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How Health Care Should Be Provided How Health Care Should Be Provided

11-19-2009 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
The free market all by itself would set the price where they can get the most possible income.
Why do the prices of TVs keep dropping?
11-19-2009 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
The free market all by itself would set the price where they can get the most possible income. So lets say they determined $22k is the ideal amount that most families will be able to come up with if they absolutely have to. That means if you can't pay $22k, your baby dies. I don't think that's the kind of healthcare system most people want.
Prices in free markets aren't determined by finding out the ideal amount the consumers will pay.
11-19-2009 , 04:48 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
Ban poker, it leads people to sit on their asses too much, and they lose their mobnies which they could use to pay for their own ****ing medicine.
If I thought 100 million people where getting obese and insolvent from sure as hell better believe I would be for banning it.

Its called pragmatism.
11-19-2009 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
The free market all by itself would set the price where they can get the most possible income. So lets say they determined $22k is the ideal amount that most families will be able to come up with if they absolutely have to. That means if you can't pay $22k, your baby dies. I don't think that's the kind of healthcare system most people want.

Maybe we should look to Columbian kidnappers for data. They have a pretty good idea what families can come up with when a life is on the line.
If you do it for $22k, I'll do it for $21.5k. Anyone else bidding?
11-19-2009 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by zaxx19
If I thought 100 million people where getting obese and insolvent from sure as hell better believe I would be for banning it.

Its called pragmatism.
why do you care if other people are getting fat?
11-19-2009 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by pvn
why do you care if other people are getting fat?
It can't be for their own good, or you would care even if it were just a few people. Why is it when it's EVERYONE then all of a sudden you care?
11-19-2009 , 05:08 PM
medical/medicaid/whatever else. good intentions, hurt people

stupid insurance mandates. probably not even good intentions, hurt people

FDA. good intentions, hurt people

AMA. good intentions, hurt people

"Certificate of Need" bull****. no idea who thought it was a good idea, hurt people.

so obviously the solution is we need more of all the above. how about before you start proposing new ideas that will solve everything, you take a quick look at all the other ideas already put into effect. look at their intentions and then look at the results.
11-19-2009 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by zaxx19
If I thought 100 million people where getting obese and insolvent from sure as hell better believe I would be for banning it.

Its called pragmatism.
so you're for banning junk food, cigarettes, alcohol, gatorade, non-organic peanut butter, skateboards, video games, and other things?

i can't wait to live in zaxx19's cocoon!
11-19-2009 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by bluef0x
so you're for banning junk food, cigarettes, alcohol, gatorade, non-organic peanut butter, skateboards, video games, and other things?

i can't wait to live in zaxx19's cocoon!
Not skateboards. No fatsos on skateboards.
11-19-2009 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by bluef0x
medical/medicaid/whatever else. good intentions, hurt people
lol try to take away any old person's medicare. Go on, I dare you.
11-19-2009 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
lol try to take away any old person's medicare. Go on, I dare you.
wow, is that really your argument?

try to take away someone's unemployment checks, i dare you.
try to take away a thief's stolen goods, i dare you.
try to take away ....

tell an old person that his prescription should be $1 instead of $100, i dare you
tell an old person that he should be getting some medication for his pain instead of letting it go through the umpteenth test by the FDA, i dare you
11-19-2009 , 05:42 PM
You just said medicare hurts people. How exactly did you mean?
11-19-2009 , 05:51 PM
ONE of the many reasons doctors and hospitals charge so much because the government gives them a guaranteed price.

Imagine if the government gave a group of people Automobilaid. Automobilaid gives businesses $200 for a smog check, $200 for an oil change, and $1,000 for a tune-up. What do you think the smog check centers, oil change centers, and auto-repair centers are going to charge non-Automobilaid customers? Is it worth their time and effort to do those things for $20-100? No. Now everybody is forced to pay a higher price.
11-19-2009 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Tough question. $1 million? How much do insurance companies spend now?
They spend whatever amount was agreed to in writing between the customer and the company.
11-19-2009 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by zaxx19

Rationing, sure...absolutely that will be part of the new regime.

Im all for it...we ration educational resources too, so what. You want special treatment for your cash. If you are rich, great send your kids to Deerfield Academy for 33k a yr or Exeter.

Hard decions, sure least it wont be made with stock prices in mind.

