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March Life Thread March Life Thread

03-09-2010 , 09:05 PM
there's a music thread?
03-09-2010 , 09:23 PM
I have a CPAP machine and my mask broke for it. So I call to get a replacement, which they normally will deliver to my house.

Of course, my insurance at work changed, so I call the place that will give me replacement masks and find out that my insurance doesn't work with them. I call another place that does, they need copies of my sleep study and a prescription for it. I get the other place to send it over. But no, a 3 year old prescription isn't good enough, need to get a newer one. For a ****ing plastic mask. Thank you government for protecting me from myself! I'm sure I would find a way to hurt myself with such a device.

Gotta jump through a ton more hoops tomorrow to get a new prescription, get everything sent, get everything approved by insurance, etc... Fantastic. Is there any logical reason why I shouldn't be able to just order one of these damn things online without a prescription?
03-09-2010 , 09:26 PM
03-09-2010 , 09:30 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
Is there any logical reason why I shouldn't be able to just order one of these damn things online without a prescription?
You'd turn it into a gas mask bong obv
03-09-2010 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by TomVeil
You'd turn it into a gas mask bong obv
03-09-2010 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by TomCollins
I have a CPAP machine and my mask broke for it. So I call to get a replacement, which they normally will deliver to my house.

Of course, my insurance at work changed, so I call the place that will give me replacement masks and find out that my insurance doesn't work with them. I call another place that does, they need copies of my sleep study and a prescription for it. I get the other place to send it over. But no, a 3 year old prescription isn't good enough, need to get a newer one. For a ****ing plastic mask. Thank you government for protecting me from myself! I'm sure I would find a way to hurt myself with such a device.

Gotta jump through a ton more hoops tomorrow to get a new prescription, get everything sent, get everything approved by insurance, etc... Fantastic. Is there any logical reason why I shouldn't be able to just order one of these damn things online without a prescription?
how else are they supposed to overcharge you for some nylon straps and a hunk of plastic?
03-09-2010 , 09:52 PM
Originally Posted by tubasteve
how else are they supposed to overcharge you for some nylon straps and a hunk of plastic?
You wouldn't believe what the full price for that is. Hell, even what I pay for one of them is crazy. Then add in the machine that goes with it. Wow, it is craaazy pricey for something that is a glorified fan.

Hopefully dropping some weight will make it so I don't need it. However, since I'm already not obese and need it, it might be some structural problem that even being skinny as a twig wouldn't help.
03-09-2010 , 09:54 PM
And this problem was created by the government instead of your insurance company how?
03-09-2010 , 10:19 PM
Originally Posted by USC Cheats
And this problem was created by the government instead of your insurance company how?
I need a prescription to purchase the equipment. The same reason I can't go buy Viagra without one.
03-09-2010 , 11:40 PM
what's that mask for, tomcollins?
03-09-2010 , 11:40 PM
FYI: the ****ing ******* that made me aware of the Trololo guy is going to ****ing pay.
03-09-2010 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by Taso
what's that mask for, tomcollins?
It's for sleep apnea methinks.

My grandpa has it awful. When he did his sleep test his rating was something like double what they considered "severe" and also by far the worst the clinic had ever seen. The person administering the test got scared and wanted to wake him up at one point because he'd gone about a minute without getting a good breath.

Luckily I only snore when I'm drunk, so either I didn't inherit it or I just don't have it yet.
03-09-2010 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by SL__72
It's for sleep apnea methinks.

My grandpa has it awful. When he did his sleep test his rating was something like double what they considered "severe." The person administering the test got scared and wanted to wake him up at one point because he'd gone about a minute without getting a good breath.
Yes. Sleep Apnea. It's a bitch. It was a huge factor in the death of my dad, and my wife noticed I was stopping breathing in my sleep constantly, along with terrible snoring. You stop breathing, and your heart starts beating like crazy to make up for the loss of oxygen. Eventually you wake up without realizing it to breathe, then fall back asleep again. You wake up miserable and tired, even if you sleep for a long time since you never reach a deep sleep. I put the mask on, and it pumps air into me constantly to keep my throat from closing up. I have a super high tech machine that somehow adjusts based on how much pressure it needs. Sometimes it goes a bit crazy and goes at a super high pressure and I wake up with a ton of air in my stomach and I have to burp like crazy. Good times.

