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Mass Shootings at Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand Mass Shootings at Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand

03-16-2019 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
The media is sick, our society is sick, we are all exposed to it. If this was a Muslim that killed white people the coverage would be non-stop. But because it was a white killing Muslims it is already almost out of the news cycle.

What drives the new cycle? Viewership, interest, fear and what we value and how much we value it. If we cant care about other humans and get over our evolutionary basic distrust and dislike of others that are not our group then we are doomed.
I have one person I know who posts on his FB page no one cares when Muslims kill 40 Christians in Nigeria. Now the source Southern Baptist Press makes you wonder. But this is what the Right Wing nuts think. I look and say did 40 Christians really get killed? You google it and you get tons of less than reliable religious organizations. Now this person denies Climate Change, solar energy and you name it but it gets seen .
03-16-2019 , 11:41 AM

Otherwise blameless life?
03-16-2019 , 11:45 AM
He was no an angel
03-16-2019 , 11:54 AM
Can Chelsea Clinton please just ****ing go away and be a dean or a corporate lobbyist or something. And take Meghan McCain with her.

Also, I see the civility police on Twitter are telling eggboy "violence is not the answer." **** right off with that ****.

Last edited by Trolly McTrollson; 03-16-2019 at 11:59 AM.
03-16-2019 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by PartyGirlUK
How the **** did this guy become a Senator? Seriously ... how did that happen?
Originally Posted by ChrisV
It's your lucky day, I posted about that ITT earlier today
Thank you.

re. the Muslim/Non-Muslim press coverage this is largely answerable. A recent study covering 2006-2015 said attacks by Muslims receive 357% more press attention.

I haven't read the paper or seen analysis of it's strengths/weaknesses but it's a good place to start.

BTW the idea this particular atrocity hasn't received press coverage doesn't chime with what I'm seeing. We're ~40 hours after the attack and as of ten minutes ago it's the lead story on the websites of CNN (International/US/Español), NYTimes (English/Español), Washington Post, BBC, Guardian, London Times and Independent. It's also the second lead story on Fox News. It's a huge story - the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting didn't get this much coverage and nor did a bunch of Jihadist attacks. Disproportionate media attention is very real but I'm not convinced it's a big factor in this case. There was a minute's silence before the Wales - Ireland rugby match. It is a huge story.
03-16-2019 , 12:21 PM
03-16-2019 , 12:27 PM
03-16-2019 , 12:53 PM
I watched the video. He had gallons of gasoline in the back trunk and according to reports explosives, What did he plan to do with those?

One part that hit home for me was on his way in he was greeted with 'hey brother'. Muslims at my work call me brother, it is an outreach of solidarity.

Solidarity is what is needed now regardless of faith nationality or background.
03-16-2019 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
The circle thing is really weird. Either it's people acting as fake racists or its racists being fake fake racists to own the libs in some way. Not sure why anyone thinks either one is a cool thing to be.
03-16-2019 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by abysmal01
The circle thing is really weird. Either it's people acting as fake racists or its racists being fake fake racists to own the libs in some way. Not sure why anyone thinks either one is a cool thing to be.
It's not that hard to figure out.
03-16-2019 , 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by JohnyCrash
I am not saying people don't care, I am saying they care way less than if it was a Muslim killing whites. This thread would be 40 pages if it was reversed.
Some of that is probably down to the fact that the usual trolls who would be all over this thread if it was the other way round are steering clear for obvious reasons. That said, I take your point.
03-16-2019 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl

Use something higher caliber next time imo
03-16-2019 , 01:47 PM
It would be tougher to sneak in a cream pie to that type of event but worth it
03-16-2019 , 02:09 PM
Remember when Foldn told us that 4chan Nazis were just kids blowing off steam? Imagine being that wrong and that smug.
03-16-2019 , 02:49 PM
I didn't know how someone was gonna say "really it's the Muslim's fault for this" but I knew someone would.
03-16-2019 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
Remember when Foldn told us that 4chan Nazis were just kids blowing off steam? Imagine being that wrong and that smug.
Of course, that was never true and very disingenuous (aka trolling) to claim so.

These things always follow a "bell curve". A few extremists, a few people just window-shopping, and most in the middle. Unfortunately, in recent times the size of the "pie" (to mix metaphors) has grown significantly and the bleeding edge between the extremists and the middle has shifted so there are now many more people actually willing to entertain committing (or abetting) truly heinous acts.
03-16-2019 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by somigosaden
I keep seeing the terrorist referred to as a white supremacist, but I don't think that's the right label. I read a fair amount of his manifesto (it rambled), and what he calls himself is a nationalist, and from the rest of what he says, that seems like the appropriate label. He says this:

"I wish the different peoples of their world all the best regardless of their ethnicity, race, culture of faith and that they live in peace and prosperity, amongst their own people, practicing their own traditions, in their own nations."

If anyone can point to where he says whites should rule over inferior races or something more indicative to supremacy, I'd of course change my understanding. I searched the document for those terms and couldn't find anything that supported it. As for why I think it's important to accurately describe terrorists, it's harder to stop a problem if you misunderstand it. And not knowing what motivates terrorists makes them harder to stop, since your efforts are spend countering the wrong ideology.
How does he feel about aborigines?
03-16-2019 , 03:24 PM
Limbaugh suggests without evidence that New Zealand attacker is 'a leftist'
"There is an ongoing theory — [producer Bo] Snerdley, correct me if I’m wrong about this — there’s an ongoing theory that the shooter himself may in fact be a leftist who writes the manifesto and then goes out and performs the deed purposely to smear his political enemies, knowing he’s gonna get shot in the process," Limbaugh said on his show. "You can’t immediately discount this."

"The left is this insane. They are this crazy. And if that's exactly what the guy's trying to do then he's hit a home run," the host added before referencing a report on Fox News on a monitor in his studio. "Because right there on Fox News: 'The shooter is an admitted white nationalist who hates immigrants.'"

"You try to absorb all of this to try to keep some sort of an even keel about it," Limbaugh added. "And then from the manifesto again itself, the shooter says he’s not a conservative, not a Christian and that he identifies as an eco-fascist, which would make him a supporter of the Green New Deal. He adds that he disagrees with Trump on politics."
03-16-2019 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
Remember when Foldn told us that 4chan Nazis were just kids blowing off steam? Imagine being that wrong and that smug.
They could well have been 10/15 years ago but many are still there, aren't kids any more and their brains have melted.
03-16-2019 , 03:46 PM
Nuke the phrase “without evidence” pls kthx
03-16-2019 , 04:05 PM
Originally Posted by Marn
I watched the video. He had gallons of gasoline in the back trunk and according to reports explosives, What did he plan to do with those?
I watched it on mute but figured he probably mentioned that while he was driving to the mosque, guess that wasn't the case?
03-16-2019 , 04:48 PM
Have you guys ever heard/read this by Sam Harris. I still think it's poignant today(Mostly in respect to US)
03-16-2019 , 04:53 PM
Strong condemnation are not the words I would use to describe that response....
03-16-2019 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by persianpunisher
Have you guys ever heard/read this by Sam Harris. I still think it's poignant today(Mostly in respect to US)

did you seriously link a 95 minute video with the description "poignant"?
03-16-2019 , 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
Remember when Foldn told us that 4chan Nazis were just kids blowing off steam? Imagine being that wrong and that smug.
Foldn drunk raped his sister's friend and then said she only reported it because he wouldn't date her, so being wrong and smug comes natural to him.
