Originally Posted by blufish
There is no line, right? You should be able to do what ever you want if you are a consenting adult.
Strawman much?
Should a man and a woman be able to have anal sex?
Should a man and a man be able to have anal sex?
Why or why not? Cause it isn't "natural" (love to see proof it isn't)? Who decides natural?
Also why quit there?
I don't think a man and a woman should be able to spank each others asses in the bedroom.
I don't think a man should be able to go down on a woman.
I think it erodes family values when people have sex for fun and not to reproduce. I don't believe oral sex leads to children, therefore I think it should be against the law.
Seriously, if we allow gay marriage to happen what is the worst that happens? Someone has to do better than "we all turn gay!"
Does society really crumble? Really? Based on that alone?
Is it because marriage is some sacred tradition? Yeah, so sacred we have like a 53% divorce rate and you can get married in Vegas in like 5 minutes.