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Iranian Warship Seizes Commercial Vessel Iranian Warship Seizes Commercial Vessel

05-01-2015 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
What exactly was the point of mentioning 30+ year old violence exactly? And why isn't similar violence, perpetrated by the U.S., relevant to that point?
I guess you don't follow. Whatshisface made the point that Iran hasn't attacked anyone in "hundreds of years." I was 100% responding to that.
05-01-2015 , 12:22 PM
He was obviously talking about starting a war, which is very true.
05-01-2015 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
He was obviously talking about starting a war, which is very true.
Iran, as it exists today, has only existed since 1979. They didn't start a war with the US because our answer to the hostage crisis was to trade arms for the hostages and our answer to the bombing in Beirut was nothing.

As far as starting other wars go, they fight proxy wars.
05-01-2015 , 12:39 PM
The embassy hostages were released by the efforts of Carter right up to Reagan's inaugural. Iran Contra was in Reagan's 2nd term.
05-01-2015 , 01:49 PM
I guess maybe it's a little conspiratarding based on the hostages being released minutes after Reagan was sworn in.
05-01-2015 , 02:04 PM
Reagan shot down an Iranian passenger plane, or does no one remember that?
05-01-2015 , 02:07 PM
That was a mistake, that's why pencils have erasers imo
05-01-2015 , 03:56 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Lol, did you really try for the "my posts were stupid but not ridiculously stupid how dare you say ridiculous!" line, again?

And yes, yes they were not just stupid but ridiculously stupid. Calling Obama's foreign policy isolationist having anything to do with 70 years ago isn't a little bit true, it isn't an exaggeration of the truth, it is just flat out ****ing wrong.
Your blood pressure is up again.

Then again, for the sake of the forum,

Hey uke_master: Obama is literally Hitler.
05-01-2015 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
Like, the bigotry of a bunch of people ignoring a post after a number of people call it out is appalling? lol?
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
Bad ideas and attitudes. Not bad posts.
Originally Posted by zikzak
This is an LOL Gamblor thread, as are all the other threads you post in. But if you really need assurances that the rest of the world isn't jerking off to 4th Reich fantasies so you can sleep better, I am happy to go on record stating that I support continuing alliance between my country and yours, that I have no blanket objections to continued aid, and that I 100% believe Israel has the right to exist in 60% of the territory it currently occupies, with another 20% reasonably up for discussion.

Feel better?
So more or less, the unbridled one-liners and LC replies Gamblor gets is because posters don't like his attitude and because he's reasonable.

05-01-2015 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by Gamblor
Your blood pressure is up again.

Then again, for the sake of the forum,

Hey uke_master: Obama is literally Hitler.
It is very interesting watch you try to pass your statements off as being obvious hyperbole. I'm going to quote your full post that contains one of the ridiculous statements:

Originally Posted by Gamblor
Gotta hand it to the Revolutionary Guard and the Iranians. They are expert at escalating without escalating.

They want to flex their muscles but were smart enough not to seize a US ship.

You can guarantee that this will not be the last seizure of a ship with American interests on board. It's a matter of time before these ships start to just offer to pay Iran for free passage without being shot at and seized.
Sorry, but there just isn't a hint of hyperbole or sarcasm in this post. Everything about it reads as if you think you are making a real prediction about the future that you actually think is going to happen. Either you are just genuinely terrible at conveying your intended meaning (a prediction isn't actually a prediction!), or you actually believed this utter nonsense.

Perhaps you will argue "but ships will continue to travel through here!" and "Iran will still be a country!" so I'm totally 1/3 correct!
05-01-2015 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
It is very interesting watch you try to pass your statements off as being obvious hyperbole. I'm going to quote your full post that contains one of the ridiculous statements:

Sorry, but there just isn't a hint of hyperbole or sarcasm in this post. Everything about it reads as if you think you are making a real prediction about the future that you actually think is going to happen. Either you are just genuinely terrible at conveying your intended meaning (a prediction isn't actually a prediction!), or you actually believed this utter nonsense.

