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Jeff Bezos Is Now Worth Over 0 Billion Jeff Bezos Is Now Worth Over 0 Billion

02-14-2019 , 03:00 PM
Marxarita and Tax on the Beach are pretty good. The rest, meh. "No ICE" is a nice touch.
02-14-2019 , 03:03 PM
Someone else will pay for it? Mexico?
02-14-2019 , 03:04 PM
Amazon does a beauty contest to extract as much concessions from cities as possible and wonders why some of the left are against it.
02-14-2019 , 03:21 PM
Lol Tien, rants and raves about liberals wanting free **** then is outraged when liberals don’t want to give free **** to a guy worth $150 billion
02-14-2019 , 03:21 PM
Necklace needs a label. What's that mean?
02-14-2019 , 03:25 PM
I guess AOC planning a victory rally to celebrate the loss of 25k six-figure salary jobs
02-14-2019 , 03:28 PM
That might be Garrison's best work. Tax on the beach, Marxarita and "No ICE" are actually funny. For some reason he needed to shoehorn late term abortion in there.
02-14-2019 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
Lol Tien, rants and raves about liberals wanting free **** then is outraged when liberals don’t want to give free **** to a guy worth $150 billion
The deal itself made with Amazon was an obvious win for the state in general. However for some, its not politically popular to be pro development, no matter how much good jobs it brings, or how much tax revenue it adds in aggregate. It plays well to a select few that you were the one that stuck it up to a large corporation.
02-14-2019 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Necklace needs a label. What's that mean?
02-14-2019 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
I guess AOC planning a victory rally to celebrate the loss of 25k six-figure salary jobs
Yep those jobs are just going to disappear. Amazon is totally going to give up on expanding their business.
02-14-2019 , 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
I guess AOC planning a victory rally to celebrate the loss of 25k six-figure salary jobs
The jobs won't disappear. Maybe they go somewhere that people can build and not somewhere that just drives more people who can't afford it out of the Bronx. (All gone from Brooklyn by now, right?)
02-14-2019 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
I guess AOC planning a victory rally to celebrate the loss of 25k six-figure salary jobs
Actually yes it is a win for her.

25000 6 figure jobs means potentially 15 000+ new workers flooding the neighbourhood and boosting up rent prices and gentrifying the entire place even more.

Its a net benefit for the majority. But there is the minority that will not benefit monetarily from Amazon being there, and will just see things get more expensive living wise.
02-14-2019 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by econophile
not sure what level namath's latest posts are on
This one

Originally Posted by Riverman
Uh, Amazon isn’t kicked out. They just don’t get billions of dollars of sweet government cheese. Had they just laid low, negotiated in private then announced all the jerbs, they probably get their free money. Lol tech bro douchebaggery.
The ink's not even dry on the announcement and we've got verifiably intelligent 2+2ers parroting the derposphere that NYC "kicked" Amazon out and AOC is holding the puppet strings.

I won't even get into the fact that we've seemingly forgotten what a ****ty place Amazon is to work and how they treat their workers.
02-14-2019 , 03:41 PM
this is going to shock some people, but we have more then one congressman in NYC. LIC is not in AOCs district and Amazon execs were little threat to move there.

Keep in mind if you have opinions about this issue that you are probably a jack ass who just made them up.
02-14-2019 , 03:44 PM
Lol, Tien and Revots would probably cry if Uncle Sam contracted 25k people for even a tenth of Amazon salaries to fix some bridges.
02-14-2019 , 03:49 PM
Literally want to give free money to the wealthiest corporations in the world while subjecting people to work requirements and drug tests to receive food to eat. Absolute ****ing monsters, what a country.
02-14-2019 , 03:50 PM
Amazon's not moving HQ2 to somewhere else. They're (apparently) shelving the project entirely. For all we know they wanted out of it and worded it the way they did to warn the corn-based communities that they will have to empty their coffers next time or they get no jerbs either.
02-14-2019 , 03:51 PM
and for the record, LIC is in Queens
02-14-2019 , 03:53 PM
The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most wealthy members. When the richest man in the world has to experience some negative scrutiny in order to get billions in tax breaks, that is not a just society. AOC is ruining America.
02-14-2019 , 03:56 PM
I'm just assuming that Amazon is not just shelving plans for HQ2 but folding entirely and firing or possibly just killing their entire workforce. Good news imo.
02-14-2019 , 03:57 PM
And NYC is becoming/has become like SF in that there's absolutely nowhere for the middle class to live, right? People still have to do jobs that make <$50k, they just all have to commute longer and longer distances.
02-14-2019 , 03:58 PM
02-14-2019 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
And NYC is becoming/has become like SF in that there's absolutely nowhere for the middle class to live, right? People still have to do jobs that make <$50k, they just all have to commute longer and longer distances.
That's why god made New Jersey

(isn't it like 20 bucks to cross the bridge now or something stupid)
02-14-2019 , 04:00 PM
i think it's SF that has become like NYC tbh
02-14-2019 , 04:01 PM
He's transposed the colours of the Cuban flag for her necklace, for some reason.