There will always be hard decions...not sure what your point is really?

Fatter population? Start incentivizing gym attendance and weight loss.

Start disincentivizing working more than say 45 hours a week.

Its social engineering at its best.
Awesome France's economy ftw!
11-19-2009 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by bluef0x
ONE of the many reasons doctors and hospitals charge so much because the government gives them a guaranteed price.

Imagine if the government gave a group of people Automobilaid. Automobilaid gives businesses $200 for a smog check, $200 for an oil change, and $1,000 for a tune-up. What do you think the smog check centers, oil change centers, and auto-repair centers are going to charge non-Automobilaid customers? Is it worth their time and effort to do those things for $20-100? No. Now everybody is forced to pay a higher price.
Yeah except that as a cash medical customer I now pay 4x the discounted price the insurance companies demand. I'm struggling to see how government has played a huge role in that equation. But I'm sure you'll tell me in vague terms.
11-19-2009 , 06:13 PM
Government plays no role in why surgeries cost 50k here when they are 1k elsewhere in the world... it's all due to the boogieman. **** the boogieman, i hate him soooo much.
11-19-2009 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by bluef0x
Government plays no role in why surgeries cost 50k here when they are 1k elsewhere in the world... it's all due to the boogieman. **** the boogieman, i hate him soooo much.
WTF, do you not realize that pretty much every other government in the industrialized world sets the prices for medical procedures, devices and drugs?
11-19-2009 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by zaxx19

So you are right...


This is your stance?

Cool, once we get Ayn Rand long are we going to live...110?

I mean since she knows so much better than the Japanese and Canadians.

ROFLMFAO at the college kids.
Wait. How many federal laws are there affecting healthcare currently?

So how will it be different this go round?

Or is avoiding the questions easier?

I have another one. Why do think that hard working, creative, ambitious and intelligent American people are not any more capable than the governments of Japan and Canada? My evaluation of history is that we have done substantially better in the long terms than the two countries you cite when we are not saddled with government interference and that those two countries would not be anywhere near what they are today but for the country and principles you seem to have such disdain for.

btw, who rebuilt Japan after WWII and who relies everyday on the US to protect North America so that it can spend on inefficient social programs?

Ayn Rand is dead, so she probably doesn't know much today, but it makes for a nice strawman when avoiding an issue.
11-19-2009 , 10:47 PM
Insurance companies makes prescription drug prices higher. 80% of all prescription drugs sold are brand names. Members pay $5 per month for generics and $10 per month for brand names. They are insulated from true costs.
With no health insurance, it would be over $100 for brand names and under $25 for generics. Many more patients would choose generics under the free market. Prescription drug prices would come down more quickly.
11-20-2009 , 01:14 AM
Originally Posted by jogsxyz
Insurance companies makes prescription drug prices higher. 80% of all prescription drugs sold are brand names. Members pay $5 per month for generics and $10 per month for brand names. They are insulated from true costs.
With no health insurance, it would be over $100 for brand names and under $25 for generics. Many more patients would choose generics under the free market. Prescription drug prices would come down more quickly.
You know this is bs, right? Many insurance plans will not cover brand names or make the co-pay 40 vs 10 unless the doctor specifically prescribes the brand name.
11-20-2009 , 01:36 AM
Originally Posted by kidpokeher
That's true. But the best part for insurance companies is, if the 40 year olds come in already in advanced stages they go real quick, right Samsonh?

Samsonh is a bigshot healthcare guru donchaknow?
You have a big fail in logic here. Do you see it?
11-20-2009 , 01:41 AM
How can anyone honestly argue against the market driven approach? Kidpokerher, I would love to debate you on anything to do with healthcare btw. My knowledge of the system will make you spin in circles. You need to understand how much you do not understand? LOL
11-20-2009 , 02:21 AM
Originally Posted by Double Eagle
WTF, do you not realize that pretty much every other government in the industrialized world sets the prices for medical procedures, devices and drugs?
Is that a question you really need to ask?
11-20-2009 , 05:46 AM
Originally Posted by samsonh
How can anyone honestly argue against the market driven approach? Kidpokerher, I would love to debate you on anything to do with healthcare btw. My knowledge of the system will make you spin in circles. You need to understand how much you do not understand? LOL
I want to read this debate...
