Originally Posted by iron81
Obama was never a "machine" candidate early in his career. He lost in his first race for US House against the incumbent in a primary. When he ran for Senate, he beat a couple Democrats that were much closer to the Chicago machine. However, once he was in the Senate, the Chicago machine (run by Mayor Richard Daley) was fully behind his candidacy and it helped quite a bit.
a conditional statement about obama that includes actual facts
Originally Posted by Bigdaddydvo
Obama to his credit has done a good job steering clear of his Chicago political thug contemporaries when it comes to appointments for his upcoming Administration (I'm giving him a pass on Rahm). Thus far I haven't seen Richard Daly's name floated for any cabinet positions. Unlike Borodog, I don't think corruption will be a given in the new Administration (I won't even consider it until I'm given a reason to). However, I'm baffled by the indifference most in this thread show to the stinking corpse of corruption that has defined Chicago politics for the last century. It is indisputable that Obama took full advantage of this corrupt system to facilitate his meteoric political rise. What is left to discern is whether Obama is a bright, shining mushroom to grow out of this Chicago political manure or the simply lightest piece of dung to float to the top. We all can hope for the former the I'm not prepared to dismiss the possibility of the latter.
an absolute statement about obama that includes no facts whatsoever
Originally Posted by Eyedea
Find me one politician, one individual, who would say "No" when his staff came to him and said "You have the legal right to disqualify your opponents and guarantee yourself victory. Would you like to do it?"
That's not Chicago politics, thats politics.
a common sense reply to the second quote's author's attempt to introduce some actual facts to his anti-obama statements
ya gotta love republican types. we're finishing up the worst presidency in 80 years, one that has set america back
decades, yet they have no qualms, or shame, about flinging any piece of poo they can find at the president-elect. /off-topic rant
stuff like this almost makes me ashamed to be from illinois, where everyone votes twice (if you're dead, only once) and the governors are crooks. don't drop the soap, rod!
and all you machine-style-politics critics, if you're too dense to recognize that's exactly what bush senior just pulled off (twice!) with his moran son as the puppet-figurehead, think about it some more.