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May I have an LC thread? May I have an LC thread?

05-01-2016 , 12:32 PM
is anyone listening to Jon Favreau and Dan Pfiffer's podcast? It's absolutely terrible. They seem to think they're huge strategy experts because they're insiders, but 90% of their podcast is "remember when obama did X and we had to re-write the speech?" and the rest is ******ed **** like "TRUMP could pick someone with a military background... like David Petraeus" (100% seriously). It's also super catty/gossipy, just impossible to take these guys seriously. And their production values are terrible, which is weird since it's part of the Ringer, so they should have all the HBO resources they need to make it sound decent.
05-01-2016 , 12:43 PM
Good article on the Hillsborough stadium crush disaster in '89, and the aftermath of blaming the victims, which was finally completely overturned in a recent inquiry. You'll never guess who's newspaper led the charge in shifting blame from the police and stadium officials to the victims.
05-01-2016 , 12:53 PM
Malia is taking a gap year before going to harvard. Which is a great idea, if you can afford it, which most people can't. Raising the minimum wage isn't going to help anyone realize this sort of benefit. Tying insurance to employment isn't either. Outsourcing the social safety net to corporations has the effect of further entrenching the elite.
05-01-2016 , 12:56 PM
Reading through that article, and briefly opening the Wikipedia page, I'm still very confused: what happened that caused those people to die?

Spoilered for being extremely morbid reading, from that article:

On 15 April 1989, I walked down a tunnel into Hillsborough, and into the sunshine, thinking: “Where would you rather be on a day like this?” An hour later, at just after 3pm, I am caught somewhere between this life and the next.

The game has kicked off. I can see people in the north stand following it with their eyes. Others are fixated on the space around me, and pointing furiously, or running down the gangways to the pitch, shouting at police officers. But they are far away. Closer, a few feet away, people are dead on their feet. The air is thick with the smell of excrement and urine. Three men are changing colour, from a pale violet to a ghostly pallor. Some have vomit streaming from their nostrils. People are weeping. Others are gibbering, trying to black out what is happening. I am 19, and I know that I am about to die.

Reading this, I don't get it all what was going on.
05-01-2016 , 01:09 PM

Sorry Minnesota football fans, Vikings never wore horned helmets
05-01-2016 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Reading through that article, and briefly opening the Wikipedia page, I'm still very confused: what happened that caused those people to die?

Spoilered for being extremely morbid reading, from that article:

Reading this, I don't get it all what was going on.
The wiki goes into a lot more depth. It was a combination of ****ups and bad design. The part I didn't realize is that there had been crushes before at that stadium resulting in broken limbs and other injuries. So it's not like they had no idea it could happen. They just didn't take it seriously.
05-01-2016 , 02:05 PM
— “You look terrible, Mr. President. No, you do, man. Look at you. Your hair is so white it tried to punch me at a Trump rally.”

— “I am impressed with the people in this room. There are so many rich, powerful people in this room. You know, it’s nice to finally match the names to the faces in the Panama Papers.”

— “C-SPAN, of course, is carrying tonight’s dinner live. . . Which is ironic because most of the viewers are not. It is true, guys. C-SPAN is the number-one network among people who died watching TV and no one‘s found them yet. No, but it is good to be on C-SPAN. I am glad I am not on your rival network ‘No Input HDMI-1.'”
05-01-2016 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Reading through that article, and briefly opening the Wikipedia page, I'm still very confused: what happened that caused those people to die?

Spoilered for being extremely morbid reading, from that article:

Reading this, I don't get it all what was going on.
A large crowd was funneled into a small space without exits. Many got crushed and died. If you've ever been in an overcrowded situation like that it's very easy to understand how it could quickly turn disastrous, which is part of what makes Hillsborough so inexcusable.
05-01-2016 , 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Some quality zingers imo

To Obama: “I saw you hanging out with NBA players like Steph Curry, Golden State Warriors. That was cool. You know, it kind of makes sense too, because both of you like raining down bombs on people from long distances.”

