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Here we go again... (unarmed black teen shot by cop): Shootings in LA and MN Here we go again... (unarmed black teen shot by cop): Shootings in LA and MN

07-20-2016 , 05:28 PM
You're being disingenuous when you keep going back to my badly worded OP.
07-20-2016 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by roddy
No you said you'd read about this in the Mail/online, did you not?
Remember how I said that text doesn't disappear and doesn't lie?

Let's go to the tape!

Originally Posted by master3004
How odd that you wouldn't pick any of those links to convey the story with your first post. When I Google "hyde park black Lives matter" this is the first result.

I'm quite sure that one of the three you posted is the source you used and just decided not to use them in your original post. Totally makes sense.
Oooooooo, so close there roddy. Unfortunately though, no, the post does not indicate that I in any way read the mail, and that it was instead the first result retrieved from a Google search.

So you don't win the big prize, but tell him what we do have for our runner ups, Johnny!
07-20-2016 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by roddy
You're being disingenuous when you keep going back to my badly worded OP.
Your OP wasn't badly worded. It was misguided unsourced garbage that came from either the ****ing sun or the ****ing mail.
07-20-2016 , 05:32 PM
You're a strange dude, your opinion of me matters far less than you think it does.

Wookie thinks having books in schools teaching children that Jew's are evil is freedom of speech. So he's opinion of me doesn't matter. In fact I'd be more worried if you both approved of my posts.

Last edited by roddy; 07-20-2016 at 06:00 PM.
07-20-2016 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by roddy
You're a strange dude, your opinion of me matters far less than you think it does.

Wookie thinks having books in schools teaching children that Jew's are evil is fine, and freedom of speech. So he's opinion of me doesn't matter. In fact I'd be more worried if you both approved of my posts.
07-20-2016 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Your OP wasn't badly worded. It was misguided unsourced garbage .
So why have you been calling me a liar? a little disingenuous don't you think?
07-20-2016 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by roddy
So why have you been calling me a liar? a little disingenuous don't you think?
No, based on your history I have little doubt that your intention was to sully the name of the BLM movement, and you found a source that fit that narrative. Running with said source to back your personal feelings without checking the source is in effect lying about what happened.
07-20-2016 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by roddy
Aren't you the guy who goes around NVG telling people there posts aren't valid cause they haven't got thousands of posts here?
uh, no?

arent you the dude who just linked an article about a stabbing in the uk and falsely claimed that the perpetrators were chanting "black lives matter", based on an unlinked daily mail article?

see? that was you. you actually did that.
07-20-2016 , 05:42 PM
You're right, it was to sully their name. But like I said I was misinformed and won't be making that mistake again. But it is nothing like lying.

What history?
07-20-2016 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by roddy
Wookie thinks having books in schools teaching children that Jew's are evil is fine, and freedom of speech.
I find this claim highly dubious, or at least worded in a highly misleading way. Do you believe that Wookie thinks it's fine to teach children that Jews are evil? Because if so, you are certainly wrong.

I don't know the conversation you are referring to, but it's likely Wookie believes that schools shouldn't ban books, even if the books claim that Jews are evil. That's not the same thing as believing that those books should be taught, or that they should be presented to students as if the claims they contain were true.

There's also a difference between being against banning books and believing that a certain kind of book should be a standard in a school library, especially depending on the level of the school. College libraries probably should contain copies of Hitler's writings. Middle Schools perhaps not. Neither should ban students from reading the writings just because the contents are objectionable. Neither should teach students that Jews are evil. I highly doubt Wookie would disagree with any of those statements, and they represent very standard American political values.
07-20-2016 , 05:49 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol
uh, no?

arent you the dude who just linked an article about a stabbing in the uk and falsely claimed that the perpetrators were chanting "black lives matter", based on an unlinked daily mail article?

see? that was you. you actually did that.
I'm sure you are, I'll have to take a look tomorrow.

No I didn't falsely claim that the perpetrators were chanting that, we don't know yet if that is in fact false or not.

Again no, what I said had nothing to do with the daily mail, other than they and most media outlets have reported the same thing. Go back to bragging about your post count, oh that's not you is it.
07-20-2016 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by well named
I find this claim highly dubious, or at least worded in a highly misleading way. Do you believe that Wookie thinks it's fine to teach children that Jews are evil? Because if so, you are certainly wrong.

I don't know the conversation you are referring to, but it's likely Wookie believes that schools shouldn't ban books, even if the books claim that Jews are evil. That's not the same thing as believing that those books should be taught, or that they should be presented to students as if the claims they contain were true.

There's also a difference between being against banning books and believing that a certain kind of book should be a standard in a school library, especially depending on the level of the school. College libraries probably should contain copies of Hitler's writings. Middle Schools perhaps not. Neither should ban students from reading the writings just because the contents are objectionable. Neither should teach students that Jews are evil. I highly doubt Wookie would disagree with any of those statements, and they represent very standard American political values.

"It sounds like it's at a private religious school. I obviously support protesting at the school, but not banning it or its books".

