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latest on global warming -- ipcc got it wrong latest on global warming -- ipcc got it wrong

04-11-2008 , 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by JohnWilkes
Global warming belevers need a new spoke person.

Many people, including many college students , consider Gore a nut case.
Look at his record of false claims, discovered Love Canal, invented the internet, finished Divinity school, opposes Tobacco companies, grew up in Tennessee , etc., etc. All lies.

How can you can take seriously someone who lies about where they grew up. Many of us never will.

None of my statements are false.
I can produce dates and locations where looney-Gore made each of these statements.
Give it up, Gore is a laughing stock.
This discredits your statement that he did not grow up in Tenn -
04-11-2008 , 10:27 AM
This link completely discredits your love canel remark -

How about doing some research on your own instead of parroting right wing BS?
04-11-2008 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by bocablkr
This discredits your statement that he did not grow up in Tenn -
The sad thing is, he probably thinks Bush is from "Texus."
04-11-2008 , 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by Phil153
That's not even close to what the article says.
Monckton and Evans found a large part of this discrepancy is the result of some basic errors in the IPCC's assessment of the Stefan-Boltzmann equation. When they applied their revised factor to the effect of greenhouse gases, the temperature rise was about a third of that predicted by the IPCC
who knows what it really means, it's just a lay person writing an article, you're right. but the main gist of the article is that you can't model a super complex system with simple assumptions. personally I think we wait 20 years and then if global warming pans out, we outlaw oil/coal and stuff and nuke anyone who uses it. problem solved.
04-11-2008 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by Phil153
That's not even close to what the article says.
From linky originally posted:

Monckton and Evans found a large part of this discrepancy is the result of some basic errors in the IPCC's assessment of the Stefan-Boltzmann equation. When they applied their revised factor to the effect of greenhouse gases, the temperature rise was about a third of that predicted by the IPCC
who knows what it really means, it's just a lay person writing an article, you're right. but the main gist of the article is that you can't model a super complex system with simple assumptions. personally I think we wait 20 years and then if global warming pans out, we outlaw oil/coal and stuff and nuke anyone who uses it. problem solved.
It means that a refinement was made to improve the models. The models will almost certainly be refined and improved as time goes on. I don't think the assumptions are simple. Your approach actually has some merit (not sure about nuking people) but many claim that it will be too late 20 years from now. I'm skeptical of those predictions because I'm fairly certain that in 20 years will be amazed at how much the models have improved over time. Just don't have the confidence in the models at this point in time.
04-11-2008 , 12:29 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
As to the topic:
GW - although I'd consider global climate change models laughably bad, one year does not necessarily disprove them.
Are you qualified to say that they are laughably bad? Do you know of major theoretical errors in them or did you hear this from somebody else?

Also, in general, I don't see how anti-global warming people can believe that a story like this shows anything. No data, no outside verification, no theory. Do you really think a smart person with a science background who is neutral about global warming would be convinced by this?

Last edited by Max Raker; 04-11-2008 at 12:37 PM.
04-11-2008 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by MuresanForMVP
Huh? where did this nonsense come from?
Vecernicek used the quoting button on one of my statemnts. He/she then
added words that I never used. I reported the situation.
I hope you and others do also.
04-11-2008 , 01:04 PM
Originally Posted by JohnWilkes
Vecernicek used the quoting button on one of my statemnts. He/she then
added words that I never used
. I reported the situation.
I hope you and others do also.

Well obv, but this is a thread about global warming and he tards it up by doing a weak FYP about McCain's 100 year comment when there's clearly no cause to do so. It was so out of the blue
04-11-2008 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by bocablkr
This discredits your statement that he did not grow up in Tenn -
When I was a child, my family went to the Jersey shore each summer without fail. My visits there can be supported with the testimony of others. Many of my best memories of childhood and of my family are memories of these visits.
I did not grew up on the Jersey shore. People who knows me can well report this.

I agree that he spend time in Tenn. Yes, people can honesly report that he visited there. That does not change his hometown. The looney grew up in DC.
04-11-2008 , 01:18 PM

I'm not going to infract Vic for that post. He was making an argument by analogy, not a personal attack or misconstruing your words. The conservatives or neocons like to argue that McCain's comments about having soldiers in Iraq for 100 years or more is not the same as there being 100+ years of war in Iraq. Similarly, there's a difference between "creating" and "inventing." See? Sorry I had to spell it out, since his argument was much more elegant when I'm not explicitly spelling out the details.
04-11-2008 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by JohnWilkes
When I was a child, my family went to the Jersey shore each summer without fail. My visits there can be supported with the testimony of others. Many of my best memories of childhood and of my family are memories of these visits.
I did not grew up on the Jersey shore. People who knows me can well report this.

