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January 2014 LC Thread January 2014 LC Thread

01-03-2014 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
It came from John Denver in the 70's, and the lol PMRC got their panties in a bunch over it like a decade later. You'd have to be high (or be Tipper Gore) to listen to it and think it's about smoking pot.
It's Colorado rocky mountain high
I've seen it rainin' fire in the sky
Friends around the campfire and everybody's high
Rocky mountain high
mmmmm...."everybody's high"?

Disclaimer: I'm a little high.
01-03-2014 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by MidyMat
mmmmm...."everybody's high"?

Disclaimer: I'm a little high.
yeah, this line:

Friends around the campfire and everybody's high a giveaway imo.

forget "friends", I can count many times staying at campgrounds and sitting around the campfire with complete strangers and everyone is mysteriously

there was this one dude and his wife who were in the commercial orchid growing business who turned their green thumbs to better use and supplied the mysterious high on multiple occasions. lol good times..
01-03-2014 , 04:03 PM
01-03-2014 , 08:16 PM
01-03-2014 , 08:52 PM
Oh here's the jan LC thread

Anyway, remember when Jenny McCarthy's son got autism and it was because of the vaccines and she went out and told people not to get vaccines? Yeah, uh, JK LOL

01-03-2014 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
Oh here's the jan LC thread

Anyway, remember when Jenny McCarthy's son got autism and it was because of the vaccines and she went out and told people not to get vaccines? Yeah, uh, JK LOL

My wife has been saying this literally since she first read about it.
01-03-2014 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Oh wow it turns out that Dan Snyder is a huge dick? I'm shocked, SHOCKED!
01-03-2014 , 09:25 PM
$70 for 1/8 of an ounce? Good lord, I thought legalization was going to drive the price of pot down.
01-03-2014 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
Oh here's the jan LC thread

Anyway, remember when Jenny McCarthy's son got autism and it was because of the vaccines and she went out and told people not to get vaccines? Yeah, uh, JK LOL

sounds like her son just grew out of the typical awkward little boy stage into the awkward preteen stage

lol at her
01-03-2014 , 10:15 PM
Sounds like she's doing a total 180:

And she is also reversing her initial position that the MMR shots caused Evan’s autism. Jenny now says she wants vaccinations better researched — rather than getting rid of them altogether, as she previously promoted.
Yeah the science is still out on those you ****ing clown
01-03-2014 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Originally Posted by pvn
Oh wow it turns out that Dan Snyder is a huge dick? I'm shocked, SHOCKED!
Actually sounds like the higher-ups at the NPS that come out as the major bad guys in this one.
01-04-2014 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by Dids
That website is extremely gross on the iPad, yes.
01-04-2014 , 09:27 PM
01-04-2014 , 10:16 PM
"It's complete chaos here," says Dr. Jack Shepard, chief of surgery at St. Luke's Medical Center in Denver. "I've put five college students in body bags since breakfast and more are arriving every minute.
Dr. Jack Shephard is a fictional character and the protagonist of the ABC television series Lost, played by Matthew Fox.

nh wp
01-05-2014 , 08:17 PM
01-05-2014 , 08:21 PM
Thought he lived in Louisiana.
01-05-2014 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by 2/325Falcon
2014 pro-tip to start your year off right: Do not attempt to crack a Palestinian ambassador's safe.
I thought those people were supposed to be good with explosives?
01-05-2014 , 08:28 PM
They are only good at exploding themselves, obv.
01-05-2014 , 08:43 PM
Any1 see the Kim Dotcom 60 Minutes interview?
01-05-2014 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Segal and Aiken need to run in Minnesota. Nutjob Jesse the body and imbecile Stuart Smalley can get elected there.
01-05-2014 , 09:49 PM
This is a hell of a thing for Peter King to accuse someone else of

“Rand Paul does not know what he’s talking about. And, Rand Paul is really spreading fear among the American people," King said.
01-05-2014 , 11:34 PM
The FBI quietly drops law enforcement as its primary responsibility
01-06-2014 , 01:19 AM
2003 the US invades Iraq because of supposed ties with Al Qaeda that turned out to be false.

2014 Al Qaeda occupies a major city in Iraq.

USA strategy #1
01-06-2014 , 01:33 AM
Iraqis should stop joining Al Qaeda.
01-06-2014 , 02:47 AM
Time for glorious North Korean state television

Great late-night viewing in North America of Glorious Leader.
