I recall an interview on C-SPAN with [former] California representative Jane Harman. (Mrs. Harman had been a high ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee before she resigned from Congress to accept a position as President of a Washington D.C. think tank.) When the subject of the CIA and the NSA was broached, Mrs. Harman made a rather derisive comment to the effect that our intelligence agencies [intentionally] lie and deceive members of Congress. (Her facial expression as she made this comment spoke volumes.)
In light of the revelations in Mr. Greenwald's article, it is now clear why Mrs. Harman had such heartburn: She was probably aware (at that point) that her "private" conversation with an Israeli lobbyist had been monitored and recorded.
Members of Congress shouldn't be surprised (or outraged) by any of this. This is what you get when you allow intelligence agencies to do whatever they please with no accountability or judicial restraint. Members of Congress created this monster. They shouldn't feign anger and surprise when they find themselves in the crosshairs. (It's funny the way some hypocrite members of Congress think "the rules" - and the laws they pass - should apply to everybody else, but not to them.)