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Israeli containment thread Israeli containment thread

12-12-2011 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by Goater
Its great and all to ignore a post and quickly post another blog link or another trashing israel, but give it a day or two. Too obvious otherwise...

I have no idea if what you write above is correct or not. Raids on homes? Yes - they go home in the evenings. How else do you capture wanted people? Laws against gatherings? In the Palestinian territories? I very much doubt it. Cite please. Tear gas on non violent protesters? No. The weekly riots are a big fixture for the palestinians and the scores of largely US and european idiots who flock to them. They are far from non violent.

Cite for all of the above please.

see military order 101
12-12-2011 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by fullontilt87

101 is the only one that caught your eyes?
because the way i see it, thats one of the "kindest" rules there is
i got shills in my spine just reading the others

but come on lets face it, wikipedia is an antisemitic/muslim/arab/israeli-haters propaganda machine with no credibility whatsoever
12-12-2011 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by fullontilt87
Fascinating list. I especially liked:

  • Military Order #811 and #847: allows Jews to purchase land from unwilling Palestinian sellers by using a “power of attorney.”
  • Military Order #25: forbids public inspection of land transactions.
  • Military Order #92 and #158: gives the Israeli military control of all West Bank and Gaza Strip water.
  • Military Order #1015: requires Palestinians to get Israeli military permission to plant and grow fruit trees.
  • Military Order #847: declares only Israeli notaries can authenticate signatures.
Notary apartheid.
12-12-2011 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
The high conviction rates for kids throwing rocks is especially egregious, because those are exactly the sorts of chaotic, fluid situations where establishing basic facts is so daunting.

Oh you must mean "chaotic and fluid" like this?

Notice all those adults around that are taking pictures, videos, watching and loving the future media-frenzy material.

There is nothing "chaotic and fluid" about most of the fakestinian attacks on Israel, even by the children

they are organized and planned ahead of time, often in conjunction with pallywood media to villianize israel, israelis, and jews (often using the cloak term zionists, MLK Jr. saw right through that when someone tried to use that terminology in a conversation with him, will provide the quote upon request).

A rock is a deadly weapon, and throwing it at a person is attempted murder - the child inside that car didn't deserve to have his life threatened by a bunch of animals who sought bloodshed and murder. An unbiased eye can see the driver tried to go around the kids but the kids tried to use their bodies in typical jihadi fashion to stop the car and get more shots at it with their deadly weapons.

What did all the surrounding adults do? Nothing. They waited for this car to take pictures, and they waited for the next car to take more, permanent injury / coma / deaths were non-important to the ADULTS that were there and should have been taking those children away from that scene.

Everything Israel does is in response to centuries of arab and islamic aggression and racism, if the situations were reversed the genocide of the israeli jews would have already been completed - and its not for lack of trying on the part of islamofascists. 99% conviction rate should be 100%.

Originally Posted by Bill Haywood
Fascinating list. I especially liked:

Notary apartheid.

This list, like most of the arguments for the "palestinians" is probably built on lies and half-truths. Notice how the wikipedia article itself has barely any discussion or references, it is a shell created by the usual haters to provide the usual vomit to the other usual haters so they can fool the bleeding heart liberals into thinking "palestinians" are about freedom / justice / peace/ equality.

Bill Haywood you are very good at regurgitation, are you a mama bird by any chance? You must have some well fed babies.

You are fascinated by pseudo-lists, but you won't acknowledge the very real genocidal charters and directives of most islamic groups / governments / terrorists in the middle east. Trees and flowers bother you, but hamas declaring a war of genocide on another people is A-OK with you. Makes sense.

"palestinians" and their supporters are the most unbiased humanitarians in the world /sarcasm

Last edited by Mycology; 12-12-2011 at 09:27 PM.
12-12-2011 , 09:21 PM
would be very curious if anyone can find similarities between that and what the jews went through in WW2
i dont have the time or the patience to look it up, but i'm ready to bet a lot of money that the treatment is basically identical

you missed the best military order btw:
Military Order #58: makes land transactions immune to review so long as the transaction was carried out by an Israeli “acting in good faith.”

and i like those to:
Military Order #998: requires Palestinians to get Israeli military permission to make a withdrawal from their bank account.
Military Order #93 and amendment: gives all Palestinian insurance businesses to the Israeli Insurance Syndicate.

these are not bad either:
Military Order #107: bans publications including works on Arabic grammar, histories of the Crusades, and works on Arab nationalism.
Military Order #128: gives the Israeli military the right to take over any Palestinian business which does not open during regular business hours.
Military Order #1015: requires Palestinians to get Israeli military permission to plant and grow fruit trees. Permits expire in one year or each June 15.
12-12-2011 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by Mycology

You are fascinated by pseudo-lists, but you won't acknowledge the very real genocidal charters and directives of most islamic groups / governments / terrorists in the middle east. Trees and flowers bother you, but hamas declaring a war of genocide on another people is A-OK with you. Makes sense.