I agree that he spend time in Tenn. Yes, people can honesly report that he visited there. That does not change his hometown. The looney grew up in DC.
From the other global warming thread where we got side tracked about where Gore grew up:

Originally Posted by inlemur
He's the former principal of Gordonsville High School, recently fired for not pursuing sexual harassment charges by a teacher against a student.

Since I grew up in Carthage, these "Gore falsifies country childhood in Tennessee" stories are bizarre to me. Mrs. Pauline Gore sat behind me at church; even the most vitriolic Gore-haters in Carthage (D.T. McCall and family) do not question his roots. If the very place he "claims" to be from does not question this, why do others step in to make these attacks? I mean, it should be easy to scrounge up a "Carthage Residents for Truth" group to swiftboat him, right?
04-11-2008 , 01:29 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie

I'm not going to infract Vic for that post. He was making an argument by analogy, not a personal attack or misconstruing your words. The conservatives or neocons like to argue that McCain's comments about having soldiers in Iraq for 100 years or more is not the same as there being 100+ years of war in Iraq. Similarly, there's a difference between "creating" and "inventing." See? Sorry I had to spell it out, since his argument was much more elegant when I'm not explicitly spelling out the details.

I got his arguement the first time.

He was not misconstruing my words. They were not my words.

I still do not believe that someone should be allowed to
do what vec, did. It is the same as writing a letter and then signing my name. Forgery is the same for all, conservative or liberals. The punishment shold be the same.
04-11-2008 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by JohnWilkes
When I was a child, my family went to the Jersey shore each summer without fail. My visits there can be supported with the testimony of others. Many of my best memories of childhood and of my family are memories of these visits.
I did not grew up on the Jersey shore. People who knows me can well report this.

I agree that he spend time in Tenn. Yes, people can honesly report that he visited there. That does not change his hometown. The looney grew up in DC.
If you spent most of your summers at the Jersey Shore you could claim you grew up there. Children do most of their growing up and playing during the summer - not during the school year. My child is a hermit during the school year, go to school, come home and study, eat, go to bed. She plays and 'grows up' during the summer. You can call it what you want but doesn't mean others have to agree with you.
04-11-2008 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by JohnWilkes
I got his arguement the first time.

He was not misconstruing my words. They were not my words.

I still do not believe that someone should be allowed to
do what vec, did. It is the same as writing a letter and then signing my name. Forgery is the same for all, conservative or liberals. The punishment shold be the same.
WTF? So you think doing an FYP should be a bannable offense now? Any reasonable person reading what he did should be able to realize exactly what he did, which is not "forgery."
04-11-2008 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by bocablkr
If you spent most of your summers at the Jersey Shore you could claim you grew up there.
Clearly, anyone can clam to have grown up anywhere.
When they lie, people who lived in their real home town will expose them.
Or as some call it, swiftboat them.
04-11-2008 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by JohnWilkes
When I was a child, my family went to the Jersey shore each summer without fail. My visits there can be supported with the testimony of others. Many of my best memories of childhood and of my family are memories of these visits.
I did not grew up on the Jersey shore. People who knows me can well report this.

I agree that he spend time in Tenn. Yes, people can honesly report that he visited there. That does not change his hometown. The looney grew up in DC.
Is he being ignorant on purpose? The family owned and operated their family farm/home in Tennessee.

I just read this guys thread about Obama being a secret islamo fascist in his heart whose being covertly pretending to be a christian black panther for 20 years.... I'm going to say that based on these samples, these posts are for comedic value?
04-11-2008 , 02:41 PM
Wow, this topic has gotten totally off course. Where Gore grew up or where he says he grew up means absolutely nothing.

However, Gore telling people to buy carbon offsets as the equivalent to reducing their own carbon footprint while simultaneously being a founder of a company selling them is no better than Halliburton being given government projects when the vice president has a vested interest in the company. It's corrupt as all hell whether or not the reasons are legitimate.
04-11-2008 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by JohnWilkes
Clearly, anyone can clam to have grown up anywhere.
When they lie, people who lived in their real home town will expose them.
Or as some call it, swiftboat them.
Someone from Gore's hometown has already confirmed that family, including Gore, grew up there.

