Originally Posted by analyze_this
Well I did review the history of this article, and lookup some of its references, everything adds up
now if you know better and those orders are all made up, would love to hear about it, I'm always looking to further educate myself
Newt made a generalization, an accurate one. Its like saying Americans love freedom. We do, not all of us, but we generally do. With regards to the conflict in the holy land, only one side in this conflict equation praises death, glorifies death, and rewards killers of children by giving them medals, naming streets after them, putting them on TV, and singing / dancing when innocents die. It is not Israelis who cover their hands with the blood of the death, it is the "palestinians". Open your eyes, then again I dont care if you open them, its just as well that you keep them closed shut and cover your ears and scream "LALALALALALALALALA" because the truth is too much for you to handle.
Meanwhile, if the burden was on me / others who are not blind to go around disproving every lie and myth told by the "palestinians" and islamofascists, there would be no time for eating, sleeping, or otherwise living life.
Lies spread like wildfire, truth spreads like molasses. Eventually the wildfire burns out, and Newt is a great example of how the truth survives even in the face of so much propaganda.
Originally Posted by analyze_this
we're talking about a government creating laws that discriminate between human beings, laws that robs people from their fundamental rights (would you like to ask permission before planting a fruit tree???)
I believe that this is how it all started in germany, didnt it?
again, please educate me if i'm wrong
We're talking about a government creating laws to protect its people from a genocidal culture.
Unalike the "israeli genocide" blah blah blah that you might whine about, the islamic desire to genocide the jews is very real, and has been attempted multiple times already.
Let me know when you can find an arab islamic country that provides "fundamental rights" to any minorities or ethnicities or religions within their society.
And it all started in Germany with boycotts and racial supremacist theory, kind of like BDS and the notion from arabs that the holy land is some exclusive "arab and muslim land" for arabs and muslims only. You won't find that nonsense coming from Israelis, because Israelis generally speaking because Israelis are composed of Jews from Europe (duh), asia, arabia, africa, of all colors and nationalities.
60% of Israelis Jews are ARAB Jews. You know, Jews, from Judea (Jewdea). Shouldn't be that hard to grasp. "Palestinians" are arabs, from arabia. The 1 in 4 Israeli CITIZENS that are arab muslim know there is no apartheid, they have all the same rights as jewish / christian israelis, they serve in the military, they have political parties / ministers / representation, they use the same public transportation, businesses, beaches, clubs,
even Jimmy Carter acknowledged there is no apartheid in Israel and nothing even resembling the sort.
What there IS, is a state of war between two peoples, one side attempting peace and negotiation, and the other side attempting genocide and religious war.
by your broken logic i'm guessing murderers and rapists shouldn't be imprisoned because it "violates fundamental rights". Human beings are discrimated against / between all day every day, criminals from non-criminals, children from adults, women from men (can men walk into female restrooms? no).
You speak of humanitarian issues you comprehend nothing about, while simultaneously ignoring the hundreds of humanitarian issues which are of far greater human toll than the "palestinian" one. Israel feeds, clothes, provides internet, water, electricity, jobs, medical care, university access,
Israel gives these people hope for a better future and all they do is promise to kill more Israelis for their God. Sick cult, sick culture, but feel free to go on and on about it as if its the reason islam is involved in the majority of armed conflicts on planet earth today.