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Judge beats daughter for using internet Judge beats daughter for using internet

11-04-2011 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
That's because it's up to a jury to decide "is." The DA would have brought charges.
Yes, you agree with me. The DA did not say it was a criminal act as a previous poster falsely wrote. Unless I've missed a press release where the DA definitively says a crime was committed in the video.
11-04-2011 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish

Here is Inso0 agreeing with your quote. I'm not putting words in your guys' mouths, you're actually saying this ****.
"She was asking for it" are your words. Like I said, search this thread for that phrase. You're the one using it.
11-04-2011 , 10:15 PM
"I would expect that yeah, charges would have been pursued but for the inability to proceed due to the statute of limitations," Flanigan said Friday. "You know, whether that would have been a felony or a misdemeanor charge I can't say but I think there would've been some action pursued."
11-04-2011 , 10:30 PM
Originally Posted by Heya
Yes, you agree with me. The DA did not say it was a criminal act as a previous poster falsely wrote. Unless I've missed a press release where the DA definitively says a crime was committed in the video.
Because DAs press charges when they don't think a crime was committed...

Originally Posted by Heya
"She was asking for it" are your words. Like I said, search this thread for that phrase. You're the one using it.
Might want to look up the definition of paraphrasing brah. Saying she set it up is just like saying she was asking for it.
11-04-2011 , 10:30 PM
Excuse me, but throwing gasoline on an already burning fire does not mean you were necessarily the one that started it.

Neither of us was claiming she was "asking for it" when it came to the spanking. But it is entirely possible that, given the knowledge of the camera, she was trying to make it as juicy as possible by resisting as much as she could.

This isn't out of the realm of possibility.
11-04-2011 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Excuse me, but throwing gasoline on an already burning fire does not mean you were necessarily the one that started it.

Neither of us was claiming she was "asking for it" when it came to the spanking. But it is entirely possible that, given the knowledge of the camera, she was trying to make it as juicy as possible by resisting as much as she could.

This isn't out of the realm of possibility.
"Neither of us is saying she was asking for it but it looks like she was asking for it"

Cool defense brah.
11-04-2011 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Excuse me, but throwing gasoline on an already burning fire does not mean you were necessarily the one that started it.

Neither of us was claiming she was "asking for it" when it came to the spanking. But it is entirely possible that, given the knowledge of the camera, she was trying to make it as juicy as possible by resisting as much as she could.

This isn't out of the realm of possibility.
Dad is a raging tilt monkey who likes to take his aggression out on a girl half his size. Girl knows dad is a raging tilt monkey, and uses that knowledge to catch him in the act. Now you and your little friend are trying to defend his actions by saying the victim "made it worse".

Real classy.
11-04-2011 , 11:05 PM
Is it really that hard to put yourself in her shoes?

Keep in mind that she had put the camera out ~30 minutes prior to this event happening.

If it were ME in her situation, I would absolutely have done whatever I could to make the footage as gruesome as possible.

I distinctly remember my mom saying "MOVE YOUR HAND" as little kid Inso0 desperately attempted to cover my ass with whatever possible. She wasn't trying to just beat me with her spoon, she was trying to spank me on my ass, specifically. My hand being there made that difficult, and by covering it I was trying to avoid the spanking for as long as possible. Sometimes that means you take some hits on the hand/forearm because it's in the way.

I'm not saying she "was asking for it". I am saying that based on the footage and my own PERSONAL EXPERIENCE with such things, she probably made it worse than it needed to be. Which, again, if it were ME and I had just placed a camera to capture it, is something that I would have also done.

What part of that is so difficult for you people to acknowledge?
11-04-2011 , 11:08 PM
What's difficult is trying to understand how someone can think, given the evidence and allegations on ongoing and escalating abuse, a reasonable defense for this guy is "well she set it all up and she made it worse than it had to be..."

Your kid not wanting to be beaten isn't an excuse to beat them harder. It's shocking that you would think that way.
11-04-2011 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by Vael
Read this.
common. i gave you a free resource and you try and stiff me a hundred buckaroos

And lots of other stuff I could link to where it's argued that at a general enough level, there is no methodological difference between empirical social science and natural science. Well, given that we have to parent, we should try and do it right. If we can't fall back on scientific reasoning, what do you suggest we fall back on? Buy yeah, you're right that I can't draw this conclusion from your post.
you can use science but not necessarily empiricism. Empiricism can be used but its not very conclusive in and of itself. The problems of data collection makes this fact even worse.
11-04-2011 , 11:22 PM
This discussion is just gross. I'm just grateful I never had parents like this or the other abusers ITT. There is no justification on earth for this kind of abuse. Simply disgusting.
11-04-2011 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Is it really that hard to put yourself in her shoes?
You just insist on fighting this till the bitter end don't you? This girl got her ass whipped so often that she knew to set up a ****ing camera to catch her dad in the act. That's the problem, dude. If you want to support spanking then that's fine, I don't have a problem with that, but stop minimizing what this ******* did. You're just making yourself and your cause look even more ******ed.
11-04-2011 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
What's difficult is trying to understand how someone can think, given the evidence and allegations on ongoing and escalating abuse, a reasonable defense for this guy is "well she set it all up and she made it worse than it had to be..."
You keep saying this, I don't.

