I am totally for legalization Marijuana which I deem not very harmful. There have been no deaths attributed to it but I have read reports about negative psychological effects of the drug(don't know if it is true or not). Legalization can generate huge revenues for the government, it would eliminate its "gateway drug" status(largely due to its illegality) and dry up a lot of the money which goes to criminal types who would do crime whether or not marijuana is an illegal drug. You all know the rest of the argument for and against. Here is a good article on the
freakonomics blog making arguments for and against from four different experts.
A lot of people are for the the legalization of all drugs for many of the same reasons, but I think the health risks to society outweigh any of these benefits. Crack, cocaine, meth, ecstasy, heroin seem to be all very dangerous and even if regulated I can not see how you could allow people to do this. Tobacco which is legal and probably less dangerous then all of these drugs kill lots of people. I can't imagine making these drugs legal benefits society overall. Also I believe a large majority of Americans disagree with the legalization of all drugs and will for a very long time, and making this argument hurts the argument for making just Marijuana legal.
What are your thoughts on the topic article? Which drugs could be made legal and which ones should never be allowed? What did you think about the article?