who do seem to have some idea what they are talking about, but alas here we are.

With you whining that somebody made an analogy to white pride(do you know how analogies work? that was a perfectly legitimate comment and makes a good point).

Was somebody mean to the incest/date rape advocate? And, for some reason, did that hurt your feelings too?

Cry me a ****ing river.
so the way the protestors behaved was, in your mind, completely justified due to the speaker's perceived views on a couple of topics that people have raised concerns were being twisted unfairly? or even that if you choose to write off those concerns as unwarranted because the speaker is a douche the protestors actions are still okay?
12-04-2012 , 04:46 PM
I didn't watch either video, obviously, but assuming the protesters did not use physical violence I'm probably fine with whatever swears they might have used to hurt Mr. Positive Incest's feelings.
12-04-2012 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I didn't watch either video, obviously, but assuming the protesters did not use physical violence I'm probably fine with whatever swears they might have used to hurt Mr. Positive Incest's feelings.
I watched the video. They tried to shut it down and did have some pushing and shoving which I wouldn't agree with. Mostly it was a dual of obtuse gender academize sprinkled with explicitives against clueless guys (at least in the video they played dumb) which is fine especially against the guys that actually support the speaker.

At one point the police pushed the protesters back and the crowd started chanting, "this is what men's rights look like! " which made me wonder if policing in general and police brutality in the extreme were just men fighting for their rights.

Basically stupidity all around.

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 12-04-2012 at 04:59 PM.
12-04-2012 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Yet amazingly, you kept on writing this post.

Nope! You are not good at reading. Plenty of people can have plenty of discussions about gender related issues. "How unfair is it that sometimes dudes get accused of rape just because they raped some girl after she said no" is not one of those discussions, though!
Not a single thing about this response surprises me. I love how you selectively edited my post to make it look like something much different than what it was.

For those interested in accuracy, Fly said this:

Originally Posted by FlyWf
It's because "Men's Rights" is NOT A THING, it's just an umbrella for various mentally ill misogynists to be incredibly whiny about how the world doesn't quite revolve entirely around the needs and wants of while males anymore.
Rather than attack his highly debatable evaluation based on subjective opinion that he offered entirely without supporting evidence, I let it go because I had a more important point, which I clearly indicated and which Fly deliberately edited to remove:

Originally Posted by sdturner02
I'm not saying that "Men's Rights" isn't anything that you're saying it is. I have no idea. My point is to suggest that it seems like we've reached a stage where any sort of gender related discussion is impossible because the rhetoric has become so ridiculous.
Perhaps most ironic is the way Fly unintentionally illustrated the point I was trying to make in such convincing fashion.

Originally Posted by FlyWf
"Men's rights" is a phrase that has a specific meaning beyond "rights" of "men". It's understandable that you didn't know that, because you admittedly have "no idea" what's going on in this issue. That should've made you cautious about arguing with people who do seem to have some idea what they are talking about, but alas here we are.

With you whining that somebody made an analogy to white pride(do you know how analogies work? that was a perfectly legitimate comment and makes a good point).
You're arguing that analogizing men's rights to white pride was perfectly legitimate? And makes a good point?

I disagree. In the U.S., the issue of racism and the severity of its effects so far outweighs the harm that has resulted from gender inequality that an attempt to analogize the two fails for want of any comparable scope of impact. It isn't even close.

Originally Posted by FlyWf
Was somebody mean to the incest/date rape advocate? And, for some reason, did that hurt your feelings too?

Cry me a ****ing river.
Can you read? Here is what I wrote:

Originally Posted by sdturner02
This type of thing seems to occur most often when the subject matter is more likely to illicit an emotional response. Perhaps most frustrating is that people tend to categorize these incidents into political buckets, which has the effect of distracting from the issue and camouflaging the actual problem.
I made no defense of Farrell. I called out the blog because of its dishonesty. My purpose was clearly stated - to challenge dishonest journalism because it distracts from the actual problem at hand.

I doubt that you recognize how clearly you're supporting that argument at the moment.
12-04-2012 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
I didn't watch either video, obviously, but assuming the protesters did not use physical violence I'm probably fine with whatever swears they might have used to hurt Mr. Positive Incest's feelings.
watch the video. basically everything that the video shows falls under fighting words, which are prosecutable in and of themselves as a hate crime when directed towards a person.

it's kind of sad that you give so many ****s about free speech that when it comes to free speech, you don't give a ****.
12-04-2012 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by airwave16
watch the video. basically everything that the video shows falls under fighting words, which are prosecutable in and of themselves as a hate crime when directed towards a person.

it's kind of sad that you give so many ****s about free speech that when it comes to free speech, you don't give a ****.
Meh, seemed like riled up protesters in all. Not enough for fighting words, imo, it takes more than just insulting someone.
12-04-2012 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by sdturner02

No, it was based entirely on what you said. Your assertion that responsibility for concluding the encounter belongs solely to the male based on the potential risk of a rape taking place relies on the sexist belief that women are unable to control themselves.