"palestinians" and their supporters are the most unbiased humanitarians in the world /sarcasm

Newt Gingrich, is that you you sneaky ****?
12-12-2011 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by analyze_this
Newt Gingrich, is that you you sneaky ****?
Hassan Nasrallah, is that you you filthy peace of terrorist trash? Still giving medals and awards to child killers? Naming streets after them?

Newt Gingrich has a Ph.D, thats a Ph.D in HISTORY at that,

what do you have?

Gingrich made a historically accurate statement, that there was no "palestinian" nation until the 60's, that no "palestine" state, country, or kingdom -EVER- existed in the history of mankind.

You dont like what he said? fine. But it remains the truth, and you'll just have to stuff that straw in your milkshake and suck it.

Originally Posted by analyze_this
would be very curious if anyone can find similarities between that and what the jews went through in WW2
i dont have the time or the patience to look it up, but i'm ready to bet a lot of money that the treatment is basically identical

I love how you accept this minor article on a corner of wikipedia as fact, I bet you did a LOAD of research to ascertain its authenticity before re-spewing it here and accepting it at 100% truth.

Oh wait, you admit you did ZERO research, but accept it as fact anyway and commit yourself to betting large sums of money that its true. Well done!

Because we all know islamists, arabs, and "palestinians" are always so very very truthful regarding israel / jews / history.

Yep. Most honest people on the planet.

Also, anyone comparing what the "palestinians" are going through and what the Jews went through in WW2 is making whats called a false equivalency. I'm sure pictures of boney and emaciated jews in concentration camps is somehow equal (to you) to obese (#8 most obese males, #3 most obese females) "palestinians" in gaza enjoying their supermarkets and shopping malls and 5 stars hotels.

Oh , and dont forget their new water park.

Yep, its a regular auschwitz I tell ya! genocidal freak.

Last edited by Mycology; 12-12-2011 at 09:43 PM.
12-12-2011 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by Mycology
Newt Gingrich has a Ph.D, thats a Ph.D in HISTORY at that,

what do you have?

Gingrich made a historically accurate statement, that there was no "palestinian" nation until the 60's, that no "palestine" state, country, or kingdom -EVER- existed in the history of mankind.

You dont like what he said? fine. But it remains the truth, and you'll just have to stuff that straw in your milkshake and suck it.

i think that should be enough to measure up newt's phd

I love how you accept this minor article on a corner of wikipedia as fact, I bet you did a LOAD of research to ascertain its authenticity before re-spewing it here and accepting it at 100% truth.

Because we all know islamists, arabs, and "palestinians" are always so very very truthful regarding israel / jews / history.

Yep. Most honest people on the planet.

Well I did review the history of this article, and lookup some of its references, everything adds up

now if you know better and those orders are all made up, would love to hear about it, I'm always looking to further educate myself


Last edited by analyze_this; 12-12-2011 at 09:46 PM.
12-12-2011 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by analyze_this
101 is the only one that caught your eyes?
because the way i see it, thats one of the "kindest" rules there is
i got shills in my spine just reading the others

but come on lets face it, wikipedia is an antisemitic/muslim/arab/israeli-haters propaganda machine with no credibility whatsoever
no. 101 is the one that I knew about beforehand. Goater asked for a source and the wikipedia article is the first thing that popped up.
12-12-2011 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by Mycology
Also, anyone comparing what the "palestinians" are going through and what the Jews went through in WW2 is making whats called a false equivalency. I'm sure pictures of boney and emaciated jews in concentration camps is somehow equal (to you) to obese (#8 most obese males, #3 most obese females) "palestinians" in gaza enjoying their supermarkets and shopping malls and 5 stars hotels.

Oh , and dont forget their new water park.

