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Here we go again... (unarmed black teen shot by cop): Shootings in LA and MN Here we go again... (unarmed black teen shot by cop): Shootings in LA and MN

07-07-2016 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by reztes757
Why don't you become a police officer then and start changing your community instead of ranting on an Internet forum all day long solving absolutely nothing?
Police culture is set up to make sure anyone that comes in and tries change the system gets railroaded off the force. Speaking out against this type of violence from the inside will ruin your career in a heartbeat. Get with the program or get out.
07-07-2016 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by reztes757
Criticize all you want. Nothing changes. I was offering you a solution to start changing things you want changed in your community
You don't want those things changed, though, right?
07-07-2016 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
reztes- LOL what. I can't criticize the police unless I personally am a cop? Man these Trump voters have some A+ persuasion skills, three sigma A-B testing.
It's like how Retzes doesn't know what it's like to be president so he would never criticise obama.
07-07-2016 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
You don't want those things changed, though, right?
You are really upset that I suggested you do something about your seething anger towards police aren't you?
07-07-2016 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by reztes757
You are really upset that I suggested you do something about your seething anger towards police aren't you?
You aren't angry at police, though, right?
07-07-2016 , 11:44 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
You aren't angry at police, though, right?
In general, no.
07-07-2016 , 11:45 AM
So the officers in the posted videos make me angry, of course. Just to clarify
07-07-2016 , 11:46 AM
LOL man, they cannot help themselves

Dude, listen. When I want activism tips, I go to people who give a ****. You're a ****ing racist hayseed Trump voter who thinks the big issue here is internet leftists being unfair to cops by not pointing out all the blacks they didn't shoot.

Shut the **** up.
07-07-2016 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by reztes757
So the officers in the posted videos make me angry, of course. Just to clarify
because they were dumb enough to get caught on camera?
07-07-2016 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by pvn
because they were dumb enough to get caught on camera?
Yea you got me, that's the only reason
07-07-2016 , 11:53 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
LOL man, they cannot help themselves

Dude, listen. When I want activism tips, I go to people who give a ****. You're a ****ing racist hayseed Trump voter who thinks the big issue here is internet leftists being unfair to cops by not pointing out all the blacks they didn't shoot.

Shut the **** up.
You are so chronically angry it's funny. I've never voted FYI and don't plan on starting this election. Racist hayseed lol.
07-07-2016 , 11:55 AM
60 people shot in Chicago over the 4th. Guess we would need video of those to be upset though? Let's instead focus on a few isolated cases each year
07-07-2016 , 11:58 AM
Chessmate Liberulz!
07-07-2016 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by reztes757
60 people shot in Chicago over the 4th. Guess we would need video of those to be upset though? Let's instead focus on a few isolated cases each year
Police who are supposed to be highly trained professionals shooting someone who is no threat is 100x more serious than citizens shooting someone
07-07-2016 , 12:04 PM
Originally Posted by sweep single
Police who are supposed to be highly trained professionals shooting someone who is no threat is 100x more serious than citizens shooting someone
Does that make the 2000 shootings in Chicago this year 20x more important then?
07-07-2016 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by Patak32
Oblivious person from UK here... this isn't a real photo of everyday life right?
It's not like "every day life" because it's some *******s attempting to make a point. You're not going to see guys carrying around assault rifles like it's commonplace. It it disturbingly legal though.
07-07-2016 , 12:09 PM
Not sure how crime stats in Chicago or anywhere else relates to innocent people getting shot by police officers?
07-07-2016 , 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Not sure how crime stats in Chicago or anywhere else relates to innocent people getting shot by police officers?
Does it really matter who is shooting innocent people?
07-07-2016 , 12:12 PM
We also have no idea what happened prior to the shooting in Minnesota. You would think people would learn after Michael brown that things aren't always how they originally appear
07-07-2016 , 12:13 PM
What happens when a regular person shoots an innocent?

What happens when a cop does?
07-07-2016 , 12:13 PM
Originally Posted by reztes757
Does it really matter who is shooting innocent people?
Yes, especially when certain shooters have special authority granted by the state and tend to get away with cold blooded murder.
07-07-2016 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by sweep single
Police killing, beating and tasing of citizens will never stop until we take away law enforcement officers immunity of being sued personally. If they can be sued personally they probably will lose the shoot/beat first ask questions later mentality.
or maybe if we actually like, charge them with a crime when they kill people

that facebook video from the incident in minnesota is so tragic, and so infuriating. just WTF, dude is laying there dying and he's pointing down the sights at him screaming at the girl and they get her out of the car at gunpoint and restrain her

there are just no words for this
07-07-2016 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by reztes757
The person shot usually dies in both cases
Are you really this ****ing dense?
07-07-2016 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by reztes757
The person shot usually dies in both cases
And how are the shooters dealt with?
07-07-2016 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by Koss
Are you really this ****ing dense?
Are you?