Your warning of rape necessarily implies that sex will occur and that the female does not consent.

Where no coercion is taking place and where the female is acting voluntarily to proceed in spite of a verbal "no", your suggestion that an encounter will otherwise result in rape unless the male ends the encounter implies a belief that the female is incapable of bridling her baser instincts because if she were capable of doing so, she would cease pursuit of the encounter.

In other words, she is freely and actively pursuing the encounter. We know that she does not want to proceed because she said "no". Nevertheless, she voluntarily proceeds, taking action to that end. But because she is unable to control herself like a man is able to do, the responsibility for preventing a rape from happening belongs to the male.

Feel free to challenge my assessment.
I really didn't want to get dragged into the rape issue, but, I'm just a silly woman who can't control herself, so, just out of curiosity, what % of rape allegations do you think are the result of scenarios like the one you described (woman says no, but keeps physically pursuing the encounter, the couple has sex, and she claims rape)? And out of these allegations, what percentage of the time are the men involved actually charged with and convicted of rape/assault/etc.?
12-04-2012 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by sdturner02
You're arguing that analogizing men's rights to white pride was perfectly legitimate? And makes a good point?

I disagree. In the U.S., the issue of racism and the severity of its effects so far outweighs the harm that has resulted from gender inequality that an attempt to analogize the two fails for want of any comparable scope of impact. It isn't even close.
I don't think it is illegitimate to see some similarities between those who claim that whites are punished by reverse discrimination and some men's rights "activists".
12-04-2012 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Meh, seemed like riled up protesters in all. Not enough for fighting words, imo, it takes more than just insulting someone.
you really think that these "riled up protesters" aren't deliberately trying to incite feelings of hatred or violence from the people they're hurling slurs at?
12-04-2012 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by sdturner
Rather than attack his highly debatable evaluation based on subjective opinion that he offered entirely without supporting evidence, I let it go because I had a more important point, which I clearly indicated and which Fly deliberately edited to remove:
I'm not saying that "Men's Rights" isn't anything that you're saying it is. I have no idea. My point is to suggest that it seems like we've reached a stage where any sort of gender related discussion is impossible because the rhetoric has become so ridiculous.
Note that I did not remove the bolded quote, I in fact responded to it, and you removed my response! This **** is all on the page, bro.

Originally Posted by sdturner
You're arguing that analogizing men's rights to white pride was perfectly legitimate? And makes a good point?
Why are there question marks after this? There was nothing unclear about my statement.

Yes. It does. I don't think you know how analogies are supposed to work.

I do think that when someone mentions "racism" your brain FREAKS OUT and you throw a temper tantrum about Jake trying to 'shut down' the discussion, though I guess I've only seen you do it this one time.

Just a pro tip: When people call "Men's Rights" advocates misogynists or whatever, that's not them trying to "shut down" your VERY SERIOUS gender related issues discussion about how bitches be lying cause you know they all want it.

It's calling you a misogynist in an attempt to shame you. Because your ideas are offensive and stupid.
12-04-2012 , 05:32 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Holy ****
12-04-2012 , 05:33 PM
SDTURNER, is your mind ****ING BLOWN that Jake and Phil's read, which offended your tender sensibilities so, turned out to be, in fact, absolutely correct with regard to nullspace?

Because I wasn't surprised at all.
12-04-2012 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Note that I did not remove the bolded quote, I in fact responded to it, and you removed my response! This **** is all on the page, bro.

Why are there question marks after this? There was nothing unclear about my statement.

Yes. It does. I don't think you know how analogies are supposed to work.

I do think that when someone mentions "racism" your brain FREAKS OUT and you throw a temper tantrum about Jake trying to 'shut down' the discussion, though I guess I've only seen you do it this one time.

Just a pro tip: When people call "Men's Rights" advocates misogynists or whatever, that's not them trying to "shut down" your VERY SERIOUS gender related issues discussion about how bitches be lying cause you know they all want it.

It's calling you a misogynist in an attempt to shame you.
Because your ideas are offensive and stupid.
and i'm sure that situations like that don't ever happen to any other group of people.