Yep, its a regular auschwitz I tell ya! genocidal freak.
You're a ****ing moron thats what you are

did I ever say that anything is equal to anything? ive never in my life been more horrified than when i first saw pictures of people in concentration camps, it marked me for life

but we are not talking about auschwitz are we?

or are you trying to hijack the discussion to make a point?

we're talking about a government creating laws that discriminate between human beings, laws that robs people from their fundamental rights (would you like to ask permission before planting a fruit tree???)
I believe that this is how it all started in germany, didnt it?

again, please educate me if i'm wrong
12-12-2011 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by analyze_this

Well I did review the history of this article, and lookup some of its references, everything adds up

now if you know better and those orders are all made up, would love to hear about it, I'm always looking to further educate myself

Newt made a generalization, an accurate one. Its like saying Americans love freedom. We do, not all of us, but we generally do. With regards to the conflict in the holy land, only one side in this conflict equation praises death, glorifies death, and rewards killers of children by giving them medals, naming streets after them, putting them on TV, and singing / dancing when innocents die. It is not Israelis who cover their hands with the blood of the death, it is the "palestinians". Open your eyes, then again I dont care if you open them, its just as well that you keep them closed shut and cover your ears and scream "LALALALALALALALALA" because the truth is too much for you to handle.

Meanwhile, if the burden was on me / others who are not blind to go around disproving every lie and myth told by the "palestinians" and islamofascists, there would be no time for eating, sleeping, or otherwise living life.

Lies spread like wildfire, truth spreads like molasses. Eventually the wildfire burns out, and Newt is a great example of how the truth survives even in the face of so much propaganda.

Originally Posted by analyze_this

we're talking about a government creating laws that discriminate between human beings, laws that robs people from their fundamental rights (would you like to ask permission before planting a fruit tree???)
I believe that this is how it all started in germany, didnt it?

again, please educate me if i'm wrong
We're talking about a government creating laws to protect its people from a genocidal culture.

Unalike the "israeli genocide" blah blah blah that you might whine about, the islamic desire to genocide the jews is very real, and has been attempted multiple times already.

Let me know when you can find an arab islamic country that provides "fundamental rights" to any minorities or ethnicities or religions within their society.

And it all started in Germany with boycotts and racial supremacist theory, kind of like BDS and the notion from arabs that the holy land is some exclusive "arab and muslim land" for arabs and muslims only. You won't find that nonsense coming from Israelis, because Israelis generally speaking because Israelis are composed of Jews from Europe (duh), asia, arabia, africa, of all colors and nationalities.

60% of Israelis Jews are ARAB Jews. You know, Jews, from Judea (Jewdea). Shouldn't be that hard to grasp. "Palestinians" are arabs, from arabia. The 1 in 4 Israeli CITIZENS that are arab muslim know there is no apartheid, they have all the same rights as jewish / christian israelis, they serve in the military, they have political parties / ministers / representation, they use the same public transportation, businesses, beaches, clubs,

even Jimmy Carter acknowledged there is no apartheid in Israel and nothing even resembling the sort.

What there IS, is a state of war between two peoples, one side attempting peace and negotiation, and the other side attempting genocide and religious war.

by your broken logic i'm guessing murderers and rapists shouldn't be imprisoned because it "violates fundamental rights". Human beings are discrimated against / between all day every day, criminals from non-criminals, children from adults, women from men (can men walk into female restrooms? no).

You speak of humanitarian issues you comprehend nothing about, while simultaneously ignoring the hundreds of humanitarian issues which are of far greater human toll than the "palestinian" one. Israel feeds, clothes, provides internet, water, electricity, jobs, medical care, university access,

Israel gives these people hope for a better future and all they do is promise to kill more Israelis for their God. Sick cult, sick culture, but feel free to go on and on about it as if its the reason islam is involved in the majority of armed conflicts on planet earth today.
12-12-2011 , 10:09 PM
go back to your propaganda institute mate i'm off to work

how do you equate planting a fruit tree to a genocidal terrorist act?

also, how in the world is the military order that makes land transactions immune to review so long as the transaction was carried out by an Israeli “acting in good faith" a law aiming at securing the state of israel?
that sounds to me like what mugambe is doing in zimbabwe... grab any land you want, its your god given right

hope for a better future
omg are you hearing yourself?

anyways, godspeed and keep spreading the word, you're doing a great job!
12-12-2011 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by analyze_this
go back to your propaganda institute mate i'm off to work

how do you equate planting a fruit tree to a genocidal terrorist act?

also, how in the world is the military order that makes land transactions immune to review so long as the transaction was carried out by an Israeli “acting in good faith" a law aiming at securing the state of israel?
that sounds to me like what mugambe is doing in zimbabwe... grab any land you want, its your god given right

hope for a better future
omg are you hearing yourself?

anyways, godspeed and keep spreading the word, you're doing a great job!
I'm not a member of any institutes or global cabals or international conspiracies to take over the world through the media and finance, as much as you'd love to promote me as such.