Perhaps you will argue "but ships will continue to travel through here!" and "Iran will still be a country!" so I'm totally 1/3 correct!
Here is the opening sentence in the quoted post, which every experienced reader knows is designed to set the tone for the language that follows:

[quote name="Gamblor" post=46791892]Gotta hand it to the Revolutionary Guard and the Iranians.[/QUOTE]

Now read the bolded part of your post, reproduced here for your convenience:

Originally Posted by uke_master
Sorry, but there just isn't a hint of hyperbole or sarcasm in this post.
Literally the ****ing topic sentence is dripping with hyperbole and sarcasm, which makes your commentary just mind-bottling, as suzzer99 would say.

Even if you claim not to understand the role of a topic sentence, your post ridiculously wrong.

Anyway, you're doing it again; not reading carefully then arguing with yourself about nothing. Stop. Slow down. Read.

Last edited by Gamblor; 05-01-2015 at 05:54 PM.
05-01-2015 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Gamblor
So more or less, the unbridled one-liners and LC replies Gamblor gets is because posters don't like his attitude and because he's reasonable.


That is an interesting interpretation
05-01-2015 , 06:01 PM
Lol. Truly amazing. You seem to think that starting out by handing it to the Iranians as experts at escalating without escalating somehow means your later predictions - that Iranians will escalate further - aren't actually predictions? Are you now trying to suggest that when you said they were experts at escalating you don't think they are experts at escalating? That when you said they want to flex their muscles, you think they don't acgually want to flex their muscles? That when you said they were smart enough not to do it to US ships they weren't actually smart enough? That when you predict this is not the last ship this actually is the last ship? That when you predict ships will pay iran for free passage this means you don't think this will actually happen?

Your very best case scenario here is that you are just terrible at communicating, where all of your completely wrong statements are magically not meaning what they clearly say. More likely, you made the stupid statement, like you have made many stupid statements before that go far to far, and are now furiously backpedalling.

It's a matter of time before these ships start to just offer to pay Iran for free passage without being shot at and seized.
Totally got it, when you said this you clearly meant it is NOT a matter of time before this happens. Words just meant their opposites in Gamblorland.

Last edited by uke_master; 05-01-2015 at 06:10 PM.
05-01-2015 , 07:19 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Lol. Truly amazing. You seem to think that starting out by handing it to the Iranians as experts at escalating without escalating somehow means your later predictions - that Iranians will escalate further - aren't actually predictions? Are you now trying to suggest that when you said they were experts at escalating you don't think they are experts at escalating? That when you said they want to flex their muscles, you think they don't acgually want to flex their muscles? That when you said they were smart enough not to do it to US ships they weren't actually smart enough? That when you predict this is not the last ship this actually is the last ship? That when you predict ships will pay iran for free passage this means you don't think this will actually happen?

Your very best case scenario here is that you are just terrible at communicating, where all of your completely wrong statements are magically not meaning what they clearly say. More likely, you made the stupid statement, like you have made many stupid statements before that go far to far, and are now furiously backpedalling.

Totally got it, when you said this you clearly meant it is NOT a matter of time before this happens. Words just meant their opposites in Gamblorland.
You gotta hand it to uke_master. He is an expert at beating his head against the wall and arguing with himself. He's going to write the great American Novel next.

*note to uke_master: please do not write thousands of words telling me how "ridiculously false" it is that you are an expert at beating your head against a wall. I doubt you have ever actually physically beaten your head against a wall. Further, I don't know what is actually required to become an expert at such an activity. Please also refrain from explaining to us all how "ridiculously false" it is that you are arguing with yourself. I understand that you believe you are arguing with me. I also don't believe you are Going to write an novel, let alone an American novel. And certainly not a great one.

Last edited by Gamblor; 05-01-2015 at 07:41 PM.
05-01-2015 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by Gamblor
In a thread in which several posters are only too excited to pile on what they think are "bad" posts, only one poster has called this post out.