My case is not anywhere near the worst cases, but I am young and only slightly overweight. Better to not let it get bad and wear a silly mask. I think both my uncles on my dads side have one, and so does my grandfather. Seems to be hereditary, but all of them are fairly overweight.
03-10-2010 , 12:14 AM
sometimes i'm amazed by what scientists and inventors have accomplished...other times I think "...this is the best they can do?"
03-10-2010 , 12:33 AM
Dont worry Taso, I have every confidence that one day they'll be able cure you of teh ghey.
03-10-2010 , 12:38 AM
03-10-2010 , 01:25 AM
but who would want to?
03-10-2010 , 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by SL__72
Hrm, I might have to try this then. Most of my music is on my desktop but I sync my phone w/ my laptop and am too lazy to move music around so that it's all available in all 3 places.

Decent sound quality streaming over 3G?
Yeah I listened to it on the ride in this morning, it was the same or better than Pandora. Had some slight glitches with it which might be on my end, not sure, but it seemed like the album art it was displaying and the song it was playing didnt match up, and there was one time where it sounded like it was playing two songs overlapping. This is the first time I've used it on my iPhone while driving so I cant say if this is a real issue or like I said if its just on my end.

Also, I wasnt able to figure out a good way to play "Random" on my iPhone, so I had to just pick a spot in my playlist to start from and play in order, which will seriously annoy me in the long run, since I hate it when I know what song is next. But it might be possible to mix my playlist order up on the desktop, which will then carry over to when I open it on iPhone, we'll see.
03-10-2010 , 10:19 AM
Originally Posted by USC Cheats
And this problem was created by the government instead of your insurance company how?
lol seriously? there's kind of this giant government bureaucracy that decides who can buy certain forms of health care. wanna know why health care costs are so high? cuz you have to pay $300 for a ****ing $1 plastic mask to help you breathe at night.
03-10-2010 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by tubasteve
lol seriously? there's kind of this giant government bureaucracy that decides who can buy certain forms of health care. wanna know why health care costs are so high? cuz you have to pay $3billion for a drug that might never even make it to market.
03-10-2010 , 01:30 PM
vhawk has a bunch of the same songs i do
03-10-2010 , 01:58 PM
I'm so stupid.

I'm at work, and I get a call from "U.S. Gov't IRS" according to caller ID. I'm like, "****."

The guy introduces himself, and asks if he has the name of the company right. He does. Is this the correct mailing address? It was. Does <employee name> still work there? Yes.

The guy says he's investigating tax fraud claims and asks for the guy's gross income and federal with holding for verification, which I happen to have handy.

So I hang up, and I slap myself on the forehead and hit the internet. Yep, it's probably some kind of scam. If he'd have asked for SS# or Bank info, it would've given me a warning earlier, but I still feel like an idiot.

So now I've got to report probable fraudulent activity, and I've already called the employee.

THIS is why I don't answer the GD land line 95% of the time. It's always some kind of bull**** hassle.
03-10-2010 , 02:17 PM
Recently I had reason to visit the social security office. I walked in and the only people there were people behind the counter and a security guard. I walked towards the counter and the guard stopped me and told me I had to take a number and have a seat. I took a number as I went to the waiting area they called my number (well since I could see the people waiting and they had no other people to help). I was going over stuff with them and needed a piece of information that I didn't have with me. I took out my phone to call someone. The same guard came over and told me I had to go outside to use the phone, so I go outside (no need to fight or argue with a government employee, they have all the guns). I come back in and go to talk to the same person I was talking to; nope, I need to get a number. I then get called to the other window (two windows, I think they take turns calling numbers) so I can start over with what I need.
03-10-2010 , 02:21 PM
So far, I've spoken to three people with the IRS, and have been on hold for over 30 minutes. 2 of the 3 people were redirects to people "who could help me with my problem."

Apparently, the way to help someone with their problem is to redirect them to someone else who is equally clueless.

In this way, government and corporations are definitely similar.
03-10-2010 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by RR
Recently I had reason to visit the social security office. I walked in and the only people there were people behind the counter and a security guard. I walked towards the counter and the guard stopped me and told me I had to take a number and have a seat. I took a number as I went to the waiting area they called my number (well since I could see the people waiting and they had no other people to help). I was going over stuff with them and needed a piece of information that I didn't have with me. I took out my phone to call someone. The same guard came over and told me I had to go outside to use the phone, so I go outside (no need to fight or argue with a government employee, they have all the guns). I come back in and go to talk to the same person I was talking to; nope, I need to get a number. I then get called to the other window (two windows, I think they take turns calling numbers) so I can start over with what I need.
Can't wait til the govt takes over health care.