Also - how do you ignore the "palestinians" (and islamists at large) genocidal acts and portray them as if they are just a bunch of green-thumbs interested planting trees? Lets see... "palestinians" are environmentalists... or terrorists... environmentalists... terrorists... thats a tough one!

I equate genocidal terrorist acts as genocidal terrorist acts, but you seem to think planting a tree somehow overrides or should conceal the fact that "palestinians" have genocidal ambitions in their government and non-government organizations.

Its a lovely false equivalency to compare Zimbabwe to Israel, unfortunately for you the facts just do not synch up with your warped sense of reality.

Also, you're continuing to accept a random article on wikipedia as canonized fact when you already admitted you didn't even bother double checking the sources or authenticity. I get it though, you found something with which to demonize israel, so you're going to go full speed ahead. If one day its found untrue, you can just move on to another lie and its back to full speed ahead! CHOO-CHOOOOO!! All aboard the propaganda train, next stop Jerusalem to liberate it from all those Jews and Christians who have worshipped the place for thousands of years and made it accessible to all people of all faiths.

You took a piece of information you even stated you were too lazy to confirm, and regurgitated it, and still use it to defend your views...

and you have the nerve to tell ME to go back to the propaganda institute? You are the very essence of a propagandist sir. I can only hope you are as incompetent in real life as you are here so that folks in real life dont listen to your Horse excrement.

Have a lovely, lovely day at work. I hope you don't have to rush to a panic room because rockets are raining down on your workplace, and I hope your children dont have to fear going to school because hamas likes to shoot anti-tank missles at school buses.

May no one ever, EVER glorify or praise someone who tries to kill YOUR children, as the "palestinians" do when their people kill Israeli children. And if they did, maybe then you'd understand why and how Mr. Gingrich could title a society that worships child killers as "terrorists".
12-13-2011 , 12:08 AM
Originally Posted by Mycology
May no one ever, EVER glorify or praise someone who tries to kill YOUR children, as the "palestinians" do when their people kill Israeli children. And if they did, maybe then you'd understand why and how Mr. Gingrich could title a society that worships child killers as "terrorists".
Maybe I'm reading bad sources, but according to the information I could find there have been many more Palestinian deaths than Israeli deaths. And far more Palestinian children have died at the hands of Israel than the other way around (over a 10:1 ratio). Is this info wrong?

I'm not claiming to know anything about this mess. But I do wonder why people think Israel is entitled to displace people indigenous to this land. TBH, I wonder why Jewish people think their religion is entitled to have their own country at all. I've had people attempt to explain this to me and it started to make sense, but it eventually turned to talk of holy lands or other biblical crap. Other than religious BS, why can't these people figure out how to split a piece of worthless desert land? I admit I'm ignorant. I'd like to learn.
12-13-2011 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by Lestat
why can't these people figure out how to split a piece of worthless desert land? I admit I'm ignorant.
Why settle when you can stir up people like Mycology to support nationalist twaddle.

Myc, explain again for us why fighting terrorism requires Palestinians having to get a permit to plant a fruit tree.
12-13-2011 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by Lestat
Maybe I'm reading bad sources, but according to the information I could find there have been many more Palestinian deaths than Israeli deaths. And far more Palestinian children have died at the hands of Israel than the other way around (over a 10:1 ratio). Is this info wrong?

I'm not claiming to know anything about this mess. But I do wonder why people think Israel is entitled to displace people indigenous to this land. TBH, I wonder why Jewish people think their religion is entitled to have their own country at all. I've had people attempt to explain this to me and it started to make sense, but it eventually turned to talk of holy lands or other biblical crap. Other than religious BS, why can't these people figure out how to split a piece of worthless desert land? I admit I'm ignorant. I'd like to learn.
The Zionist claim was that the Jews were a people, not a religion. As for the right to displace indigenous people [which is ancient history as far as I'm concerned], the Zionists told the British that they would bring modernism to the backwards Asiatics. A common theme throughout western history; the natives will benefit. What was a benign home to the New England Indians was a "hideous, howling wilderness" to the English. As the Jewish Virtual Library says "Palestine was a sparsely populated, poorly cultivated and widely-neglected expanse of eroded hills, sandy deserts and malarial marshes."
12-13-2011 , 01:25 AM
Meh, the Zionists would have settled for having the Jewish state in Uganda (as originally planned) if the British had really forced that down their throats. It wasn't like they would have refused a I'm not sure if that argument has a huge amount of validity.
12-13-2011 , 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by andyfox
The Zionist claim was that the Jews were a people, not a religion. As for the right to displace indigenous people [which is ancient history as far as I'm concerned], the Zionists told the British that they would bring modernism to the backwards Asiatics. A common theme throughout western history; the natives will benefit. What was a benign home to the New England Indians was a "hideous, howling wilderness" to the English. As the Jewish Virtual Library says "Palestine was a sparsely populated, poorly cultivated and widely-neglected expanse of eroded hills, sandy deserts and malarial marshes."
I should have said the Zionists claimed that the Jews were a nation, not a religion.
12-13-2011 , 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by Lestat
why can't these people figure out how to split a piece of worthless desert land? I admit I'm ignorant. I'd like to learn.
ignore Bill Haywood, he's fixing the world by telling everyone how evil Israel is in every way.

