Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
The data wasn't wrong, you just flat-out misapplied Bayes's theorem.
How is that true?
First of all i established in my last post (point 13 i think) that in recent news about terrorism attacks or failed attempts or plots stopped etc in US the frequency of Islam/muslim reference is like near 30% since 2013. Given that only 10% is needed for that 1% of US population people to make them over 10x more likely than anyone else in a suspicious situation, i already proved my case.
What case is that again? That in a random situation that a person is suspected momentarily and they also happen to be of muslim background the chance to be a real risk is 30 times larger than a random person. 30 times is a ridiculous large relative number and is the true reason for any profiling either by proper people who are careful about conclusions they draw that affect actions or by racists/bigots that are irrational about it and careless in how they react.
Furthermore i also said repeatedly that it is still an overall small number eg like 1 in 10000 which means its not a justification to treat someone badly etc but it is a justification to have elevated concern and investigate the situation or handle it with care. Exactly in what way is the kid victimized here if people investigate the situation? The kid should have known the implications and the risk introduced to people that do not instantly understand the construction. Care to imagine that this might have been his intention all along?
The fact is i am almost convinced precisely because there is nothing original in the "clock" that the entire point was a farce attempt and the fact the first teacher didnt make a big deal out of it proves the point that there was little scientific technological value in the device.
The kid was looking for a rise out of this. He got it. It was a prank and do not let anyone else tell you his intentions were pure and remotely scientific. I actually think the kid is an entitled little spoiled brat to be frank. And it has nothing to do with Islam or his family origin but possibly a lot to do with the exact nature and history of his family and how he was raised (or possibly treated at school sometimes even).
There are many ways to see Bayes here. First initially (before the device is examined to be shown a harmless nothing) in establishing concern. In fact it has nothing to do at this point with the fact the kid may be muslim. It has to do with the fact that when a foreign device is introduced out of place in a room/class etc the teacher needs to be concerned by definition of their protective/adult function. For the police it is also a test that needs to be examined and cleared. Investigating who did it and why is standard. Now if they went overboard after that its another issue.
Bayes can be seen at another level too. After we have established the device is harmless and that its just a clock and not even a real invention/original design of parts, therefore not a real science project, the fact the kid has past prank history makes it easier to the school to imagine a farce hoax play. Same for the police since the kid isnt cooperating to describe in detail the device and what would be original and noteworthy school presentation material about it.
At none of these points the fact the kid is looking foreign or may have a muslim name etc makes any difference. If you want to make it an issue though for some reason yes you have a 30x factor right there because of that connection if its established. I do not go out imagining every brown skin kid i see is a muslim do you? They are all kids to me.
Additionally as a near joke (if you assume you know he is muslim) i can offer the argument that in a worldwide sense the combination muslims+boxes+circuit boards+clock mechanisms have a high correlation with home made bomb events or a joke/comedy effort about that above high correlation. Get it? How many other people you know that put clocks in boxes. I can only imagine art exhibitions about it possibly lol as another legitimate idea. Have you seen many of these lately?
The police has a reason to investigate if this is a hoax etc precisely because its more likely that someone that is on an anti Islamophobia campaign would do that rather than another student if you examine them by nationality etc.
Any way you examine this funny incident it has Bayes written all over it depending on the angle you view it. LOL
Last edited by masque de Z; 10-04-2015 at 07:15 PM.