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And Here. We. Go. 2012 Presidential Election: Obama v. Romney And Here. We. Go. 2012 Presidential Election: Obama v. Romney

09-26-2012 , 10:23 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Mitt hasn't had to debate against anyone, either, though. He's got experience tearing up the minors, but he just got promoted 3 levels to the bigs.

seems appropriate
09-26-2012 , 10:24 PM
Originally Posted by UFO1947
There is a part of me that hope mitt gets fustrated and calls Obama the n word
That would be horrible. Do you think Mitt uses this word when among friends? I have a hard time seeing that.
09-26-2012 , 10:26 PM
how in the hell does mitt think he can get away with saying he will cut taxes so much but dont expect ur taxes to go down since im gonna eliminate exemptions and not tell what exemptions. wtf is that insanity.
09-26-2012 , 10:27 PM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
That would be horrible. Do you think Mitt uses this word when among friends? I have a hard time seeing that.
LOL somebody should spike Mitt's drink before the first debate, just to see what he really thinks
09-26-2012 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by anatta
how in the hell does mitt think he can get away with saying he will cut taxes so much but dont expect ur taxes to go down since im gonna eliminate exemptions and not tell what exemptions. wtf is that insanity.
idk. It's definitely one of his biggest fails.
09-26-2012 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
LOL somebody should spike Mitt's drink before the first debate, just to see what he really thinks
A truth serum debate would be sort of awesome.
09-26-2012 , 10:28 PM
Mitt is one of the few people whose true views on race are better than what he presents to the public, imo.
09-26-2012 , 10:29 PM
Mitt doesn't say the n word, he's too refined.
09-26-2012 , 10:29 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
Mitt is one of the few people whose true views on race are better than what he presents to the public, imo.
Conversely, I get the vibe that Paul Ryan was one of those guys that wanted his frat to throw a pimps and hos party so he could wear blackface.
09-26-2012 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by gobbomom
Mitt doesn't say the n word, he's too refined.
He says 'the help' instead amirite??
09-26-2012 , 10:33 PM
We know what Mitt's next move is, because it's already happening: he has reportedly replaced ALL of his ads with the one ad - which I assume has been mentioned by now - with him talking for about 60 seconds, reassuring us all that he does care for poor people.

I'm sure this will be a short-lived approach, consistent with everything else they have tried.
09-26-2012 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
So what are Mitt's hail marys going to be? At this point even his horrible advisers have to know he's ****ed. What does he do? He can't double down on the crazy, right? I honestly can't even think of anything he could try that has any chance of working without something beyond his control happening.

There is one "external event" which might occur and could work in Mitt Romney's favor. Whether such an event would be decisive at this late stage is debatable, but here it is.

Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who reportedly has a close personal relationship with Mitt Romney that goes back over 20 years, orders a military strike on Iran prior to our election. While nobody can predict with any certainty what the outcome of such a move would be, one thing is certain: Gasoline prices at the pump would not fall. More than likely, gas prices would surge in the immediate aftermath of a military attack on Iran. Since virtually everybody, including voters, flush money down their gas tanks; the reaction to rising gas prices might get blamed on President Obama. (Who else will angry consumers blame it on? Certainly not Mitt Romney - I would think.) A pre-election military strike on Iran might be a game changer.

Team Obama has certainly developed a contingency plan for just this possibility. I would expect President Obama to immediately announce he has authorized (and ordered) tapping into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve effective immediately to try and tamp down any panic induced price surges in the oil market. Whether such a move would be effective would depend to what extent oil supplies out of the Persian Gulf are disrupted. Whatever the case, a pre-election military strike on Iran would have some effect on our election here in the United States. With the way things are going right now for Team Romney, such a wild card may be their best and last hope.

Last edited by Alan C. Lawhon; 09-26-2012 at 10:37 PM. Reason: Minor edit.
09-26-2012 , 10:35 PM
yup, the Direct to camera ad.
09-26-2012 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
Mitt is one of the few people whose true views on race are better than what he presents to the public, imo.
This sounds right to me. I see Mitt as a generally good dude who puts on a bunch of different faces depending on who he is working on and says what he thinks they want to hear. I mean, everyone does that to some extent, but this election really really feels that way. Like the real Mitt shows through the cracks sometimes.
09-26-2012 , 10:37 PM
how is that a debate winner the prez says yeah my plan is to take us back to the clinton rates and mitt says devil in the details angel in the...what was the angel in on 60 min? the oh the jobs i think
09-26-2012 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by Alan C. Lawhon

There is one "external event" which might occur and could work in Mitt Romney's favor. Whether such an event would be decisive at this late stage is debatable, but here it is.