I never said she set up the camera and then went out to go provoke him. She said in the interview that she set up the camera ~30 minutes prior because she knew it was coming.

I'm also not defending this guy, for the 50th time.
11-04-2011 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
You keep saying this, I don't.

I never said she set up the camera and then went out to go provoke him. She said in the interview that she set up the camera ~30 minutes prior because she knew it was coming.

I'm also not defending this guy, for the 50th time.
If you want to defend corporal punishment in general, start a new thread. Trying to do it in a thread based on obvious abuse is just terrible.
11-04-2011 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
I'm also not defending this guy, for the 50th time.
What are you defending?
11-04-2011 , 11:34 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
You keep saying this, I don't.

I never said she set up the camera and then went out to go provoke him. She said in the interview that she set up the camera ~30 minutes prior because she knew it was coming.

I'm also not defending this guy, for the 50th time.
Post 275. Heya says she set it up and provoked him to act out more than he would have and you agree with him.
11-04-2011 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
But like someone else said, she was probably trying as hard as possible to piss him off while the camera was rolling.
Sorry bud, these were my words. You can't rewrite them.
11-04-2011 , 11:57 PM
You're proof for you never saying she went on to provoke him is your post saying she tried as hard as possible to provoke him?


I think I see where the disconnect is here. I'm not trying to say you said she set up the camera and then went to provoke him into beating her. I'm saying you guys are claiming she set up the camera and then provoked him during the beating to make it worse than it would have normally been.
11-05-2011 , 12:15 AM
If you disagree, then we'll just have to go our separate ways on that issue.

That's what I would have done were I in her shoes in that situation.

If she had just turned over and taken 2 or 3 whacks on the butt, we wouldn't really be sitting here almost on post #300, now would we?

No, probably not.
11-05-2011 , 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by Inso0
If you disagree, then we'll just have to go our separate ways on that issue.

That's what I would have done were I in her shoes in that situation.

If she had just turned over and taken 2 or 3 whacks on the butt, we wouldn't really be sitting here almost on post #300, now would we?

No, probably not.
How can you type this without feeling like an awful person?
11-05-2011 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by Inso0
I'm guessing you were not punished nearly enough as a child.

I hear respect is also gained over the internets by way of personal insults. The more cursing, the more respect is gained.

Kids have no respect for authority because parents are trying to befriend their children, instead of parenting them.

Your perspective will change when you have kids.
While I do not condone the actions of The Judge, as I believe he was raging opposed to engaging in a rational attempt to associate a negative ramification (pain) to a 'bad' behavior, you are correct IMO.. and having kids makes all the difference.

The question really is- what is a parent to do when their son or daughter is repeatedly doing something that threatens their own -- the child's -- future opportunity? Let's say your kid was fond of drunk driving and you are presented the following options: have him/her arrested, wait for him/her to kill or seriously injure him/herself or someone else, or try and associate pain to driving drunk by beating the kid with a belt?
11-05-2011 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by Ps3tn0NcYk
Let's say your kid was fond of drunk driving and you are presented the following options: have him/her arrested, wait for him/her to kill or seriously injure him/herself or someone else, or try and associate pain to driving drunk by beating the kid with a belt?
So, you use a false trichotomy to try to justify abuse?
11-05-2011 , 12:51 AM
The question really is- what is a parent to do when their son or daughter is repeatedly doing something that threatens their own -- the child's -- future opportunity? Let's say your kid was fond of drunk driving and you are presented the following options: have him/her arrested, wait for him/her to kill or seriously injure him/herself or someone else, or try and associate pain to driving drunk by beating the kid with a belt?
Idk just shooting this one from the hip, maybe take away his keys? What this judge did is atrocious. As for the need for physical violence to prove a point it may have some purpose. But if we can change the behaviors of developmentally disabled and autistic children and young adults with other behavioral adjustments then clearly physical abuse is just the simplest and more then likely not most effective way to change a behavior. Remember, lobotomy's were an accepted practice as well.

Last edited by justin; 11-05-2011 at 12:57 AM.
11-05-2011 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by Ps3tn0NcYk
The question really is- what is a parent to do when their son or daughter is repeatedly doing something that threatens their own -- the child's -- future opportunity? Let's say your kid was fond of drunk driving and you are presented the following options: have him/her arrested, wait for him/her to kill or seriously injure him/herself or someone else, or try and associate pain to driving drunk by beating the kid with a belt?
Beat them into submission with a tire iron obv.
11-05-2011 , 01:22 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
So, you use a false trichotomy to try to justify abuse?
I said the guy went over the line. He was clearly raging. As a parent, how far are you willing to go to teach your child an important lesson, a lesson that serves their own long term interests, when said child is clearly in rebellion phase?