The bigotry is simply appalling.
You can't blame me for not reading Pigeon's nonsense.
05-01-2015 , 07:21 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
That is an interesting interpretation
Hey, you're the one that replies to just about every post I write.

Care to explain why you choose my posts and not the genocidal, bigoted posts of PigeonPatrol, which objectively is far more disgusting than anything I've ever written or even thought?
05-01-2015 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by 13ball
You can't blame me for not reading Pigeon's nonsense.
And yet you save your most aggressive rhetoric for Gamblor.

05-01-2015 , 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by Gamblor
Hey, you're the one that replies to just about every post I write.

Care to explain why you choose my posts and not the genocidal, bigoted posts of PigeonPatrol, which objectively is far more disgusting than anything I've ever written or even thought?
I have no idea who PigeonPatrol is and didn't even read the post until you started bawling your eyes out about it?
05-01-2015 , 07:37 PM
Originally Posted by Gamblor
And yet you save your most aggressive rhetoric for Gamblor.

Gamblor 57
microbet 24
SenorKeeed 22
ALLTheCookies 15
uke_master 14
zikzak 12
bobman0330 8
13ball 7
suzzer99 7
PigeonPatrol 7
05-01-2015 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
05-01-2015 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by Gamblor
You gotta hand it to uke_master. He is an expert at beating his head against the wall and arguing with himself. He's going to write the great American Novel next.

*note to uke_master: please do not write thousands of words telling me how "ridiculously false" it is that you are an expert at beating your head against a wall. I doubt you have ever actually physically beaten your head against a wall. Further, I don't know what is actually required to become an expert at such an activity. Please also refrain from explaining to us all how "ridiculously false" it is that you are arguing with yourself. I understand that you believe you are arguing with me. I also don't believe you are Going to write an novel, let alone an American novel. And certainly not a great one.
You seem confused. I am arguing with what you actually said. Things like this:
It's a matter of time before these ships start to just offer to pay Iran for free passage without being shot at and seized.
Of course you have some convoluted attempts to try and argue that what you meant was, ya know, the exact opposite of what you actually said. But I doubt anyone believes that for a moment.
05-01-2015 , 08:01 PM
Um 5 people responded to the forum noobie's idiocy. Trying to get mad at other people for not also reading and responding to the guy nobody has ever heard of is just lol - especially given the wealth of silly things you have said over dozens of posts - is just one more silly thing. Shocking, I know, but sometimes people focus more on people they have histories with.
05-01-2015 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by Gamblor
Why LOL? You're wondering why you're being singled out and picked on and it's because you post the much bull**** by a large amount.
05-01-2015 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Um 5 people responded to the forum noobie's idiocy. Trying to get mad at other people for not also reading and responding to the guy nobody has ever heard of is just lol - especially given the wealth of silly things you have said over dozens of posts - is just one more silly thing. Shocking, I know, but sometimes people focus more on people they have histories with.
This thread averaged 50+ replies a day. After a day in which several posters rudely and relentlessly argued with a poster ostensibly on a substantive issue, with several replies per hour, it took several hours to get only one poster (you) to call out a poster who has months of Jew-hate and Israel-hate. Even Microbet couldn't, he actually tried to argue substantively.

Nobody else said a word in several hours until I called them out.

Your post is ridiculously stupid, ridiculously silly, and ridiculously false.

Handwave it away all you want, it happened. Cowering behind "well we have a history with you" is no excuse.

The only reasonable conclusion is that nobody actually cares about the substantive arguments being made itt, they just want to be contrarian with Gamblor. Or maybe they agree with the guy.*

I'm open to an alternative explanation, and no, "we only reply to people named Gamblor" is not a reasonable explanation.

*dear uke_master: I don't actually think they agree with the guy.

Last edited by Gamblor; 05-01-2015 at 09:14 PM.
05-01-2015 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
Why LOL? You're wondering why you're being singled out and picked on and it's because you post the much bull**** by a large amount.
The poster with 20k posts just argued post that argued that more posts = more bull****.

I'm not wondering why, I know why. Because am better than you and I am obnoxious about it.