Let's see if you can salvage any of your dignity.
04-11-2008 , 02:45 PM
Gore telling people to buy carbon offsets as the equivalent to reducing their own carbon footprint while simultaneously being a founder of a company selling them
Considering that Gore is no longer a government official, I'd call this marketing, not corruption.
04-11-2008 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by obsidian
Wow, this topic has gotten totally off course. Where Gore grew up or where he says he grew up means absolutely nothing.

However, Gore telling people to buy carbon offsets as the equivalent to reducing their own carbon footprint while simultaneously being a founder of a company selling them is no better than Halliburton being given government projects when the vice president has a vested interest in the company. It's corrupt as all hell whether or not the reasons are legitimate.
So... people who argue that the world needs solutions to environmental problems, who then work with companies who are creating market solutions to the problems, are automatically corrupt?

Anyone who advocates green technology shouldn't work in businesses that follow their beliefs?

04-11-2008 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
So... people who argue that the world needs solutions to environmental problems, who then work with companies who are creating market solutions to the problems, are automatically corrupt?

Anyone who advocates green technology shouldn't work in businesses that follow their beliefs?

When a person is trying to use his political status to influence political decisions, yes.

Many energy companies are now able to purchase carbon offsets instead of reducing their own emissions to meet government regulations. Yet, these offsets have shown to have little affect at reducing emissions.
04-11-2008 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by obsidian
When a person is trying to use his political status to influence political decisions, yes.

Many energy companies are now able to purchase carbon offsets instead of reducing their own emissions to meet government regulations. Yet, these offsets have shown to have little affect at reducing emissions.
What is his political status? He hasn't had a political position in about 8 years.

Another poster from Europe's contradicts your unproven assertions and credits it with the fact that Europe is twice as efficient with respect to reducing carbon emissions then the US. The notion is very straightforward and makes perfect sense. Your asserting that it doesn't work is meaningless.
04-11-2008 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
What is his political status? He hasn't had a political position in about 8 years.

Another poster from Europe's contradicts your unproven assertions and credits it with the fact that Europe is twice as efficient with respect to reducing carbon emissions then the US. The notion is very straightforward and makes perfect sense. Your asserting that it doesn't work is meaningless.
Well it took longer than expected for you to claim I was just making assertions.

And no, it does not make perfect sense. These carbon credits can often be sold as the prevention of forest destruction (like the amazon rain forest). However, this fails to take into account that this most likely just changes the location of the deforestation. Plus, it opens up the other issue since in order to receive this benefit your forests need to be open up for deforestation in the first place. This creates a new incentive for countries to allow deforestation where it was previously not allowed.

Or selling these credits as improvements in efficiency that would have been made without the transaction of carbon credits since they are more profitable by themselves. There's a ton with this scheme that is not straight forward nor makes sense.
04-11-2008 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by obsidian
Well it took longer than expected for you to claim I was just making assertions.

And no, it does not make perfect sense. These carbon credits can often be sold as the prevention of forest destruction (like the amazon rain forest). However, this fails to take into account that this most likely just changes the location of the deforestation. Plus, it opens up the other issue since in order to receive this benefit your forests need to be open up for deforestation in the first place. This creates a new incentive for countries to allow deforestation where it was previously not allowed.

Or selling these credits as improvements in efficiency that would have been made without the transaction of carbon credits since they are more profitable by themselves. There's a ton with this scheme that is not straight forward nor makes sense.
Thanks for the link.

It doesn't say the idea of carbon credits is wrong. It says that there are unscrupulous people in the unregulated marketplace. And I think that's a perfectly valid criticism.

But again.. the problem isn't with the concept. The issue is with how some people are executing (or pretending to execute it, as the case may be)

I have no problem with you saying that some people are selling *****. But that doesn't imply that its not a good idea if executed properly.
04-11-2008 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
Is he being ignorant on purpose? The family owned and operated their family farm/home in Tennessee.
He grew up in DC. That is where he went to school. That is where he spent more than 9 months per year. That is, he spent more than 75% of the year in DC.

His family did own property in Tenn. They may have own property in several other states. He visited Tenn. He may have visited other states or countries. He grew up in DC. That was where he spent the large majority of his time.
Gore is so nuts that he does not know his own hometown.

Many posters here do not know he difference between living somewhere and visiting.