“I have to say about the first lady, it is so nice to have dinner with you. She is the epitome of grace, class, and poise. Isn’t she? She really is. Not to be confused with future first gentleman Bill Clinton whose three favorite strippers are named Grace, Class, and Poise.”
05-01-2016 , 02:29 PM
Wilmore wasn't the funniest but holy **** he burned that room to the ****ing ground.

He did what you would want someone to do with that opportunity. Half of it crossed from roast to just accurately insulting people to their faces.
05-01-2016 , 02:34 PM
Yeah Wilmore was real solid. So was Obama.
05-01-2016 , 02:43 PM
I started watching Colbert after the correspondents dinner in '06. I watch Wilmore's show occasionally but it really only seems to resonate when he does racial stuff.
05-01-2016 , 02:48 PM
I gave Wilmore a shot when Stewart was still on the Daily Show, never really got into it. Have watched less than an hour I think of Noah's Daily Show, so can't really say I gave it a fair chance. Pretty much down to just John Oliver.
05-01-2016 , 02:53 PM
Samantha Bee's show is pretty good.
05-01-2016 , 02:56 PM
I watched the Lindsey Graham ep of the new Daily Show. Trevor Noah impressed me slightly with a little zing on Graham saying "Pool's not about this shot, it's about the one after". Noah made some crack about maybe applying that mentality to Middle Eastern policy. It was good. Didn't make me start watching, though.
05-01-2016 , 03:14 PM
Wilmore killed. The funny part was all the pundits saying he bombed because no one in the room was laughing. Well, no ****.
05-01-2016 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Yeah, I didn't watch, but those are solid.
05-01-2016 , 04:18 PM
Very surprised you guys thought Wilmore did well. He had some decent spots but he always goes racial with jokes (his show especially)
05-01-2016 , 04:30 PM
A million people boycotting Target over a god damn bathroom policy is just hilariously sad.
05-01-2016 , 04:37 PM
Wilmore is a really funny guy. His problem is that Colbert is an impossible act to follow.
05-01-2016 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Yeah, I didn't watch, but those are solid.
Been watching way too much Fox News lately, and he received compliments about his sense of humor during this dinner by anchors. I'm positive this was the first time I've seen him complimented by them.
05-01-2016 , 05:02 PM
Said bad things about Obama? Okay in their book
05-01-2016 , 05:10 PM
The parts of wilmore's act I saw live were terrible, they were just bland generic political jokes with no zing at all. Trolling the white tears was solid, though.
05-01-2016 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Samantha Bee's show is pretty good.
Her show is awesome. She also has a unique voice with such a female majority writing staff and her delivery is honed from a billion years with TDS.

I think she is a lot more consistent than John Oliver though you can see the funding difference in the investigative stuff they do. Oliver got a great staff budget and employs a lot of legit journos to find stories to cover. I've read his staff is comparable to real news shows.
05-01-2016 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
A large crowd was funneled into a small space without exits. Many got crushed and died. If you've ever been in an overcrowded situation like that it's very easy to understand how it could quickly turn disastrous, which is part of what makes Hillsborough so inexcusable.
and then was the disgraceful and disgusting way the policed behaved afterwards. Huge incident in itself but standard stuff for the South Yorkshire police. How many incidents involving fewer people have their been over the years where we have never heard of the innocent victims?

Here's another biggee.

During the miners strike of 1984 officers from South Yorkshire attacked striking miners then arrested 95 on the charge of rioting. It was found the Police Force had fabricated evidence, carried out false arrest and assaulted miners. No police officer has ever been disciplined or accepted responsibility for their actions.[8] Ex officer Tony Munday has called for an inquiry into how South Yorkshire Police handled the aftermath of the Battle of Orgreave claiming he was told what to put in his statement "by a senior South Yorkshire detective" after he arrested a miner during the Orgreave confrontation. "I've never before or since, while I've been a police officer, been involved where effectively chunks of a statement were dictated. They weren't my words,"[9]

If you ever wondered why so many really hate Thatcher ...