Yeah, you're right about what he meant. Although I couldn't disagree more. Edited the post.
07-20-2016 , 06:02 PM
Uh, no, you don't get to imagine a positive claim about an event and get to be regarded as being truthful until proven false. That would isn't how it works here. Your claim is false until proven true, and you have produced no evidence to support it. That you imagined this happening because you are prejudiced and that you posted it here deliberately to smear Black Lives Matter is functionally lying. If your post was false because of ignorance when you posted it, we would have seen some contrition and gained understanding by now, but it is clear that you want to insist that your initial falsehood is not just a mistake.
07-20-2016 , 06:05 PM
It's bad form to be indignant about being called a a liar and then turnaround and write a post in a way that suggests that Wookie thinks it's OK to teach kids that Jews are evil. Don't you think?
07-20-2016 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
If your post was false because of ignorance when you posted it, we would have seen some contrition and gained understanding by now
I'm not sure that's how human psychology actually works :P
07-20-2016 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by roddy
No I didn't falsely claim that the perpetrators were chanting that, we don't know yet if that is in fact false or not.
And this is why your original post wasn't a simple misunderstanding but a flat out lie. "We don't yet know if that is in fact false or not." Yet you were so quick to post it as truth. Because to you, there was no doubt. You read it and it fit with your beliefs and you posted it here to make others feel the same way as you.
07-20-2016 , 06:21 PM
Originally Posted by well named
It's bad form to be indignant about being called a a liar and then turnaround and write a post in a way that suggests that Wookie thinks it's OK to teach kids that Jews are evil. Don't you think?
Well he thinks it shouldn't be banned, which in a roundabout way (to me) is silently condoning it
07-20-2016 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
And this is why your original post wasn't a simple misunderstanding but a flat out lie. "We don't yet know if that is in fact false or not." Yet you were so quick to post it as truth. Because to you, there was no doubt. You read it and it fit with your beliefs and you posted it here to make others feel the same way as you.
I posted it as truth because it has been widely reported by multiple resources.

And yes, it was meant for people to feel like me, which I have acknowledged was wrong.
07-20-2016 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Uh, no, you don't get to imagine a positive claim about an event and get to be regarded as being truthful until proven false. That would isn't how it works here. Your claim is false until proven true, and you have produced no evidence to support it. That you imagined this happening because you are prejudiced and that you posted it here deliberately to smear Black Lives Matter is functionally lying. If your post was false because of ignorance when you posted it, we would have seen some contrition and gained understanding by now, but it is clear that you want to insist that your initial falsehood is not just a mistake.
If I was a racist bigot, which you are so trying to paint me as, would I admit to being wrong and misinformed so quickly? Because personally I have yet to see a racist/bigot change his mind so fast.
07-20-2016 , 06:28 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
And this is why your original post wasn't a simple misunderstanding but a flat out lie. "We don't yet know if that is in fact false or not." Yet you were so quick to post it as truth. Because to you, there was no doubt. You read it and it fit with your beliefs and you posted it here to make others feel the same way as you.
None of this remotely proves my OP was a flat out lie.
07-20-2016 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by roddy
Well he thinks it shouldn't be banned, which in a roundabout way (to me) is silently condoning it
Right, I understand that you think so. But there's a principle that applies here if you want to have a conversation in good faith. You believe A implies B. A=opposition to banning books, B=condoning the content of books. Wookie (and I, and most Americans) disagree. We don't think A implies B. We believe that books shouldn't be banned, but we don't condone the content of those books.

So, it's disingenuous to suggest that your opponents hold position B when they explicitly tell you that they don't. It's a dishonest form of argumentation which obscures the actual subject of debate. it's also a pretty blatant appeal to emotion. Outrage at the suggestion that someone would believe it's appropriate to teach kids to hate Jews overshadows the actual disagreement, which is not about whether it's OK to hate Jews at all. The fact that it's dishonest remains even if A does in fact imply B. Even if you were right, it wouldn't mean that we actually think it's OK to teach kids to hate Jews.
07-20-2016 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by roddy
I posted it as truth because it has been widely reported by multiple resources.

And yes, it was meant for people to feel like me, which I have acknowledged was wrong.
We have a quintupple down everybody. I knew we would get there.

Once more, say it with me. "No source has reported that somebody stabbed a cop while screaming black lives matter except for the lolsun and the lolmail"

Utterly hopeless.

Did you want to go for the sextuple down or did you want to take what's behind the curtain?
07-20-2016 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by roddy
If I was a racist bigot, which you are so trying to paint me as, would I admit to being wrong and misinformed so quickly? Because personally I have yet to see a racist/bigot change his mind so fast.
You are still saying "We don't know that this DIDNT happen." You are clutching SO HARD to the idea that a black man might have stabbed a cop while screaming black lives matter your knuckles have become transparent. You haven't changed one single ****ing part of your mind.
07-20-2016 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by roddy
If I was a racist bigot, which you are so trying to paint me as, would I admit to being wrong and misinformed so quickly? Because personally I have yet to see a racist/bigot change his mind so fast.
You haven't changed your mind, so....
07-20-2016 , 06:38 PM
I don't believe for a minute that the stabber was chanting BLM, as he was stabbing.

But I don't find it hard that some people were chanting BLM and **** the police.

Do you?