They havefigured it out and the final status is inevitable. Internal political machinations within each camp prevent this from happening in fact, but a status quo was reached long ago.
12-13-2011 , 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by andyfox
I should have said the Zionists claimed that the Jews were a nation, not a religion.
Are you Jewish? Do you drive on Saturday?

If you answered yes to both, you also claim that jews are at least not only a religion.

Nation (Oxford)

a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting a particular state or territory:
Hmmm. That should pretty much seal it.

Last edited by Gamblor; 12-13-2011 at 02:17 AM.
12-13-2011 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by Gamblor
Are you Jewish? Do you drive on Saturday?

If you answered yes to both, you also claim that jews are a nation.
I don't understand the implication here, not trying to knock you or anything just don't know what you mean, can you explain?
12-13-2011 , 02:13 AM
ah that makes sense now
12-13-2011 , 02:14 AM
Originally Posted by starkwired
ah that makes sense now
Ninja edit.
12-13-2011 , 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by Gamblor
Nation (Oxford)

Hmmm. That should pretty much seal it.
how are ashkenazi and sephardi jews united by a common language (even if we consider those to be monolithic groups)? how are ethopian and ashkenazi jews united by a common descent? how do mizrahi and sephardi jews share a common history?

also, at what point did all of these groups inhabit a particular territory?
12-13-2011 , 04:18 AM
Originally Posted by fullontilt87
how are ashkenazi and sephardi jews united by a common language (even if we consider those to be monolithic groups)? how are ethopian and ashkenazi jews united by a common descent? how do mizrahi and sephardi jews share a common history?

also, at what point did all of these groups inhabit a particular territory?
are you serious?

how are ashkenazi and sephardi jews united by a common language (even if we consider those to be monolithic groups)?
hebrew? (and don't give me bull**** about hebrew being "new". jewish prayer and tradition, whether in yemen or brooklyn or tunisia, has made exclusive use of the hebrew language continuously since ancient times. religious or otherwise, the language was common and living. it's "revival" referred only to its revived use as a day-to-day language).

how are ethopian and ashkenazi jews united by a common descent?

"The findings lend support to traditional Jewish accounts accrediting their founding to exiled Israelite populations, and counters theories that many or most of the world's Jewish populations were founded entirely by local populations that adopted the Jewish religion, devoid of any actual Israelite genetic input.[43]"

how do mizrahi and sephardi jews share a common history?
up until exile? everything, ldo. That the separate populations have the exact same view of their own history (predating what you would probably call Zionist influence) should be proof enough.

The Palestinians, on the other hand...

From the Palestine Exploration Fund's 1884 Quarterly Report:

"It seems therefore probable that in these local names we have a trace of Omar's Conquest of Syria, and that the hills of Judea and Samaria were regularly portioned out among his followers. The noble families of Jerusalem still claim to have "come over with the conqueror" at this time. We have thus only another instance of the survival in Syria of early Moslem divisions, and the division of the Keis and Yemeni factions, which dates back to the early days of Islam, is still hardly extinct, and is well remembered in Southern Palestine."

In the 1968 book by world-renowned archaeologist William F. Albright "Yahweh and the gods of canaan", the tribal names were shown to be in fact tribes from elsewhere in Arabia. (link goes to the relevant passage)

This is not controversial or in any way academically debatable. The simple fact is that the Arabs of Palestine before 1900 identified fully with their tribes and villages and not at all with each other, and they had no more in common with each other as they had with their neighbors across the Jordan and in Syria.

Saying that they were always a nation is simply fiction. You could say that they are a nation today (mostly because of their shared suffering at the hands of their Arab brethren and as a response in direct opposition to the very real Jewish national movement i.e. Zionism), but before the 20th century it is simply not true.

None of this, of course, has anything to do with a human being's rights or security or civil rights. But facts are facts, and if you want to go there, that's where you'll find yourself.

Last edited by Gamblor; 12-13-2011 at 04:30 AM.
