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It's throwback night, everyone get out your old uniforms It's throwback night, everyone get out your old uniforms

01-08-2016 , 04:23 PM
Can you pay in Bitcoins?
01-08-2016 , 04:36 PM
Bucco's antics will now only be found in Unchained.
01-08-2016 , 04:37 PM
Jackboots flexin' itt.
01-08-2016 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Bucco - would you support or not support a thriving free market in children?
"Oil futures are down another point today. No movement in corn, soy or wheat. Cattle futures are up 3 points as a result of the recent blizzards, and children are up 5 points with the surge in recruitment by ISIS and Y'all Qahhda."

And then cue a Mad Money rave, "Now's the time to buy children!!!! And gold I tell you, goooold! Fiat currencies are doomed!"
01-08-2016 , 04:44 PM
In AC-topia gold would be the fiat currency. "Now's the time to buy dirt I tell ya! Dirt can grow things! Gold is just shiny metal. Don't be a Yahoo!"
01-08-2016 , 04:45 PM
I was really hoping for a reprise of Civil War discussions.
01-08-2016 , 04:46 PM
Someone should do a 30 for 30 on the AC Civil War threads. I'm ready to reminisce and get sentimental.
01-08-2016 , 04:46 PM
Just imagine if we'd had UNCHAINED back in 2008.
01-08-2016 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Bucco's antics will now only be found in Unchained.
typical lefty mods have got to go
01-08-2016 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by Noze
Can one, in fact, own a cat?
01-08-2016 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by Noze
Can one, in fact, own a cat?
Things that cannot be owned due to the universal laws of nature:

- buildings by the government

Sacred property:

- chattel slaves of antebellum white southerners
01-08-2016 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
In AC-topia gold would be the fiat currency. "Now's the time to buy dirt I tell ya! Dirt can grow things! Gold is just shiny metal. Don't be a Yahoo!"
Have you read the silver thread in BFI? You might enjoy it.
01-08-2016 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by Shame Trolly !!!1!
Yeah, the ACer era, which was still in power, so to speak, when I lowered myself into being a Politard, still amazes me. In particular, tools like Google Analytics show exactly zero measurable web presence for ACism before 2008, and here our early Deans of ACism, the odious Nielsio & borodog, had already infested this place by then. And then... pretty much overnight... it was all over. Amazing.
I always assumed they just went off and found a different forum in which to continue the same discussions over and over again? Are you saying that they just...vanished? Sounds like a government conspiracy to me.
01-08-2016 , 07:23 PM
lulz I started an AC hijack and there aren't even any ACists here!

Originally Posted by goofyballer
I was really hoping for a reprise of Civil War discussions.
If you can imagine hundreds of posts built around the assertion that Lincoln was a tyrant, you'll have the gist of it.
01-08-2016 , 07:39 PM
I'm sure buccofan has plenty to say about the civil war.
01-08-2016 , 07:59 PM

This is the definitive forum Civil War thread. 3600 posts, gl.
01-08-2016 , 08:10 PM
So good. I love how it starts slow, just a general polite discussion of mises vs. cato. Then boom, cue the faint scary music:

Originally Posted by Nielsio
It's obvious how the 1st level thinking is:

1. Before the war there was slavery
2. After the war was no slavery
3. Therefore the war must have been about slavery and must have been great an just and the only option considering, after all, look at the results!
4. Therefore opposition to federal government must be in favor of slavery

Does that mean we should just never talk about fallacies involved in those steps, or factual history?
The first sign that something might be about to happen to disrupt this bucolic scene. And our movie begins...
01-08-2016 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Cue more demonization of Lincoln that is broadly intended to distract the reader from the fact that the southern states were willing to fight a war to prevent some goddamn Yankee bastard from taking away their God-given right to own slaves.
Originally Posted by General Tsao
meh, still have no idea what your point is.
Oh man, I have to pull out now or my next 3 hours is going to be shot.
01-08-2016 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Cue more demonization of Lincoln that is broadly intended to distract the reader from the fact that the southern states were willing to fight a war to prevent some goddamn Yankee bastard from taking away their God-given right to own slaves.
Originally Posted by General Tsao
meh, still have no idea what your point is.
Oh man, I have to pull out now or my next 3 hours is going to be shot.
01-08-2016 , 08:46 PM
This thread was a wild ride. I first started reading this forum in 2008, during the AC years, but I never read the AC threads. But that year was the first presidential election I was eligible for, and I read the horse race thread in here. I don't know if I posted in it or not, but it was where I first learned of Nate Silver/538. That was, I think, one of the first times I ever encountered any sort of reasonable criticism of the media. Nate really pounded the drum that year that the pundits were basically full of **** on a lot of stuff they said, and that their predictions were utter trash. And he had data to back it up!

This was all a big deal for me at age 21 in 2008. Before I read the politards forum that year, I basically thought that the smartest people all worked for CNN or the New York Times, and that if they said something, you could take it to the bank. But by reading that thread, I came to realize that there were other, better places to look for insight, and that I should consume media much more critically. And beyond that, I remember the day-to-day discussion in there was great and sarcastic while also being insightful. I learned a lot from that thread, and in the following years I've learned a lot from all you *******s. Hell, I even learned some stuff from the anarchy crowd. RIP LirvA.

So even in the AC days, there was good, redeeming non-AC #content in here. And I love you all. Well, I love most of you. Well, go **** yourselves.
01-08-2016 , 09:07 PM
Some killer smp style analysis in that thread. 27 more years of slavery should have existed before a war was started.
01-09-2016 , 01:11 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12

Mises Institute
518 West Magnolia Avenue
Auburn, Alabama 36832-4501

stupidity explained
To be fair, there are perfectly good universitites in Alabama with faculty doing great research. Most of these jagoffs couldn't get a real position at a real school so they had to create their own Institute a la creationists. But they could be based in Princeton, NJ or Cambridge, MA and nothing would be really any different.
01-10-2016 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by iron81

This is the definitive forum Civil War thread. 3600 posts, gl.
My goodness that thread title is my favorite bit of moderation ever.
01-11-2016 , 02:49 AM
Posts #1000-1300 or so are where the League of the South comes in and by far the best part.
01-11-2016 , 02:52 AM
I like where someone comes in at post #150 and says something like "This many posts on the Civil War - crazy!"