Israel's Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who reportedly has a close personal relationship with Mitt Romney that goes back over 20 years, orders a military strike on Iran prior to our election. While nobody can predict with any certainty what the reverberations of such a move would be, one thing is certain: Gasoline prices at the pump will not fall. More than likely, gas prices would surge in the immediate aftermath of a military attack on Iran. Since virtually everybody, including voters, flush money down their gas tanks; the reaction to rising gas prices might get blamed on President Obama. (Who else will angry consumers blame it on? Certainly not Mitt Romney - I would think.) A pre-election military strike on Iran might be a game changer.

Team Obama has certainly developed a contingency plan for just this possibility. I would expect President Obama to immediately announce he has authorized (and ordered) tapping into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve effective immediately to try and tamp down any panic induced price surges in the oil market. Whether such a move would be effective would depend to what extent oil supplies out of the Persian Gulf are disrupted. Whatever the case, a pre-election military strike on Iran would have some effect on our election here in the United States. With the way things are going right now for Team Romney, such a wild card may be their best and last hope.
I think its too late for that. Mitt would need to attacks to go off, and Obama to have enough time to appear incompetent dealing with it. There's not enough time for that (unless it happens tomorrow), and if it happened too late it would probably only serve to help Obama due to a 'rallying around the flag'.
09-26-2012 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by anatta
today mitt said “[D]on’t forget — I got everybody in my state insured,” Romney told NBC. “One hundred percent of the kids in our state had health insurance. I don’t think there’s anything that shows more empathy and care about the people of this country than that kind of record.”

feelin kinda dizzy man seriously
09-26-2012 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
So what are Mitt's hail marys going to be? At this point even his horrible advisers have to know he's ****ed. What does he do? He can't double down on the crazy, right? I honestly can't even think of anything he could try that has any chance of working without something beyond his control happening.
Obama could announce he's a lizard man at this point and win.
09-26-2012 , 10:42 PM
Seems to really diverge into inane conspiracy theories to think Netanyahu would start an incredibly chaotic war to help a friend. It really doesn't even make sense how it would work. He lobs missiles at Iran, then goes on IBA and says "okay, now vote Romney, America! Gas prices goin up!"? I mean Israel is a pretty strong military power, conceded, but like is Netanyahu's personal safety really guaranteed if he just starts launching bombs around the middle east? I mean he must really like Romney. Dude's gonna risk like, thousands of lives in his own country, tons of money and resources, risk starting huge amounts of global chaos, all with the end goal of some longshot scheme of helping his buddy.

This really doesn't make any sense guise.
09-26-2012 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by cres
and the Frothy prediction comes to full sunrise.........We can't win with Mitt Romney
It's true, although he couldn't win either. The GOP has to drop the social crazy and back off their militarism.

Which won't happen, since they bank on social crazy and militarism.
09-26-2012 , 10:42 PM
If Israel bombed Iran, there's a good chance Obama would benefit. He would invariably support Israel and then would probably enjoy the "rally around the flag" effect.

Only thing that I really think can happen at this point is that Romney can do well in the debates and somehow manage to humanize himself in the process. That might make the polls closer, but wouldn't be a game changer.

And Romney might not do in that direction if the numbers stay the same in the next week. In that case, he may feel the need to attack, thereby turning off the electorate even more.
09-26-2012 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by Wynton
We know what Mitt's next move is, because it's already happening: he has reportedly replaced ALL of his ads with the one ad - which I assume has been mentioned by now - with him talking for about 60 seconds, reassuring us all that he does care for poor people.

I'm sure this will be a short-lived approach, consistent with everything else they have tried.
The DNC has a quick hitting response
09-26-2012 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by JimAfternoon
The debates are it. I happen to think they'll be a significant boost for Mitt. Obama hasnt had to stand face to face with someone and debate his positions yet. I think he'll struggle. The race will probably tighten up a bit till election imo.
How do you figure this? Obama has the ability to disagree with somebody with facts and figures and do it in a way that makes you look stupid for disagreeing. He manages to do it all without coming off like a dick. Romney has no answers because he's on the wrong side of almost every issue, and the ones that he's right about are too complicated to condense into a 60 second sound bite.
09-26-2012 , 10:45 PM
That's Romney's "I'm not a witch" ad.
09-26-2012 , 10:47 PM
That **** got on the internet within hours, by the way. One of my long-held beliefs about this race is that Obama's superior creative people is an under appreciated source of his edge. His videos are better produced, better scored, and tend to tell clearly understandable points. His videos are rarely on the defensive, and they seem coordinated with other candidates/PAC stuff to a greater extent. The whole team is onboard. Mitt's campaign ads and his SuperPAC ads and down ticket races are all over the place.
